外研版2017-2018学年小学英语三年级下册Module 5 单元测试卷(二)(含听力音频)

试卷更新日期:2018-03-30 类型:单元试卷



  • 6. 听录音,给下列句子排序

    He's only two years old.

    Do you play basketball?

    Mum goes to work on Mondays, too.

    The dog likes meat.

    Tom doesn't go to school on Mondays.


  • 7. 听录音,选出与你所听内容相符的图片,将序号写在横线上

    A.    B.    C.    

    D.     E.                    

    (1)、Ms Smart is with her friend.
    (2)、Does Sam on Mondays?
    (3)、She on Saturdays.
    (4)、Is Daming ?
    (5)、Dad on Tuesdays.


  • 8. 听录音,选出你听到的句子
    A、Is Amy at home? B、Is Amy at school?
  • 9. 听录音,选出你听到的句子
    A、Who's that? B、What's that?
  • 10. 听录音,选出你听到的句子
    A、Tom goes to school on Mondays. B、Tom doesn't go to school on Mondays.
  • 11. 听录音,选出你听到的句子
    A、My father goes to work on Saturdays. B、My father plays football on Saturdays.
  • 12. 听录音,选出你听到的句子
    A、Mum goes shopping on Saturdays. B、Mum goes swimming on Saturdays.



  • 18. Is your sister ________ now?
    A、at school B、at home         
  • 19. Do you ________ on Tuesdays?
    A、go swimming B、go shopping  
  • 20. Dad ________ every day(每天).
    A、goes to work B、goes to school  
  • 21. Xiaoyong, do you ________ on Mondays?
    A、ride a bike B、play football  
  • 22. Tom doesn't go to school ________.
    A、on Saturdays B、on Mondays  


  • 23. Tim likes playing________ football on Saturdays.
    A、/ B、the C、a
  • 24. Do you go to school ________ Mondays?
    A、in B、on C、at
  • 25. Tom ________ only two years old.
    A、do B、does C、is
  • 26. Amy ________ to school on Tuesdays.
    A、go B、goes C、going
  • 27. —Does Tom go to school on Tuesdays? —No, he ________.
    A、isn't B、does C、doesn't


  • 28. 选择与句子相符的图片

    A.     B.     C.  

    D.     E.

    (1)、She goes to school on Mondays.    
    (2)、Does he go swimming on Sundays(周日)?    
    (3)、He likes football.   
    (4)、He doesn't like playing basketball.      
    (5)、My mother goes shopping on Fridays. 


  • 29. 看图选择正确的对话

    A、—Does your mother go to work on Saturday?—Yes, she does. B、—Does your mother go to work on Saturday?   —No, she doesn't. She goes shopping on Saturday.
  • 30. 看图选择正确的对话

    A、—Does Sam play football on Monday?—No, he doesn't. He plays basketball. B、—Does Sam play football on Monday?—Yes, he does.


  • 31. 将下列句子与正确的图片匹配

    A.    B.   C.   D.   E.

    (1)、I'm Sam. I go to school on Mondays.
    (2)、Lili is on the phone with her friend.
    (3)、My mother goes shopping on Saturdays.
    (4)、Hello! Is your father at home?
    (5)、My sister plays table tennis with me.


  • 32. 将下列句子重新排序,组成一段完整的对话

    No, she isn't. She goes to work on Saturdays.

       7  Where is Jack?

    Hello! Who's that?

    Does your dad go to work on Saturdays, too?

    He is at home with me.

    Hi! This is Tom.

    No, he doesn't. He plays basketball on the playground.

       3  Is your mother at home?


  • 33. 阅读短文,判断正误

        I'm Tim. I'm ten years old. I go to school on Mondays. I don't go to school on Saturdays. My brother Tom doesn't go to school. He's only two years old. My dad goes to work every day(每天). He isn't at home on Saturdays. My mum doesn't go to work on Saturdays. She goes shopping on Saturdays.

    (1)、Tim is ten years old.
    (2)、Tim doesn't go to school on Saturdays.
    (3)、Tom goes to school on Mondays.
    (4)、Tim's dad is at home on Saturdays.
    (5)、Tim's mum goes shopping on Saturdays.