1、 你可以做客一个美国家庭并参与他们的日常生活。
You can an American family and their daily life.
2、 你将会喜欢来洛杉矶学习美国文化,同时提高你的英语。
You will love coming to Los Angeles to learn about American culture and .
3、 对于我们的许多学生来说,这是课程中最好的部分。
4、 除了学习英语,我们想让你体验美国的生活。
learning English, we in the US.
We , and we every week to .
6、 我们的老师训练有素,经验丰富。
Our teachers are and .
7、 我喜欢早点准备好东西。
8、 哦,顺便说一句,别忘了带你的护照。
Oh, , your passport.
9、 你最好询问一下旅行社你所有包的总重量。
the travel company the total weight for all your bags.
10、 如果你已经付过机票钱和家庭寄宿费了,那就应该够了。
the air tickets and for homestay, it should be OK.
11、 我还没有太阳镜。我将会在那里买一副。
I haven't . I'll buy there.
12、 玲玲正在为她的洛杉矶之行做准备。
Lingling her trip to LA.
person just skill
People collect things for different reasons. Some because it is an interesting activity. Some do it to show their . Collecting things is a wonderful hobby. And many people fall in love with the things they collect.
My hobby is different from my father's. I like collecting money. Some are c . Others are (note) from different countries. Among them, I like (pound) best. I keep these money carefully because they are v .
There were lots of (success) sports matches in our school last month. Li Ming succeeded in (win) a running match. Nana (successful) got the best grade in a swimming match. Everyone did well in their matches.
16、 pleasure 的用法
Cathy: Could you help me with my maths?
Cathy: Every time I do maths homework, I'm not sure what the right answer is.
Linda: Don't worry. I'll give you some ways. Let me write them down on this piece of paper.
Cathy: Thank you.
as a result as a result of
Jerry trained for his swimming competition. , his swimming skills became better. Now, he can swim 100 metres in a short time his hard work. Jerry feels proud of himself.
spend cost take pay
It Genie and her mother a day to go shopping last weekend. Genie chose a toy bear. It her mother 60 yuan. Her mother chose some dresses and a little time thinking about which dress looked better. Genie also wanted to buy a gift for her father. Her mother for it all.
19、 interest的用法
Different people have different . I like travelling. I am in visiting different places. I think travelling is an thing. It makes me know more.
20、 Our teacher asked us to write about our holiday pens. I wrote it down English. (with/ by/ in)