
试卷更新日期:2018-05-29 类型:期末考试


  • 1. -- Mum, what are you cooking in the kitchen? It        so good!

    -- Fried noodles.

    A、smells B、tastes C、sounds
  • 2. My aunt lives in America and she went there two years ago.I     her very much.    

    A、forget B、1eave C、protect D、miss
  • 3.       people come to visit the famous wall every year.    

    A、Million B、Millions C、Million of D、Millions of
  • 4. Mr Huang spent one hour     his car yesterday.    
    A、wash B、to wash C、washed D、washing
  • 5. Jack is very       . He likes telling jokes.
    A、important B、difficult C、humorous D、awful
  • 6. Li Hua likes collecting foreign       such as US dollars and British pounds.
    A、stamps B、pictures C、notes D、cards
  • 7. The head teacher will tell us    at the meeting tomorrow.    
    A、important something B、important anything C、anything important D、something important 
  • 8. —What about going to the beach this weekend?
    A、That's a pity. B、That's a good idea! C、Good luck! D、No,not usually.
  • 9. —Excuse me.May I join your club?
    —Sure.Please       this form first.
    A、fill out B、count down C、setup D、make up
  • 10. —Would you like something to drink?
    —No.thanks.I'm not       
    A、thirsty B、clever C、proud D、brave
  • 11. —This bed is too big for Jack's bedroom.
    —Yes.it         too much space.
    A、looks for B、depends on C、takes up D、throws away
  • 12. Tomorrow is Father's Day. I don't know           .

    A、what can I do for my father B、what I will get for my father C、where I went with my father D、where will I go with my father
  • 13. I don't know          the day after tomorrow.

    A、when does she come B、how will she come C、if she comes D、whether she'll come
  • 14. --How do you study for a test?

      -- I study by asking the teacher    help.

    A、to B、for C、at D、of
  • 15. It     that everyone     to laugh.  

    A、seems,loves B、seem,love C、seems,love D、seem,loves


  • 16. 完形填空。

        Mary is worried about her 16-year-old daughter,Sophia.One day,Sophia comes back from a party,upset and unhappy.From then on,she  1  nothing but how to lose weight and become beautiful.She refuses to eat and keeps on2exercise.Sophia has always been a little heavy,so Mary encourages her to go on a diet.She feels that her daughter would  3  more attractive(有吸引力的)if she lost 5 kilograms.However,Sophia has lost over 10 kilograms until now.Her eating and exercising habits are having a harmful effect(影响)on her  4 . She is too thin and is often sick.

        Her mother is trying to prevent her from going on a diet and  5 weight,but Sophia thinks that she is still too heavy and refuses to start eating as  6 . Sophia's mind is full of the idea of looking like a model. Every day she goes to a club to do exercise.Sometimes she 7 her time reading magazines like Fashion&Beauty.The models in these magazines are very thin and beautiful.Sophia says “If I look like these models. I will be happy and the boys will like me.”

        Mary feels sorry for having encouraged her at first,because Sophia 8 feels good or pleased with her body.She's afraid that Sophia will never be happy  9 she always compares herself with the models in the magazines.Mary tries to tell Sophia that true 10  comes from the heart.The most ordinary face becomes beautiful when the person is filled with confidence.

    A、thinks out  B、thinks about C、thinks of  D、thinks up
    A、doing  B、do C、to do D、done
    A、watch B、see C、look D、look at
    A、health    B、healthy C、healthily D、healths
    A、keeping  B、losing   C、improving D、putting
    A、unusual B、usually  C、usual D、unusually
    A、takes B、spends  C、costs D、pays
    A、no longer    B、always C、extremely D、often
    A、unless  B、if  C、though D、since
    A、love  B、friendship C、beauty D、friend


  • 17. 阅读理解

        John and Ann are from Dublin,Ireland.They've been friends since they were children.They lived in the same neighbourhood(社区)when they were young and they went to the same university.

        Today John is a 34-year-old policeman.He works in the heart of Dublin.He is very busy and doesn't have much free time.He found a maid(女佣)to clean his house on Saturdays,but during the week he has to make the bed and tidy up his room.He must also wash the dishes.Sometimes he cooks a meal,but most of the time he stops at a restaurant near his home and buys a meal for dinner.He often arrives home very late.Luckily.his maid is quite professional and takes good care of the house.In just 6 hours,the house becomes clean,with a flesh look and clean air.

        Ann is 35 years old.She lives in a small village in Dublin.She works as a doctor at the village's health centre.She starts working at 9 a.m and finishes at 4 p.m.There is a half-hour lunch break at 12:30 pm.After work,Ann has to pick up her two daughters from school.After they arrive home ,the children do their homework while Ann prepares dinner.Her husband usually does part of the housework when he gets home.First he prepares the…children's bath and then he washes clothes.Before dinner,he hangs(挂)up the clothes and then the children help him to lay the table(摆放餐具)and…it's dinner time!After dinner,Ann's husband usually does the dishes while she tidies up the kitchen.When there is too much rubbish,she takes it out.


    (1)、What is John?    

    A、An actor. B、A doctor. C、A scientist. D、A policeman.
    (2)、What does the underlined word"professional"mean in Chinese?    

    A、幽默的 B、敏感的 C、专业的 D、传统的
    (3)、How long does Ann work a day?    

    A、For six hours. B、For six and a half hours. C、For seven hours. D、For seven and a half hours.
    (4)、What does Ann's husband often do after dinner?    

    A、He does the dishes. B、He tidies up the kitchen. C、He washes his children's clothes. D、He helps the children with homework.
    (5)、What do we know about John and Ann?    

