小学人教版(新起点)三年级下Unit 3 After School Activities单元测试

试卷更新日期:2016-12-07 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 火眼金睛。(选出画线部分读音与其他三个不同的一项)

      A. draw     B. saw      C. window

      A. ear    B. chair     C. hair

      A. autumn   B. house      C.all

      A. star     B. party    C. some


  • 2. 从方框中选择适当的词语。

    for    with    about    to     in

    (1)、Thank you  talking to us.

    (2)、An old lady talked her life  many years ago.

    (3)、Chen Hai was  his class.

    (4)、Lingling is still in England  Sam and Amy.

    (5)、I often walk  school.


  • 3. He           a teacher ten years ago.

    A、is B、was C、are
  • 4. There           any books on the desk yesterday.

    A、are B、were C、weren't
  • 5. A:           were you five years ago? B: I was in Beijing.

    A、Who B、What C、Where
  • 6. A:           don't we go out to play?    B: Because it's raining.  

    A、Who B、Why C、What
  • 7. A: Did you like ice creams?  B:         .

    A、Yes, I didn't. B、No, I didn't. C、No, I did.


  • 8. 连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号。

    (1)、see, you, later (.)

    (2)、how, are, today, you(?)

    (3)、where, cat, the, is (?)

    (4)、nice, meet, to, you(.)

    (5)、name, my, is, John (.)


  • 9.


    Xiao Qiang: Where is the school, John and Lucy?

    John: Sorry! I don't know.

    Lucy: There it is.

    Xiao Qiang: Thanks. See you later.

    John and Lucy: Goodbye.

    (1)、John knows where the school is.

    (2)、I don't know. 说明约翰不知道学校在哪儿。

    (3)、There it is. 说明露西告诉肖强学校在那边。

    (4)、John doesn't know where the school is.



  • 10. -- Nice to see you again!

    -- __________________

    A、Nice to meet you! B、Nice to see you, too.
  • 11. -- Where are you from?

     -- ___________________

    A、I'm from Canada. B、My name is Mike.
  • 12. -- We have a new friend today!

    -- ____________________

    A、Welcome! B、Good morning!
  • 13. -- What's your name?

    -- ____________________

    A、I'm from Canada. B、My name is Mike.

七、 Read and tick.(读一读,勾划出与句子意思相符的图片)



  • 22. 判断下面每组单词是否同类。

    (1)、A.from            B.friend         C.teacher

    (2)、A.she               B.he               C.you

    (3)、A.boy               B.girl            C.name

    (4)、A.China            B.Canada         C.Australia



  • 27. 你想问新同学来自什么地方,你这样说:

    A、Where are you from? B、What's your name?
  • 28. 你想对新同桌表示欢迎,你说:

    A、Thank you! B、Welcome!
  • 29. 你想告诉同桌你来自山东,你说:

    A、I like Shandong. B、I'm from Shandong.
  • 30. 你告诉妈妈你今天交了个新朋友,你说:

    A、I have a new friend today. B、I have a new pencil today.


  • 31. 当你去老师办公室时,你先说:

    A、May I have a look? B、Come in, please. C、May I come in?
  • 32. 你想让同学猜书里放了什么,于是说:

    A、Come here, what's this? B、What's in the book? C、What's this on the book?
  • 33. 你答应对方的请求时说:

    A、All right. B、Thank you. C、Sure.
  • 34. 夸奖别人的手表时说:

    A、It's a watch! B、It's a nice watch! C、How nice!
  • 35. 上课迟到了,你进教室前应该说:

    A、May I come in? B、May I sit down? C、Come in.
  • 36. 当同学向你展示一个新书包时,你会说:

    A、What nice! B、New schoolbag! C、What a nice school bag!
  • 37. 你不确定那是不是你的手表,你说:

    A、What's that? B、Is that a watch? C、Is that my watch?
  • 38. 当同学向你借用胶带时,你说:

    A、Sure, here you are. B、All right. C、No.
  • 39. 你想看一看同学手中的故事书,你说:

    A、Let me see. B、Can I have a look? C、May I see?