外研版2017-2018学年小学英语四年级下册Module 9 unit 2 Did you have a nice holiday课后作业

试卷更新日期:2018-04-11 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 看图补全单词。     
    (1)、    pstcrd   
    (2)、    cncrt
    (3)、    erh
    (4)、      cusn
    (5)、      trvl


  • 2. 为下列图片找到正确的英文,将序号填在横线上

    ⒈lots of people                  ⒉some funny animals

    ⒊have a nice holiday            ⒋the Great Wall

    ⒌go to a concert








  • 8. 当你想表达“欢迎来到我们的学校。”时,应该说:________
    A、Welcome to my home. B、Welcome to our school.
  • 9. 当别人问你昨天怎么去的杭州时,你可以回答:________
    A、I went to Hangzhou by plane yesterday. B、I go to Hangzhou by plane today.
  • 10. 当你想告诉别人自己住在北京时,你会说:________
    A、I live in London. B、I live in Beijing.
  • 11. 如果你想知道以前Daming是否住在纽约,可以这样问别人:________
    A、Did Daming live in New York? B、Did Daming live in London?



  • 17. 为下列句子找出对应的答语

    A. Yes, she does.

    B. Yes, I did. It was great.

    C. No, he didn't. He lived in San Francisco.

    D. No, she didn't. She came by train.

    E. Yes, he does.

    (1)、Did you have a nice holiday?
    (2)、Did he live in New York?
    (3)、Does he live in Beijing?
    (4)、Did she come by plane?
    (5)、Does Amy live in London?


  • 18. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案

        Last Sunday John went to Mike's home. In the morning, he talked with Mike's grandparents. Mike's mother cooked chicken for them. In the afternoon, John and Mike played table tennis. They were very happy.

    (1)、Last Sunday John went to________.
    A、Mike's home B、Mike's school
    (2)、He talked with Mike's ________in the morning.
    A、parents B、grandparents
    (3)、Mike's________ cooked chicken for them.
    A、mother B、grandmother
    (4)、In the afternoon, John and Mike ________.
    A、played table tennis B、played basketball
    (5)、—Were they very happy?


    A、No, they weren't B、Yes, they were