    A、They are the same age. B、They both have a big family. C、They went to the same high school. D、They once lived in the same neighbourhood.
  • 18. 阅读理解

        Venus is close to the earth.It is the second planet from the sun.The earth is the third planet from the sun.Venus is similar(相似的)to the earth in size and mass (质量).It is often described as the earth's"sister".

    Scientists have been learning about Venus for a long time.First they looked at Venus through telescopes(望远镜).But Venus is covered with thick clouds.Scientists could not see Venus well through the clouds.So they made guesses about it.

    For a long time,scientists thought that Venus had water and plants.They thought Venus might have animals too.But they didn't know for sure.

    Then scientists found a way to learn more about Venus.In'the 1960s,they began sending probes(航天探测器)to Venus.The probes flew through the thick clouds.They took pictures of Venus up close.They found out many things too.The probes sent the pictures and things they found out back to the scientists.

    The scientists learned a lot from the probes.First they learned that most of their guesses were not right.And they learned that Venus is very hot.

    After that,scientists knew they could not send people to Venus.But they still wanted to know more about it.So they sent new probes.These new probes took great pictures of the planet.The pictures showed that Venus has plains (平原)and mountains!And in some ways,Venus looks like the earth.



    (1)、How are Venus and the earth similar?

    (2)、Why is it hard to see Venus well though a telescope?

    (3)、Scientists began to send probes to Venus over 60 years ago.

    (4)、With new probes' help,scientists found that Venus has mountains and plants.

    (5)、Where does the passage probably come from?

    A、A diary. B、A storybook. C、A science magazine. D、A medical dictionary.
  • 19. 阅读理解

        I'm David.When I was 13.my parents decided that I should go to England to improve my English.I had never been to other countries before.so I felt a little worried.My parents prepared everything for my journey.My plane was due(预期的)to leave at 9:30 am and arrive in two hours.I phoned the English family who I would stay with and they told met hey would wait for me at the airport.

        Unluckily my plane to London was delayed(延误).I tried to phone the English family again but I couldn't speak to them because they had already left home for the airport.

        When I arrived in London.it was already 1:30 pm.I went to get my luggage(行李)but I couldn't find it.I became very worried.Luckily,the airport staff(工作人员)was very helpful and efficient . I didn't wait long—they found it 10 minutes later.

        My English family were still waiting for me!I was so happy!Then my new life in London began.My English family were quite kind.I learned a lot of English because I spent most of the day talking in English.I played computer games with the little boy in my English family.I also taught him how to play chess.Sometimes I told him stories I learned from my family.

        I missed my family during my stay in London,but I also felt sad when my stay there came to an end.My English family held a party for me.I enjoyed it very much.I'll never forget that summer in London!It is one of the most wonderful experiences I've ever had.


    (1)、What do we know about David?    

    A、He travelled a lot with his parents. B、He was happy to take a plane alone. C、He went to England to study English. D、He thought his parents were a little strict.
    (2)、When did David reach London?    

    A、At 9:30 am. B、At ll:30 am. C、At 1:30pm. D、At 3:30pm.
    (3)、What does the underlined word"efficient"in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?

    A、普通的 B、高效的 C、懒惰的 D、勇敢的
    (4)、What did David teach the little boy in his English family?    

    A、How to play chess. B、How to write stories. C、How to play computer games. D、How to choose interesting books.
    (5)、David wrote this passage mainly to tell us    

    A、some helpful ways of improving English B、about the importance of planning well before a trip C、his experiences of going and studying in another country. D、about the difficult of understanding people from different countries.


  • 20. 阅读理解,根据材料内容从方框中选择合适的句子填入文中空缺处,使材料意思完整、通顺,其中有一个句子是多余的。

        It is important for each child to get enough sleep every day. Here. we'll learn more about that.


        It usually depends on(取决于) their age. Newborns of o to 3 months should sleep for about 18 hours a day. Babies of 4 to 11 months should start to sleep through the night, for 9 to 12 hours at a time. Children of 3 to 5 years should get 11 to 13 hours a day. Children of 6 to 13 need 9 to 11 hours of sleep. Teenagers(青少年) of 14 and up need 8 to 10 hours of sleep.


        Set a strict nap timetable(小睡时间表). Younger children should take a short sleep during the day. Even older children can benefit(获益) from late-afternoon naps if they don't get enough sleep at night. 

        Pay attention to screen time. Remember to ask children to tum off the television and the computer an hour before they go to bed. If possible, get them out of their bedrooms since the light from the screens can make sleep a difficult job. 

        Get children moving. Running around and playing sports are great, but children can move in other ways too. They can take a dog for a walk or go to the park-just get them out of the house and get them moving. 

    A.Exercise during the day can help children sleep better at night.

    B.How much sleep does a child need?

    C.What can parents do?

    D.Ask children to finish their homework before they go to bed.

    E.Children of 1 to 2 years need about 11 to 14 hours a day. 

    F.But keen them short-30 minutes at most. 



  • 26. 根据语境及所给首字母提示补全所缺单词。
    (1)、I stayed up late yesterday,so I feel very snow.

    (2)、Jenny has a kind h . She always helps her classmates.

    (3)、Danny has to stay in hospital for a long time because of a serious i

    (4)、Running in the morning has become part of my dlife.

    (5)、—How old is Mrs Smith?

    —Pshe's 50,but I'm not sure.


  • 27. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。

    He has got 500 stamps.


    My uncle a theatre now.


    With mobile phone files,people communicate with more easily.


    Did you the mountain yesterday?


    This song is very popular   .


  • 28. 假设你是李明,你最喜欢的卡通片是Finding Dory(《海底总动员2:多莉去哪儿》)。请你根据以下提示给你的笔友Jack写一封电子邮件,介绍这部卡通片。

    提示:1).Finding Dory是安德鲁·斯坦顿(Andrew Stanton)的最新作品,2016年6月在美国上映(come out)。





    Dear Jack,


