
试卷更新日期:2018-03-14 类型:期末考试



  • 6. 听下面—段对话,回答小题。
    (1)、How many students are there in John's class?  
    A、8. B、18. C、28.
    (2)、Where is John's classroom?  
    A、Behind the science labs. B、Beside the library. C、Near the sports hall.
  • 7. 听下面—段对话,回答小题。
    (1)、Who goes to the zoo with Cathy?  
    A、Her brother. B、Her cousin. C、Her mother.
    (2)、What animal does Cathy like best?  
    A、The tiger. B、The monkey. C、The giraffe.
    (3)、Why does she like the animal?  
    A、Because it is cute. B、Because it is strong. C、Because it is beautiful.


  • 8. 完成信息记录表。

    Alice's family holiday


    in 1


    Mum:going shopping and buying2sweaters


    Brother:playing around and eating



     5 is coming.

    A、America B、China C、England
    A、white B、blue C、red
    A、cooking the meal B、sweeping the floor C、cleaning the desk
    A、maths B、history C、geography
    A、Christmas B、Spring Festival C、Alice's birthday


  • 9. —Do you know the new movie Coco?

    —Of course.It's    great movie about family and love.

    A、a B、an C、the D、
  • 10. —Excuse me,is this    book?

    —No,my book is there.It's Lucy's.

    A、my B、your C、her D、his
  • 11. —We haven't got any meat for the soup.

    —OK,let's go and buy some    and also some vegetables.

    A、beef B、beans C、coffee D、candies
  • 12. Jack is a    man.All the policemen want to catch him.   
    A、busy B、lucky C、strong D、dangerous
  • 13. When waiting for the bus,Peter turns back to speak to the girl standing    him.  
    A、on B、under C、before D、behind
  • 14. —Our teacher tells us to write something about Africa.But I know nothing at all.

    —Well,you can      the information of it on the Internet.

    A、look at B、talk about C、search for D、connect to
  • 15. —Lily,does your family often make lanterns for Spring Festival?

    —No,           . We really don't know how to make them.

    A、always B、usually C、sometimes D、never
  • 16. —       ?

    —He is a hotel manager.

    A、How is your father B、Who is your father C、What is your father's job D、Where is your father from
  • 17. —Where is Sam? I can't find him anywhere.

    —Oh,he and Tommy     in the library.

    A、read B、can read C、are reading D、don't read
  • 18. —I've got two tickets for the concert tonight.Would you like to join me?

        Let's meet at the music hall then.

    A、Hurry up! B、Good idea! C、That's too bad. D、I'm afraid not.


  • 19. 阅读下面短文,从每小题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        A rich American goes into a shop.She wants to buy a nice—looking1 , but the owner of the shop asks 500 dollars for it.Suddenly a young man comes into the shop,  2the watch out of the owner's hands and runs out with it.All of this happens3 a short time.

        When the owner knows what's going on,he runs out into the street to catch the man.There are too many people on the street and his shop is still open,4the only thing he can do is to give up.He stops running after the man and 5.

        However.the American doesn't stop.She goes on looking for the man.At the next corner,she sees the young man with the watch in6hand.

        "Do you want to buy a(n)7watch for only 100 dollars,madam?"

        "The young man has no idea about 8 I see in the shop."the American thinks.So she wants to keep it a secret.She gives him the 9and goes back home with the watch happily.She can't wait to show her new watch to her husband.

        After her husband takes a look at the watch.he laughs,"This watch isn't worth*even 10 dollars.I'm sure the shop owner and the young man10this together."

    A、bag B、watch C、scarf D、sweater
    A、buys B、takes C、checks D、chooses
    A、in B、on C、from D、after
    A、so B、and C、but D、because
    A、gets on B、gets down C、goes out D、goes back
    A、my B、her C、his D、your
    A、old B、fine C、expensive D、different
    A、how B、when C、what D、where
    A、idea B、shop C、secret D、money
    A、put B、know C、like D、plan


  • 20. 阅读下面的文本,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Welcome to City Library

    City Library is open to everyone from Tuesday to Sunday.You can borrow four books,one CD and as many videos as you want at a time—three weeks for books.two weeks for CDs and videos.


    ▲Picture books for children

    ▲Books for study

    ▲Stories of all kinds

    You can enjoy newspapers and magazines in the reading room.But you can't take them out of the library.



    ▲News around the world

    You can enjoy listening in the special rooms here except Saturday.All the CDs can be borrowed.


    ▲Video films

    ▲TV plays

    ▲Music videos

    You can't watch videos here.

    You can borrow a video for a week for $1.

    (1)、We can't visit City Library on    .
    A、Monday B、Tuesday C、Saturday D、Sunday
    (2)、What can we do in City library?
    A、Watch TV plays. B、Read some stories. C、Buy a magazine. D、Borrow five books.
    (3)、Which is TRUE about City Library?
    A、We can't take CDs out of it. B、Children can't borrow books from it. C、we spend $2 borrowing a video for a week. D、There are some special rooms to enjoy audios.
  • 21. 阅读下面的文本,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。


        Mr.King goes to a dinner party.It is James' birthday.Mr.King is wearing his old clothes because he doesn't have time to change after work,but he does remember his present for his best friend.When he comes into the room,nobody in it looks at him or asks him to sit at the table,even James.

        Mr. King leaves the party,goes home and puts on his good clothes.He goes back to the party.This time,everyone in the room stands up and says hello to him.Of course.James does that too.They also give him the good food to eat.

        Mr.King gives his present to James.and then takes off his coat.puts the food in front of it and says."Eat, coat!"

