
试卷更新日期:2018-05-16 类型:期末考试


  • 1. —Why are you looking for Mary in a hurry, John?

    —The boss is wondering where she _______ and how long she _______ there.

    A、has been; has been B、has gone; has gone C、has been; has gone D、has gone; has been
  • 2. You______ to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.

    A、needn't to come B、don't need come C、don't need coming D、needn't come
  • 3. The husband and wife have strange habits. He'd like to sleep with lamp _______ at night and his wife likes to sleep with the window _______.

    A、burning; wide open B、burnt; widely opened C、burnt; wide open D、burning; widely open
  • 4. —What's the weather like here this summer?    

    —There _______ very little rain.

    A、are B、has C、has been D、have been
  • 5. Could you tell me how many places of interest you ________ so far?

    A、visited to B、have been C、have traveled to D、have gone to
  • 6. It _______ over ten days since the dog _______ .

    A、is; has been dead B、has been; died C、has been; has been dead D、was; has died
  • 7. _______ people have visited the _______ stone bridge.

    A、Two millions of; 500-foot-long B、Several millions of; 500-foot-long C、Two million; 500-feet-long D、Millions of; 500-feet-long
  • 8. — Do you mind me sitting here?   

    — ________. Take your seat, please.

    A、No, I do B、Yes, of course C、No, not at all D、Yes, of course not
  • 9. The new supermarket in our town _______ for two weeks, but I _______ there yet .

    A、has opened; haven't gone B、has been open; haven't been C、has been open; haven't gone D、has opened; haven't been
  • 10. —It's been such a wonderful evening with you! Thank you very much!


    A、Glad to hear that. B、My pleasure! C、It's nothing. D、No thanks.
  • 11. I _______ this computer five years ago.

    A、buy B、bought C、have bought D、has bought
  • 12. —I think English is becoming more and more important.

    —I _______.

    A、do B、agree C、am D、think
  • 13. — It's too hot. Would you mind _______ the door?

    —_______, please do it now.

    A、to open; OK B、opening; Certainly not C、opening; Of course D、to open; Good idea
  • 14. No one knows how the huge rocks _______ and _______ without our modern machines eight hundred years ago.

    A、were cut; moved B、were cut; move C、are cut; moving D、are cut; moved
  • 15. Try to buy one before all the tickets _______.

    A、will be sold out B、will be sold C、are sold D、are sold out
  • 16. All the students agreed to go to Qingdao by _______ sea and camp by _______ sea.

    A、the; a B、/ the C、/; / D、a; the
  • 17. Do you know how long the meeting has _______?

    A、lasted B、held C、over D、begun
  • 18. Now mobile phones are not so expensive as they _______ to be.

    A、use B、used C、are used D、were used
  • 19. What was the boy searching ________?

    A、for the Internet B、the information for the Internet C、for on the Internet D、Internet
  • 20. It took the man less time to fly to Xi'an than it _______ there.

    A、did to drive B、was driving C、does to drive D、did driving



  • 31. 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        It was Friday. The football game was Saturday and we were very excited. My brother was going to be the quarterback (美式足球进攻组织者) for our team. It was the first time he would be in that  1 . He had been hoping to be the quarterback ever since he joined the team. He said, "That's the big job. That's the one that makes the big difference."

        My mother said, " 2 , son. That's the big target (攻击目标), too. You know the other 3  want to knock you down. You can get hurt."

        "Don't worry, I'm so   4  and I'm fast. Besides, I have great players who will  5  them from coming at me." my brother said.

        I couldn't  6  well the whole night. I worried about my brother. My mother was  7  — he could get hurt.

        The next morning, he 8  early to get to the game. When we got there, it was about to start. The  9  ran out on the field. My brother looked great. He saw us and 10 .

        Then it started. They were playing hard. One player in particular from the other team kept  11  at him. Then it happened. He knocked my brother down. My brother was slow to get up. My brother was screaming (尖叫). The coach ran out on the field. He told my brother to  12  some time on the bench. He was afraid he had been hurt.

        My mother ran down to 13  on my brother. But all he did was a smile. "It's just a bruise(瘀伤). I'm fine. And don't worry, I'll be back. This is 14 . I love leading the team."

        After that game, my brother plays quarterback every Saturday. But my mother is still 15 . She can't go to the games. She just waits at home and hopes to see him walking in smiling.

    A、game   B、list C、show   D、place
    A、Go ahead   B、Take it easy  C、Be careful  D、Well done
    A、parents    B、players  C、fans D、strangers
    A、handsome     B、healthy  C、brave D、strong
    A、stop     B、help   C、protect D、hide
    A、 behave     B、play     C、sleep    D、dream
    A、right    B、sad C、angry  D、excited
    A、rested    B、exercised   C、left  D、returned
    A、family    B、team  C、coach D、crowd
    A、laughed  B、nodded C、greeted   D、cheered
    A、pointing   B、shouting C、looking D、rushing
    A、take      B、waste C、save  D、kill
    A、call    B、check   C、operate  D、breathe
    A、funny     B、easy   C、great  D、dangerous
    A、proud     B、disappointed C、anxious  D、calm


  • 32. 阅读理解

        When you are about to do something brave, a cheerful wish of “Good luck!” from a friend can be helpful. But if you think you need lots of luck, what else might you do?

        In the UK and US there are some strange traditions for bringing yourself a little more good luck. Some are hundreds of years old and some are much newer.

        Have you heard the saying “When you wish upon a star”? If you are looking up at the sky on a clear night and you see a sudden flash of light, it is probably a shooting star! Seeing one doesn't happen very often. The saying goes that if you see one you have been very lucky, and so if you make a wish, it will come true.

