(新版)人教新目标版七年级英语上册Unit 6 Do you like bananas Section B同步练习

试卷更新日期:2016-12-09 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。

    ①radio(复数) ②dictionary(复数)

    ③tomato(复数) ④real(副词)


  • 2. 按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。

    ①birthday(复数) ②chick(鸡肉)

    ③does not缩写) ④is(原形)


二、 用所给动词的适当形式填空。

三、 单项选择。

  • 13. _______ lunch, Anna and her brother _________ like hamburgers.

    A、For; don't B、For; doesn't C、To; don't  D、To; doesn't
  • 14. I like _________, but she likes _____________.

    A、rice; chickens B、rices; chicken C、rices; chickens D、rice; chicken
  • 15. ______ does your mother have _______ dinner?

    A、What; to B、What; for C、How; for D、How; at
  • 16. -- Do you want to play_____ tennis with me?

    -- Yes, I ___________.

    A、/; do B、the; do C、/; want D、a; do
  • 17. Do you like to _______ some bread and a glass of milk?

    A、drink B、eat C、have D、take
  • 18. We have some __________ in the fridge.

    A、banana B、tomato C、fish D、vegetable
  • 19. He always eats _______ salad and ________ oranges.

    A、many; many B、much; much C、many; much D、much; many
  • 20. Bananas, apples and oranges are all _________.

    A、fruits B、vegetables C、drinks D、foods
  • 21. My father usually has _______ lunch at home.

    A、a B、an C、/ D、the
  • 22. Do you like _________?

    A、to runs B、run C、running D、runing

四、 按要求完成下列各题, 每空一词。

  • 23. 按要求完成下列各题, 每空一词。

    (1)、He doesn't like eggs for breakfast. (改为肯定句)

    He eggs for breakfast.

    (2)、Jack has chicken and rice for lunch. (对划线部分提问)

    Jack for lunch?

    (3)、These are interesting books. (改为单数句子)

    interesting .

    (4)、My sister likes orange and blue. ( 对划线部分提问)

    sister like?

    (5)、He likes salad and carrots. (改为否定句)

    He salad carrots.


  • 24. 根据汉语提示完成句子。


    my mother eats and .


    Cindy ice-cream. She .


    There on the table.


    some .


    Bill . his brother likes .


  • 25. 把下列中文翻译成英文。

    ①早餐 ②午餐



  • 26. 把下列中文词组翻译成英文。








  • 37. _______ dinner, I have hamburgers and chicken.

    A、On B、In C、For D、With
  • 38. -- ______ does your father have _______ lunch?

    -- Rice and meat.

    A、What; for B、What; in C、How; for D、How; on
  • 39. Bananas, apples and oranges are all ___________.

    A、fruits. B、foods C、vegetables D、drinks
  • 40. I like ________, but my sister likes _______.

    A、milk; chickens B、milks; chicken C、milk; chicken D、milks; chickens
  • 41. Cindy _______ rice for breakfast.

    A、doesn't have B、don't have C、isn't have D、aren't have
  • 42. Liu Xiang is a __________ star.

    A、tennis B、basketball C、sports D、volleyball
  • 43. Tom likes salad, but his sister doesn't like ________.

    A、them B、they C、its   D、it
  • 44. -- Let's play football after school.

    -- ____________
    Which is wrong?

    A、Good idea. B、Sounds good. C、Great! D、Are you Ok?
  • 45. My mother doesn't want _________ fat.

    A、be   B、to be C、is D、 being
  • 46. Let's _________ some orange.

    A、eat B、drink C、to eat D、to drink

九、 按要求完成下列各题, 每空一词。

  • 47. 按要求完成下列各题, 每空一词。

    (1)、He likes meat and vegetables for dinner. ( 改为否定句)

    He meat vegetables for dinner.

    (2)、They have radios. (用Tina作主语改为单数句子)

    Tina radio.

    (3)、Tom doesn't like football. (改为肯定句)

    Tom football.

    (4)、My brother likes salad a lot. ( 对划线部分提问)

    brother a lot?

    (5)、I think it is good for us to eat a lot of vegetables. ( 改为否定句)

    I it good for us to eat a lot of vegetables.


  • 48. 根据汉语意思完成句子。

    (1)、早餐你爸爸喜欢吃什么 ?

    your father for breakfast?


    That doesn't want .


    I often eat .

    (4)、她问起我的饮食习惯 。

    She me my .

    (5)、我真地喜欢冰激凌 。

    I like .