        All the people there are surprised.and James' son asks,"What are you doing?"

        He answers,"I'm asking my coat to eat the food.When I am wearing my old clothes,you do not look at me and you do not ask me to sit down.Now, I am in these clothes.And you give me the delicious food.Now I see,  ▲  !"

    (1)、Who has a birthday party?  
    A、Mr.King B、James' son. C、James' friend. D、Mr.King's friend.
    (2)、Why does Mr.King leave the party?  
    A、Because he goes to change his clothes. B、Because he doesn't buy a birthday present. C、Because he still has some work to do at home. D、Because he doesn't like his old clothes on him.
    (3)、Which can be put into the last sentence(句子)?  
    A、you are happy for the present,not for me B、my clothes want to eat something,not me C、a nice birthday present is important,not me D、you give the food for my clothes,not for me
  • 22. 阅读下面的文本,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。


        The life of a computer is usually about five years.After that.it may become slow or even stop working.Here are some tips on how to make your computer work longer.

        Keep it clean.Dust makes your computer slow.Remember to sweep the dust in your computer from time to time.Clean your screen with screen cleaner,never window cleaner.Also,don't eat food or place drinks next to your computer.

          ▲    . When your computer is working,the CPU can get so hot that you can even cook on it.Try to put your computer in a clean room that stays cool and out of the sun.And don't put anything in front of the fans of your computer.

        Keep it new.Sometimes,the computer needs updating.It takes time but can make your computer work fast and well.And too many old and useless documents are bad for your computer.You need to clean them up often(at least once a month).

        Don't move it.When the computer is running,it's not a good idea to move it.Keep it still because too much movement can stop your computer from working.

        Don't turn it on and off too often.Turning it off one time every day(like at night)is fine.But too many times of that can make it difficult for your computer to work.

        Take good care of your computer,and it can be with you much longer.

    (1)、How many tips are there in the passage(文章)?  
    A、Four. B、Five. C、Six. D、Seven.
    (2)、Which can be the heading(小标题)of the 3rd paragraph(段落)?  
    A、Keep it hot. B、Keep it cool. C、Keep it slow. D、Keep it long.
    (3)、The underlined word "still" in the 5th paragraph means    .  
    A、working B、running C、not moving D、not using
    (4)、The life of our computer may be longer when we    .  
    A、turn it off every time after we use it B、put it under the sun before we use it C、see it as something important and use it with care D、find many documents about study and save them all


  • 23. 关于早餐,Linda,Richard,Cindy,Gary和Susan喜欢吃不同的食物。请仔细阅读⑴—⑸题中5个人的喜好,从A-F六个店铺中,选出他们最可能去吃早餐的地方。  (其中—项为多余选项)

    ⑴Linda lives with her grandparents.They usually eat traditional Chinese food.such as noodles and dumplings to start their day.

    ⑵Richard always eats the same breakfast every day.He doesn't eat much.A small piece of bread and a cup of milk are nice for him.

    ⑶Cindy loves fruit and vegetables.Sometimes she puts them together to make juice.But she never puts sugar into it because she thinks that's too sweet.

    ⑷Gary enjoys eating fast food.Hamburgers and hot dogs are his favourite.He knows cola isn't healthy for him,but he still drinks a lot,even in the morning!

    ⑸Susan has a sweet tooth.Anything sweet can make her happy all the day.She likes going to birthday parties because she can eat lots of sweet birthday cake.

    A.Sullivan's Bread World:We have fresh bread every morning and you can enjoy a cup of coffee or milk with it.

    B.Roman Holiday:We have a world-famous cook for you.Beefsteak or fish steak,a wonderful meal you can't miss.

    C.Uncle Tom:Come here and save your time!Catch your hamburgers,French fries,hot dogs,cola and soda.Go,go,go!   

    D.Little Ants' Home:Here you can find whatever sweet things you like.We are good at making cakes,candies,cookies and so on.

    E.Fresh and Healthy:Apples,pears,grapes,mangoes,lemons…We little shop mixes the fruit with vegetables and gives you the best drink.

    F.Aunt Lee's Kitchen:Fried eggs?Tomatoes?Beef?Which do you like to eat with your noodles?Tell Aunt Lee,she will get your breakfast ready quickly.


  • 24. 请将单词前面的字母填到图片下面的横线上。

    A.make dumplings

    B.stand in line

    C.click the mouse

    D.silk dress

    E.take photos

    F.ice cream

    G.go to bed

    H.a box of chocolates

    I.get off the bus

    J.lie in the sun


  • 25. 根据括号内的中文提示,写出单词。注意单词的适当形式

        Every (秋天)I go to visit my grandparents.They live in the countryside.It takes me(四十)minutes to get there by train.They have a big(农场).I always spend much time staying with different kinds of animals and(植物)in it.From day to night,I have many(有趣的) things to do.Sometimes,I climb trees and draw some pictures of beautiful flowers.Sometimes,my(爷爷)and I feed the animals such as our dog,cows,chickens and ducks,He(帮助)me know a lot about them.It is also great fun to see the little (黄色的)chickens eating noodles and ducks swimming in the river.In the countryside,I can(学习)a lot from playing.I am never(劳累的)of the days there.


  • 26. 假如你是Daming,现正在广州参观长隆野生动物世界(Changlong Safari Park)。请给Tony寄—张明信片,分享你在动物园里的见闻和感受。



    Dear Tony,

        Hi from Guangzhou!

        I am

        I wish you were here.



    Tony Smith


    CB2 1TN,UK