
试卷更新日期:2018-05-29 类型:期末考试


  • 1. The weather in Kunming is warm. The temperature always stays                  zero all year round.

    A、under B、above C、over D、below
  • 2. —             today?

    — It's July 26th.

    A、What date B、What's the date C、What day is it D、What's the day
  • 3. It              sunny today, but it             cloudy yesterday.

    A、is; is B、was; was C、is; was D、was; is
  • 4. I               13 years old in 2011.

    A、am B、was C、were D、be
  • 5. — What did your mother                  for you yesterday?

    — She                  me a shirt.

    A、buy; bought B、bought; buy C、buy; buy D、bought; bought
  • 6. —              is it from here to Australia?

    — I'm not sure, but I know it's on the other side of the earth.

    A、How far B、How long C、how many D、How
  • 7. I got a beautiful bike on                  birthday. I like it very much.

    A、fifteenth B、fifteen C、my fifteen D、my fifteenth
  • 8. You'd better go now, or you'll miss the train.

    A、take B、not want to take C、lose D、not catch
  • 9. —             the weather like in Guangzhou?

    — It's sunny.

    A、What B、What's C、How D、How's
  • 10. I              you to visit our school some day.

    A、hope B、wish C、suggest D、advice
  • 11. —                  all your things, Tim! I hate them here and there.

    — OK, mum.

    A、Put up B、Don't put away C、Put on D、Put away
  • 12. I found a supermarket close to my new house.

    A、in front of B、far from C、next to
  • 13. Go straight this street and              , you can see the post office.

    A、turn the left B、turn to right C、turn left D、turn the right
  • 14. All except Tom have passed the exam because he                  lots of classes.

    A、left B、forgot C、missed D、lost
  • 15. It snows              in winter, so there is            snow.

    A、a lot of; a lot B、a lot of; a lot of C、a lot; a lot D、a lot; a lot of


  • 16. 根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

        "Don't sleep in class, Jack!" shouted the teacher. "You are 1, sir," Jack stood up and said, "I'm thinking about the question now. I'm not 2."

        "I'm sorry," said the teacher. "Would you like 3 my question?" asked the teacher. "Certainly," said Jack. "What is it?" "Why does the moon sometimes look like a(n) 4 and sometimes look like a sickle(镰刀)?" asked the teacher. "Oh, this question is 5," said Jack. " 6 it is full, it looks like a plate. It 7 like a sickle when it is 8, just like my stomach." Jack's answer made the class 9. The teacher was unhappy.

        "Why do we have the sun in the 10 and don't have the sun at night?" "This question is easier than that one," said Jack. "When we work in the day, we need the sun. When we go to bed at night, we don't need the sun."

    A、clever B、wrong C、kind D、tall
    A、sleeping B、talking C、thinking D、reading
    A、answer B、answered C、answering D、to answer
    A、face B、bowl C、plate D、apple
    A、easy B、long C、useful D、important
    A、So B、When C、After D、But
    A、does B、makes C、feels D、looks
    A、empty B、hungry C、good D、nice
    A、think B、laugh C、 leave D、run
    A、morning B、afternoon C、day D、night


  • 17. 根据短文理解,完成下列各题。


        I'm a student with different interests. I play football for Whitburn AFC at under 19 level, where I play as a right midfielder(中锋) which I enjoy very much. I like talking with many different kinds of friends. The cinema is a place where I go as often I can, as I am a huge movie lover. I like both action and other types of films.

        The thing I would say I do the most is listening to music. I like mainly rock music. However, my CD collection includes a wide selection(精选物) of music. With my interest in music I go to see my favourite bands when they come on tour.

        The Internet and computers are something I usually do with when I'm free, but I would not say it's my main interest in life. Traveling to many different countries is a great experience. I have been to Spain, Belgium, Holland, France and even England. I went to a little town in Spain last year just outside Barcelona. Anybody there hardly speaks English, however, I found that I can communicate with these people who speak a different language from me and I am still able to understand. Meeting people from abroad is very interesting.

        Do you like making friends with me?

    (1)、According to the passage, the writer loves the following things except          .

    A、sports B、pop songs C、the Internet D、novels
    (2)、What does the writer often do after class?

