1、 你知道她为什么那样对待你吗?
Do you know ?
2、 我能问一下你向她提过此事吗?
Could I ask this her?
hardly kilometre at the top of
Today, I climbed a mountain with my father. Last month, I was ill, so I did any sports. So today was a great chance to exercise. The mountain is 10 from our house. We spent 3 hours climbing the mountain. the mountain, I felt relaxed to see the city far away.
sight square about
Last winter holiday, I went to an island with my parents. The island is 142, 000 metres. We had breakfast at 9:00 am. The there were different from those in cities. I took lots of pictures there.
5、 外面下着大雨,所以 Alex 把他的自行车推进了房子。
It was raining heavily outside, so Alex into the house.
6、 Eva 不肯起床,尽管她爸爸已经好几次试图把她从床上拉起来。
Eva didn't want to get up, although her dad has already from her bed several times.
somebody anybody nobody
On the train to Shanghai, hit Lisa, causing her things to fall to the floor. She was afraid that there wasn't helping her. Luckily, a kind-hearted stranger ran to help her. knows what will happen tomorrow, but we should believe there is love in the world.
8、 Look! Somebody (be) taking a walk on the beach.
9、 自从我关了窗户,风暴就再没有吵醒我。
The storm has never since I closed my window.
10、 我认为看无聊的电影就是浪费时间。
I think watching a boring movie is a .
11、 You can't waste too much time (play) computer games. Don't waste too much money useless things either.
12、 Nancy 渴望了解不同的文化。
Nancy learning about different cultures.
13、 运动了这么久后,现在我口渴了。
After exercising for a long time, I now.
14、 我的报告中有一些错误,李老师指了出来。
There were some mistakes in my report, and Mrs Li .
15、 The old man pointed the great bridge over the river and felt surprised.
16、 The little girl's father always points the words when he helps her read.
17、 这条路很拥挤,因为太多的车占用了道路。
The road is very crowded because too many cars the road.
18、 打篮球占用了我大量的空闲时间。
Playing basketball a lot of my free time.
19、 我想他们不允许人们在湖里游泳。
I they .
20、 湖占去了公园面积的一半多。
The lake the park area.