        Maybe you have heard of the lucky rabbit's foot. Some people believe that rabbits are lucky animals, so they carry a part of the rabbit, its foot, for good luck. There are all kinds of strange, unclear rules about which of the rabbit's feet is the luckiest. It is said that this good luck tradition is the oldest one of all. However, as the funny saying goes, “Depend on the rabbit's foot if you will, but remember it didn't work for the rabbit!”

        People in Britain love trees. If it is autumn and leaves are falling from the trees, some people try to catch the leaves as they fall because they think each leaf they catch will bring them a lucky month in the following year—they will need to catch 12 falling leaves to have a whole year of good luck!

    (1)、______ is mentioned (提到) in the oldest good luck tradition.

    A、A rabbit's foot B、A falling leaf C、A cheerful wish from friends D、A shooting star
    (2)、From Paragraph 3, we know that _______.

    A、we can often see shooting stars B、people can see a shooting star on a rainy night C、your wish may come true if you see a shooting star D、people believe that it's unlucky to see a shooting star
    (3)、The British try to catch 12 falling leaves because _______.

    A、the leaves fall in autumn B、there are so many leaves to catch C、the leaves can bring them a lucky month D、they want to have a whole year of good luck
    (4)、In Paragraph 5, the underlined word “them” refers to ______.

    A、trees B、people C、leaves D、years
    (5)、The passage is mainly about ______.

    A、how to wish upon a star B、things that bring good luck C、British people love leaves D、which of the rabbit's feet is the luckiest
  • 33. 阅读理解

        One afternoon I visited an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting. I was looking forward to a quiet view of the art works.

        A young couple viewing the paintings ahead of me chatted nonstop (不停) between themselves. I watched them a moment and found the wife was doing all the talk. I admired (赞赏) the husband for putting up with her continuous (持续的) talk. Distracted (分心) by their noise, I moved on.

        I met with them many times as I moved through the different rooms of art. Each time I heard her continuous talk, I moved away quickly.

        I was standing at the counter (柜台) of the museum gift shop when the couple came near to the exit. Before they left, the man reached into his pocket and pulled out a white thing. He extended (展开) it into a long stick and then tapped (敲打) his way into the coatroom to get his wife's jacket.

        “He's a brave man.” The salesman at the counter said, “Most of us would give up (放弃) if we were blind (瞎的) at such a young age. But he said his life wouldn't change during his recovery (恢复). So, as before, he and his wife come in when there's a new art show.”

        “But how does he enjoy the art?” I asked, “He can't see.”

        “Can't see? You're wrong. He sees a lot. More than you or I do.” The clerk said, “His wife describes each painting so he can see it in his head.”

        I learned something from the couple that day. I saw a young wife describing paintings to a person without sight (视力) and a husband who would not allow blindness to change his life. And I saw the love shared by two people as I watched this couple walk away hand in hand.

    (1)、The young couple was at an art museum ________.

    A、to show their love B、to enjoy art C、to discuss paintings D、to describe paintings
    (2)、“…I moved away quickly.” in Paragraph 3 shows that the writer _______.

    A、was in the hope of visiting more rooms B、was in a hurry to buy some gifts C、was tired of the nonstop talking D、was not interested in the art show
    (3)、We can infer (推断) from the passage that the husband _______.

    A、was not born blind B、couldn't stand (忍受) his wife C、knew nothing about art D、completely depended on (完全依靠) his wife
    (4)、After hearing what the clerk said about the couple, the writer was _______.

    A、brave B、excited C、touched D、angry
    (5)、The passage is mainly about _______.

    A、the importance of art B、good manners in public C、love of a husband D、love between a couple
  • 34. 阅读理解

        The Internet is becoming important in our life. How much do you know about it? The following questions and their answers will help you to know more about the Internet.

        What is the Internet?

        The Internet is a large, world-wide collection (聚集) of computer networks (网络). A network is a small group of computers put together. The Internet is many different kinds of networks from all over the world. These networks are called the Internet. If you have learned to use the Internet, you can have a lot of interest on the World Wide Web (网) .

        What is the World Wide Web?

        The World Wide Web has been the most popular development of the Internet. It is like a big electronic (电子) book with millions of pages. These pages are called homepages. You can find information about almost anything in the world on these pages. For example, you can use the Internet instead of a library to find information for your homework. You can also find information about your favourite sport or film star, talk to your friends or even do some shopping on the pages. Most pages have words, pictures and even sound or music.

        What is e-mail?

        Electronic mail (e-mail) is a way of sending messages to other people. It's much quicker and cheaper than sending a letter. If you want to use e-mail, you must have an e-mail address. This address must have letters and dots (点) and an @ (means “at”). For example: Lily @ Yahoo.com. Write a message, type a person's e-mail address, and then send the message across the Internet. People don't need to use stamps, envelopes or go to the post office because of the invention of the Internet. Quick, easy and interesting — that's the Internet.

    (1)、The Internet is______.

    A、a big computer B、a small group of computers C、lots of computer networks D、the World Wide Web
    (2)、The World Wide Web is like_______.

    A、an electronic book B、homepages C、an electronic page D、an interesting picture
    (3)、The sentence “You can talk to your friends on the pages.” means ______.

    A、you can talk to your friends face to face B、you can type your words in the computer and then send them to your friends across the Internet C、you can talk to your friends through the same computer D、you can go to your friends' houses to talk to them
    (4)、People like to use e-mail to send messages to their friends because______.

    A、they don't have to pay any money B、it's faster and cheaper C、they don't need to have stamps, envelopes or addresses D、it's interesting
    (5)、The “e” in e-mail means_______.

    A、easy B、entrance C、electronic D、enjoyable


  • 35. 现在,上网已经变得越来越流行了,很多学生都迷上了网络。你是怎么看待上网的?请谈谈你的观点。提示如下:



