牛津上海版(深圳用)小学英语六年级下册Module 1 Changes and differences 模块测试卷(含听力音频)

试卷更新日期:2018-03-15 类型:单元试卷



  • 6. 选出你所听到的句子(  )
    A、There will be a garden next year. B、I will swim tomorrow. C、Students will study online at home in the future.
  • 7. 选出你所听到的句子(  )
    A、I wish you a happy life. B、Please make a wish, Bob. C、I'd like to give you three wishes.
  • 8. 选出你所听到的句子(  )
    A、He swept the floor yesterday. B、He often sweeps the floor. C、He swept the streets with a broom in the past.
  • 9. 选出你所听到的句子(  )
    A、Susan is from South America. B、John comes from Europe. C、Lisa is from North America.
  • 10. 选出你所听到的句子(  )
    A、Farmers plant crops in spring. B、There are some rivers. C、There aren't many cars in the countryside.


  • 11. 根据问句选择最佳答语(  )
    A、I weigh 35 kilograms. B、I was 35 kilograms. C、I am 10.
  • 12. 根据问句选择最佳答语(  )
    A、Yes, he is. B、Yes, he does. C、No, he didn't.
  • 13. 根据问句选择最佳答语(  )
    A、Yes, there was. B、No, there aren't C、Yes, there is.
  • 14. 根据问句选择最佳答语(  )
    A、Yes, they did. B、No, they don't. C、Yes, they are.
  • 15. 根据问句选择最佳答语(  )
    A、No, they won't. B、Yes, they did. C、Yes, there will


  • 16. 根据录音所描述的内容选出适当的选项(  )
    A、It's a toy shop. B、It's a supermarket. C、It's a theatre.
  • 17. 根据录音所描述的内容选出适当的选项(  )
    A、It's the city. B、It's the countryside. C、It's a farm.
  • 18. 根据录音所描述的内容选出适当的选项(  )
    A、She is a teacher. B、She is a photographer. C、She is a writer.
  • 19. 根据录音所描述的内容选出适当的选项(  )
    A、It's a digital camera. B、It's a street sweeper. C、It's a computer.
  • 20. 根据录音所描述的内容选出适当的选项(  )
    A、It's an elephant. B、It's a dinosaur. C、It's a whale.


  • 21. Who is heavier(更重),Sam or Ann?         
    A、Sam. B、Ann. C、2 Kilograms
  • 22. How does Mr Li go to work?         
    A、By car. B、By underground. C、On foot.
  • 23. Is there a library near Linda's home?
    A、Yes, it is. B、Yes, there is. C、No, there isn't.
  • 24. What does Mr Hu use at work now?
    A、He uses a pen. B、He uses paper. C、He uses a computer.
  • 25. What is Lucy going to do with her family this Sunday morning?
    A、Grow some plants. B、Enjoy a play. C、Have a picnic.


  • 26. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。
    (1)、Cherry is      centimetres tall and she weighs          kilograms.
    A、41,150 B、150, 41 C、145, 40
    (2)、There aren't any      in the countryside.
    A、tall buildings B、tall trees C、high mountains
    (3)、Cherry doesn't play        after school.
    A、basketball B、football C、table tennis
    (4)、Cherry often goes fishing with her             at the weekend.
    A、father B、uncle C、grandfather
    (5)、Cherry doesn't like the life in the         .
    A、town B、countryside C、city


  • 27. 根据短文内容,补全所缺的单词。

        There'll be many changes in my school in the future. Students won'tschoolbags to go to school any more. Everyone will have a computer. They will study . They will learn all about on computers. They will also learnon computers too. There won't be any school buses in the future. They will to school by flying bike.


  • 28. 判断各组划线部分发音是(T)否(F)相同。

     A. space   B. weight    C. tail

     A. life     B. drive     C. writer

     A. grow   B. now      C. show

     A. even    B. thank    C. hungry


  • 29. Betty weighs 43         .
    A、centimetres B、kilograms C、/
  • 30. —       is Kitty?

    —She is 135 centimetres tall.

    A、How tall B、How much C、How long
  • 31. —       Mary like playing chess?

    —No, she          .

    A、Do, don't B、Is, isn't C、Does, doesn't
  • 32. There       some shops and a big shopping mall near my home.
    A、am B、is C、are
  • 33. Mrs Li sweeps the streets with a broom every day. She is a       .
    A、photographer B、writer C、street cleaner
  • 34. Mrs Hu often       a small bag. But yesterday she    a big one.
    A、carry, carried B、carries, carried C、carried, carries
  • 35. I'd like to        you five wishes.
    A、gives B、give C、giving
  • 36. In the past, farmers got their crops in         .
    A、by hand B、in hand C、on hand
  • 37. In the future, students         online at home.
    A、will study B、study C、is studying
  • 38.          there many pandas in the wild in the past?
    A、Are B、Will C、Were


  • 39. 从短文后每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。

        Sam is my pen friend. We are both eleven. But he is 1and heavier than me. He likes sport. He often2basketball after school. There 3three people in his family. His parents are both teachers. They are Americans, but they can speak a little Japanese. They 4in Japan last year. They would like to live in China next year. I hope they will 5soon.