    A、Watch news on TV. B、Play with some friends. C、Talk with foreigners. D、See different films.
    (3)、Which of the following is probably the writer's mother tongue?

    A、English. B、French. C、Spanish. D、Japanese.
    (4)、What does the writer think of traveling abroad?

    A、Expensive. B、Pleasant. C、Adventurous. D、Difficult.
  • 18. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。

    Dear Linda,

        I'm very busy with my work. But my mother needs my key. She can't get into the house. Please help me take the key to her. It's not difficult to find my house. Now let me tell you how to get to my house.

        First, walk to the post office near our office building(建筑物). Pass it and go straight. Turn right at the traffic lights (交通灯), then you'll get to New Street. There's a bank on your left and then go down the street. Go through Green Street, High Street and River Street. Then turn left into Long Street. Go down the street and you can see a supermarket. My house is next to it. My mother will wait for you in the garden in front of the house.

        Thanks a lot. See you soon.



    (1)、Susan asks Linda to                 .

    A、look for the key B、take the key to her mother C、help her mother look for the key D、tell her the way to Green Road
    (2)、What does the underlined word "it" refer to (指的是) according to the email?

    A、The bank. B、The post office. C、The supermarket. D、The office building.
    (3)、Susan's mother will wait for Linda                 .

    A、in the garden B、behind the house C、in front of the post office D、next to the office building
    (4)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the email?

    A、Susan is not very busy with her work. B、Susan doesn't tell Linda the way to her house. C、Susan's mother is in the supermarket. D、Susan tells Linda to turn left into Long Street.
    (5)、How many streets are there in the email?

    A、Three. B、Four. C、Five. D、Six.
  • 19. 根据短文内容,完成下列小题。

        Many people like to travel by plane, but I don't. The airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours before the plane takes off and it is often late. You can't open the window. You can't choose the food. Planes are fast but it still takes hours to get out of the airport and into the city.

        I like traveling by train. I think trains are safe. Railway stations are usually in downtown. When you are late for a train, you can catch another. You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little more time. I also like cars. You can start your journey when you want to, and you don't need to get to a railway station or a bus stop. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the roads.

    (1)、What transportation does the writer like?

    (2)、What is the good thing of traveling by plane?

    (3)、What is the bad thing of traveling by train?

    (4)、What is the bad thing of traveling by car?

    (5)、If you travel by train, you can see many interesting things on your way. Yes or No?


  • 20. 单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)。

    (1)、It's said that the terrible weather in this (季节) caused the ship accident.

    (2)、I went traveling with my classmates this (夏天).

    (3)、Tom is really b(聪明的) and he can always work out problems easily.

    (4)、We're going to Spain for our summer (假期).

    (5)、The weather report says that tomorrow will be (阴天).


  • 21. 从方框中选择适当的词, 并用其适当形式填空。

    interesting, five, begin, race, more

           My favorite festival of the year is the Dragon Boat Festival. It is on lunar May . I can eat  zongzi on this day. And I can also watch dragon boat  near my home. It's very . The festival means the  of hot summer. We usually have a big dinner in the evening.


  • 22. 补全对话(选择)。

    A: Hey, Nick!  Any good news?

    B: Yes.  His name is Bob.

    A: How do you like him?

    B: He is very funny. I like him very much.


    B: He certainly is. He is much funnier than me.

    A: Is he a little wild?

    B: Yes.  He has long hair and wears very cool clothes.


    B: Yes, he does. He is very athletic. And he is even better at basketball than me.

    A. Is he funnier than you?

    B. What does he look like?

    C. He is very wild and noisy.

    D. You look so happy today.

    E. We have a new comer in our class.

    F. I think he likes sports very much.

    G. Is he your good friend?


  • 23. 根据提示写一篇50个词左右的短文。要求内容贴切, 句意通顺, 无语法错误。

    提 示:Lucy和Lily是双胞胎(twins), 她们现在11岁了。5岁时, Lucy会骑自行车、打网球(play tennis)、写字, 但Lily不会。Lily会游泳、唱歌、读故事书(story books)。现在她们都学会了跳迪斯科、芭蕾。她们是一对好姐妹。