
试卷更新日期:2016-12-17 类型:期中考试

一、 单项选择

  • 1. Do you have      sweaters?

    A、some B、any C、many
  • 2. —Do you like cats?

    —Yes, I like them        .

    A、a lot B、a lot of C、any
  • 3. I can see you. Look, I am      my glasses.

    A、wearing B、wear C、putting on
  • 4. ― What are you looking       ?

    ― My shirt.

    A、after B、up C、for
  • 5. ― What          do you want?

    ― Size 78, please.

    A、size B、number C、style
  • 6. The jacket is very      . It's only 10 yuan.

    A、cheap B、monkey C、expensive
  • 7. — What        your grandmother do?

    — She is a nurse.

    A、does B、do C、is
  • 8. ―         Linda and Cathy like Big Cats?

    ― Yes, they do.

    A、Does B、Do C、Are
  • 9. — How      is the T-shirt?

    — It's 89 yuan..

    A、much B、many C、money
  • 10. 一 What are they doing?

    — They are      .

    A、plant vegetables B、planting vegetables C、vegetables


  • 11. 情景搭配。

    ①Is this your skirt?     A. He is in the car.

    ②Do you like pandas?       B. He is my uncle.

    ③Is she a policeman?    C. Yes, she is.

    ④Who is he?          D. No, it isn't.

    ⑤What are you doing?    E. No, I don't.

    ⑥What does he do?      F. He is a pilot.

    ⑦Where is your father?   G. I am watering flowers.


  • 12.

    you, your, She, He, dancer, doctor

    A: What doesmother do?

    B:is a.

  • 13. tigers, lions, rabbits, like, doesn't, don't

    A: Do you like

    B: No , I.

    A: What do you

    B; I like.

  • 14. What, Where, next to, over there

    A: is the snake?

    B: It'sthe rock.

  • 15.

    Is, Are, am, juggler, are

    A: you a?

    B: Yes, I.


  • 16. 回答问题(简答)。

        Lucy is my good friend. She is eleven years old. She is a student. She likes singing. She has a nail pet. Her name is Kitty. Look, Lucy's singing and the cat is dancing. Lucy wants to be a singer when she grows up.

        Lucy's mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital. She likes shopping. She usually buys a lot of beautiful clothes at weekends.

    (1)、How old is Lucy?

    (2)、What does Lucy want to be when she grows up?

    (3)、What does Lucy's mother do?

    (4)、What does Lucy's mother like?

    (5)、Where does Lucy's mother work 7