    A、tall B、taller C、short
    A、played B、will play C、plays
    A、are B、is C、am
    A、lives B、lived C、live
    A、coming B、came C、come


  • 40. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确。


        There were two brothers. They had different ways of life. The elder brother lived in the countryside, got married (结婚)and had children. He lived a happy life. The younger brother travelled all around the world. He enjoyed himself during the travelling and collected many nice memories (回忆).When the two brothers were old, the elder brother had children and grandchildren. They took good care of him, he was happy. The younger brother had no children or grandchildren, but he had fantastic memories and he was happy too.

    (1)、The elder brother lived in the city.
    (2)、The younger brother liked travelling all over the world.
    (3)、The younger brother didn't marry.
    (4)、The children and grandchildren didn't take care of the elder brother.
    (5)、The two brothers both had a happy life.
  • 41. 阅读下列短文,为每小题选出最佳选项。


        When old Mr Chow was a young man, he went to visit his uncle in the city. His wife and children met him at the train station when he arrived back in the countryside. When he got off the train, his wife asked, "Did you miss us?"

        "Yes, I missed you all. There's no place like home. Life in the city was strange. Uncle Tom lives in a modern neighbourhood (居住区), People go up to their homes in a big box." Mr Chow said.

        "You look tired." said Mrs Chow.

        "Yes, I need to sleep. I couldn't sleep at night because the light was much brighter (更亮)than the candle in our house."

        "Why didn't you blow it out?" asked Mrs Chow.

        "I tried (尝试)to, but it was in a glass ball." said Mr Chow.

    (1)、Mr Chow and his family lived in the       .
    A、city B、countryside C、town
    (2)、Mr Chow travelled home         .
    A、by car B、by train C、by underground
    (3)、Did Mr Chow know how to turn off (关掉)the light?'
    A、Yes, he did. B、Yes, it did. C、No, he didn't.
    (4)、I think the "big box" is a        .
    A、lift (电梯) B、box C、house
    (5)、Which do you think is Mr Chow's "candle in a glass ball"?
    A、 B、 C、
  • 42. 阅读下列短文,为每小题选出最佳选项。

        Lily s family are decorating their home. What changes would they like to see? Mum would like to have some new lamps in the living room. Their living room will be bright. She would like to have a bigger kitchen and a bigger fridge too. She won't have to buy food very often. Peter would like to have a TV in his bedroom. He can watch TV all the time. Lily would like to have a piano in her bedroom. She can play the piano after dinner. Dad would like to have a new shelf. He can put his books on it.

    (1)、Lily's mum would like to have some new lamps in the         .
    A、bedroom B、living room C、kitchen
    (2)、Lily's mum would like to have a bigger               .
    A、kitchen B、fridge C、both A and B
    (3)、    would like to have a TV.
    A、Peter B、Peter's dad C、Lily
    (4)、Lily would like to have           in her bedroom
    A、a piano B、a computer C、a shelf
    (5)、Lily's dad would like to have a new shelf for his            .
    A、books B、clothes C、shoes


  • 43. —Hi, Tom. You are taller than before. How tall are you?


    A、I weigh 30 kilograms. B、I am 145 centimetres tall. C、I'm taller.
  • 44. —Does Jim like sport?


    A、He often watches TV. B、He often plays basketball. C、Thank you.
  • 45. —Is there a cinema near your home?

         I often see films in it.

    A、Yes, there is. B、No, there isn't. C、Yes, there are.
  • 46. —Next week is Lucy's birthday. What gift will you buy for her?


    A、I'll buy her a book. B、I had a book for her. C、She will like it.
  • 47. —I'd like to give you three wishes.

        I don't need any wishes.

    A、No problem. B、Of course. C、Thank you.


  • 48. 从所给出的单词中选出合适的完成对话。

    space   be   mountain   even   have

    Mary: Will there be many changes in our school in the future, Joe?

    Joe: Yes. Students will  lessons in different places. For example, they will have lessons under the sea or on a high  .

    Mary: Will we have lessons in space?

    Joe: No, it's too far away. But we will learn all about on computers. We can touch and feel a space station.

    Mary: That's interesting. Will there a bigger library?

    Joe: Yes, there will. We will read books from small computers. They will help us see dinosaurs and other interesting things.

    Mary: Cool!

  • 49. 补全对话,把字母写在横线上。

    A. What does he do?

    B. It can clean the streets in a short time.

    C. He's my uncle.

    D. He wants to have one in the future,

    E. He cleans the streets with a broom every day.

    Linda: Hi, Peter. Who is the man in the photo?

    Peter: He lives in the countryside, but he works in the city. He goes to work by bus every day.


    Peter: He's a street cleaner.He's very tired.

    Linda: He can use a street sweeper.It's very fast.

    Peter: But there isn't a street sweeper for him.  


  • 50. 选出适当的词语,完成对话。

    a piece of,  right away,  goes fishing,  have a picnic,  get…in

    (1)、—What does Bob usually do at the weekend?

    —He usuallywith his grandpa.

    (2)、—Did Mrs Hongher cropsby hand in the past?

    —Yes, she did. But now she uses a machine.

    (3)、—What do you need, Bob?

    —I needbread. I'm a little hungry.

    (4)、—What are you going to do this Sunday, Judy?

    —Fin going towith my family.

    (5)、—Can you come to my office  , Sally?

    —OK, no problem.


  • 51. 小作文,根据图片信息,与出二句以上完整、有意义的英文句子

  • 52. 大作文

    今年9月你将进入中学学习,想一想你的新学校将会是什么样的呢?请你以 My school in the future为题,写一篇作文,60个单词左右。
    My school in the future