外研版(三年级起点)2017-2018学年小学英语五年级下册Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot.课后作业

试卷更新日期:2018-03-26 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 为图片选择单词。

    A. letter   B. actor   C. laugh   D. women   E. restaurant   F. theatre



  • 2. 选择合适的介词填空。

    of   for   after   in   from

    (1)、I can write emails English.
    (2)、My brother has lots books.
    (3)、Are you ready the Children's Day?
    (4)、Daming has got a letter the UK.
    (5)、 the game we went to the park.


  • 3. Yesterday I ________ hamburgers for lunch.
    A、eat B、ate C、eating
  • 4. There are three ________ under the tree.
    A、man B、child C、women
  • 5. What ________ he ________ last night?
    A、did; do B、did; did C、does; do
  • 6. Last Sunday, they went to a ________ theatre.
    A、childs' B、children's C、childrens'
  • 7. The actor told ________ jokes. We laughed ________.
    A、lots of; lots of B、a lot; a lot C、lots of; a lot


  • 8.
    A、After the show, they went to a restaurant. B、After the show, they went to a library. 
  • 9.
    A、Are they ready for the trip to the US? B、Are they ready for the trip to the UK?  
  • 10.
    A、The men wore women's clothes. B、The women wore men's clothes.  
  • 11.
    A、I've got two books in English. B、I've got two letters in Chinese.  
  • 12.
    A、John played football yesterday. B、John went to the zoo yesterday.  

