
试卷更新日期:2018-05-24 类型:小升初模拟


  • 1. 根据短文,选择正确的选项。
    (1)、Liu Xing is    .    
    A、thirteen B、twelve C、fourteen
    (2)、Liu Xing is    m tall.    
    A、1.59 B、1.60 C、1.61
    (3)、Liu King is        than his brother.    
    A、stronger B、younger C、shorter
    (4)、Liu Xing's brother likes    .    
    A、singing B、painting C、playing sports
    (5)、They usually go to school    .    
    A、on foot B、by bus C、by bike
  • 2. 祝福朋友新年快乐,你可以说:    
    A、Happy New Year. B、Merry Christmas. C、Happy Children's Day.
  • 3. 当你在阅览室看书时,你应该:    
    A、Keep to the right. B、Quiet,please. C、Take turns.
  • 4. 当你打扰别人时,你应该说:    
    A、Excuse me. B、Sorry. C、Thank you.
  • 5. 朋友之间初次见面,我们应该说:    
    A、How are you? B、See you. C、Nice to meet you.
  • 6. 看图读句子,仿写句子
    (1)、—What is your hobby?

    —I like singing.What about you?

    (2)、—I can ride a bike.What can he do?

  • 7. 根据图片及提示词,连词成句
    (1)、goes hiking,usually,he,on the weekend 

    (2)、my brother,younger,than,is,my sister  

    (3)、there,in my school,no,were,computers,20 years ago

  • 8. 阅读书信内容,完成任务。

    Dear Mary,   

        How are you?

        Saturday was a busy day for me.In the mornin9,I got up early.Then I ate some bread and drank some juice for breakfast.They were very delicious.After breakfast I did my homework.Then I cleaned the window.I was so happy! I could help my mother.In the afternoon l wrote an e-mail to my pen pal.She is from America.It's you.Haha!In the evening,I watched TV.I like watching  cartoons.They were very funny.At last,I went to bed at 9:30 P.m.

        How was your weekend? Please let me know.

    Best wishes,




    (2)、Amy and Mary are pen pals.
    (3)、Mary is from America.
    (4)、Amy ate some bread and drank some milk for breakfast.
    (5)、Amy was busy on Saturday.


  • 9. 单词归类。

    A.study  B.under  C.shoes  D.first  E.chicken

    sweater   dress  

    fifth   third   

    in   on  

    bedroom   kitchen    

    beef   bread  


  • 10. 选择合适的单词写到横线上,至少写出5个。

    chair photo  classroom house  car   tree  bike  window door  cat 





  • 11. 画线部分发音相同的写“T”,不同的写“F”。

     Sarah likes eating a cake.   

     The duck is under the chair.

     I like to read by the sea.   

     Look at the flower.It's yellow

     My mother is tall and thin.


  • 12. 选词填空。

    A.hospital   B.Sunday   C.gym   D.September   E.panda   F.zoo

    (1)、It's the first day of a week.It's
    (2)、Today is10th.Happy Teachers' Day.
    (3)、It lives in China.It's black and white.It's cute.It's a
    (4)、I hurt my leg.I will go to theand see a doctor.
    (5)、We often play football and have PE class there.It's a


  • 13. 找出与对话相符合的图片。


    A:Can I help you?

    B:Yes.This scarf is nice.How much is it?


    B:I like it.I'll take it.Here is the money.

    A:Thank you.


    A:When is Mid-Autumn Day this year?

    B:It's Sept.25th.

    A:What do you usually do on Mid-Autumn Day?

    B:My family usually get together and eat moon cakes.


    A:Wow.You have a big farm.What is this?

    B:It's a cow.And this is a sheep.These are ducks.

    A:You have a lot of animals.   


    A:What's in your schoolbag?

    B:I have pens,candies and books.

    A:What books are they?

    B:A notebook,a math book,an English book and two storybooks.


    A:Is your father a doctor?

        B:No,he isn't.

        A:What does he do?

        B:He's businessman.


  • 14. 补全对话。

      Mike:Good morning,Sarah.

      Sarah:It was wonderful!


      Sarah:I went to a nature park with my family.


      Sarah:By car.

      Mike:What did you do there?

      Sarah:And this weekend my family are going to see a film together.

      Mike:Sounds great.

      Sarah:Thank you.

    A.We had a picnic and flew kites.

    B.Have a good time.

    C.How did you go there?

    D.How was your weekend?

    E.Where did you go?


  • 15. 当你想知道对方什么时候生日时,你会说:          
    A、When is your birthday? B、Is it your birthday? C、Happy birthday!


  • 16. 当别人赞美你时,你可以客气地说:                 
    A、Great! B、Thank you. C、You're welcome!


  • 17. 老师看到你的桌子很乱,他可能对你说:    
    A、Keep your desk clean! B、Work quietly! C、Clean the board.


  • 18. 当红灯亮时,你会:    
    A、Go. B、Stop. C、Wait.


  • 19. 该标志的意思是:         
    A、Please go swimming. B、You can swim in the river. C、Don't swim in the river.


  • 20. 当你在家招待朋友吃饭时,你应该说:     
    A、I'd like some chicken. B、Help yourself. C、I like cake best.


  • 21. 根据下面四则海报,完成任务。







    If you like dancing,           A.you can write to 7754321@qq.com

    If you like cooking,           B.you can call 13757046677.

    You like playing football,     C.you can call 13557013344.

    Your hobby is reading,       D.you can write to John123@163.com.
