
试卷更新日期:2018-04-17 类型:二轮复习


  • 1. It's too noisy. I can't________ you.
    A、listen B、hear C、hears
  • 2. Winter is cold and________.
    A、snow B、snowy C、snows
  • 3. I'm ________.
    A、exciting B、excite C、excited
  • 4. Today is October the ________.
    A、third B、threeth C、three
  • 5. In autumn, he ________ his shorts and T­-shirt. 
    A、put up B、take off C、takes off
  • 6. Miss Li is ________ Chinese teacher.
    A、we B、I C、our
  • 7. —________?

    —Because I like the snow.

    A、What B、How C、Why
  • 8. ________, brush your teeth. ________ have breakfast.
    A、One, Then B、First, Than C、First, Then
  • 9. It is eleven fifty in the morning. It's time for           .        
    A、breakfast B、lunch C、dinner D、supper
  • 10. Sweaters, shorts and T-­shirts ________ clothes.
    A、am B、is C、are
  • 11. It is cold and snowy in ________.
    A、spring B、summer C、winter
  • 12. What's ________ favourite season?
    A、her B、she C、you
  • 13. A: Mummy, I like snow white and seven dwarfs. Please      the story for me again.

    B: Oh, baby. It's time for bed.

    A、tell B、say C、sing
  • 14. I like ________. It's windy and cool.
    A、summer B、autumn C、winter
  • 15. It ________ have a mouth.
    A、don't B、doesn't C、isn't
  • 16. I_______swim,I think is not easy for me.
    A、can B、can't C、are D、aren't
  • 17. ________name begins with "M"?
    A、Who B、Whose C、Who's
  • 18. There are____flowers in the park.
    A、many B、much C、any D、too much
  • 19. They have a lot of_____for breakfast.
    A、milks B、bread C、hamburger D、waters
  • 20. What's ________ favourite food?
    A、her B、hers C、she
  • 21. Did you have_____books?
    A、some B、any C、a little D、much
  • 22. They have a little_____.
    A、milk B、vegetable C、hamburger D、egg
  • 23. —________ do you brush your teeth?

    —Because I want strong and healthy teeth.

    A、What B、When C、Why
  • 24. Clever Tom is from the farm. He can    an ice cream    his Mum.
    A、make, for B、tell, to C、show, for
  • 25. ________does Lisa do before breakfast?
    A、When B、What C、How often
  • 26. I'm ________ the hospital, but I can't ________ it.
    A、finding; find B、looking for; find C、finding; look for
  • 27. He _____ long hair.
    A、have B、has C、is D、are
  • 28. They_____big eyes.
    A、has B、have C、are D、is
  • 29. People_____the moon on Mid-autumn Day.
    A、like B、enjoy C、love D、see
  • 30. I'm leaving. It's time to say ________.
    A、hello B、good­bye C、sorry
  • 31. Tom_____long legs.
    A、have B、has C、is D、are
  • 32. Before breakfast, I wash ______ hands.
    A、me B、mine C、my
  • 33. It____a short tail.
    A、has B、have C、is D、are
  • 34. —_______do you eat breakfast?

     — Once a week.

    A、How many B、How often C、How much
  • 35. These socks ________small.
    A、are B、is C、am
  • 36. —Does Li Ming know ________ the party?

    —No, he doesn't.

    A、about B、for C、with
  • 37. Saturday and Sunday ________ different.
    A、is B、are C、be
  • 38. —_______ do you play sports?

     — Because I want to be strong.

    A、Why B、When C、Where
  • 39. What happens ________you?
    A、for B、at C、to
  • 40. It's time ________ lunch.
    A、for B、to C、at