小学人教版(新起点)三年级上Unit 2 My Body单元测试

试卷更新日期:2016-12-05 类型:单元试卷



  • 6. 读一读,选出划线部分,读音不同的单词。

      A. jet      B. cat       C. pet

      A. bed        B. bad        C. vet

      A. cap        B. tap       C. pet

      A. fed        B. fat        C. Ted

      A. cat             B. rat            C. wet


  • 7. 读单词,找出不同类的一项。

      A. eye      B. name       C. mouth

      A. head       B. hair        C. hand

      A. leg        B. pet       C. arm

      A. tongue       B. morning       C. afternoon

      A. feet            B. arms           C. foot

  • 8. 选出与其它单词不同类的项:

      A. nose    B. toe   C. head    D. feel

      A. hurt   B. long   C. short   D. big

       A. Ms.   B. teacher   C. Mr.    D. Miss

     A. lion   B. fish  C. water   D. dog

     A. red   B. yellow   C. blue    D. queen


  • 9. 读句子,将问句和答句连线。

    ①What's the matter? A. Thank you.

    ②Let me help you.    B. Me, too.

    ③I have yellow hair.    C. My name is Mike.

    ④Do you hurt your hand?  D. Yes, I do.

    ⑤What's your name? E. I hurt my foot.


  • 10.


    This is my dog. A dog has a , two , two , four  and a long .


七、 选句补充对话,将正确的句子的编号填在横线上。

  • 16. 选句补充对话,将正确的句子的编号填在横线上。

    A. How many picture books do you have?

    B. What color is it?

    C. How nice!

    D. What's in it?

    E. May I have a look?

    Amy: Hi, Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag.

    Chen Jie: Really?

    Amy: It's black and white. Look! It's so heavy.

    Chen Jie:

    Amy: Some English books, some story-books, and many picture books.

    Chen Jie:

    Amy: Let me count. 1, 2, 3, 4…15. I have 15 picture books.

    Chen Jie:

    Amy: Sure. Here you are.

    Chen Jie: Wow! A fat panda!


  • 17. 翻译句子。

    (1)、Good morning!

    (2)、Let's go to school!

    (3)、This is Chen Jie.

    (4)、Nice to meet you!

    (5)、Clap your hands.


  • 18. 在早晨,你想跟别人打招呼时,说:

    A、Good afternoon. B、Bye! C、Good morning. D、Good night.
  • 19. 当你想表达认识对方的高兴心情时,说:

    A、Nice to meet your. B、Nice to meet you. C、It's nice. D、See you.
  • 20. 向别人介绍你的朋友时,说:

    A、My name is Jim. B、I'm Jim. C、This is Jim. D、Bye bye, Jim.
  • 21. 当你想知道对方的姓名时,说:

    A、Good afternoon. B、What's your name? C、My name's Jim. D、Nice to meet you.
  • 22. 当你在下午向别人问好时,说:

    A、Good morning. B、Good afternoon. C、Good bye. D、See you.


  • 23. Sarah: Nice to meet you, Wu Binbin.

    Wu Binbin:          .

    A、Good bye, Sarah B、See you, Sarah C、My name is Wu Binbin D、Nice to meet you, too
  • 24. Mrs. White: What's your name?

    Mike:         .

    A、My name is Mike B、Nice to meet you, too C、See you D、This is Chen Jie
  • 25. Sarah: Good morning, Mr. Black!

    Mr. Black:          .

    A、Hello, Sarah B、Good morning, Sarah C、I'm Mr. Black D、Good afternoon, Sarah
  • 26. Mike: Good afternoon, Mrs. White!

    Mrs. White:          .

    A、This is Mrs. White B、Nice to meet you, Mike C、Good morning, Mike D、Good afternoon, Mike


  • 27. 找出与其它不同类的一项,把序号填在题前括号内。

      A. eye     B. ear     C. hello

      A. leg     B. school    C. nose

      A. body    B. finger    C. crayon

      A. book     B. hand     C. arm

      A. ruler      B. ear     C. sharpener