
试卷更新日期:2018-03-14 类型:期末考试

一、听句子,选择正确的选项。 (10%)


  • 11. Where is she going?    
    A、A bookstore. B、A hospital. C、A cinema.
  • 12. Who is Chen Jie going to visit this afternoon?    
    A、Her sister. B、Her aunts. C、Her grandparents.
  • 13. What should Mike do?    
    A、See a doctor. B、Wear warm clothes. C、Listen to songs.
  • 14. When is Amy's birthday?    
    A、On Children's Day. B、On Christmas Day. C、On Tree Planting Day.
  • 15. What's Zhang Peng's music teacher like?    
    A、He is old. B、She is young. C、He is young.
  • 16. What does John's mother do?    
    A、She's a postwoman. B、She's a scientist. C、She's a police officer.
  • 17. What's Sarah's hobby?    
    A、Playing football. B、Doing Kungfu. C、Watching kungfu play.
  • 18. What does Oliver do every day?    
    A、He studies Chinese. B、He does word puzzles. C、He reads English.
  • 19. How does Ben sometimes come to school?    
    A、By car. B、By ship. C、On foot.
  • 20. What does Mike often do on the weekend?    
    A、Take o trip. B、Make mooncakes. C、Go hiking.

三、听对话,选择正确的选项。 (10%)

  • 21. 听完第一段对话,完成2小题
    (1)、How are they going to the nature park?    
    A、By the No.71 bus. B、By the No.17 bus. C、On foot.
    (2)、What colour is the light now?    
    A、It's red. B、It's yellow. C、It's green.
  • 22. 听完第二段对话,完成3小题
    (1)、Is Liu Yun's father a postman?    
    A、No,he isn't. B、Yes,he is. C、Yes,he does.
    (2)、Where does Liu Yun's father work?    
    A、In the post office. B、In the shop. C、In the police station.
    (3)、What is Liu Yun going to be?    
    A、To be a worker. B、To be a postman. C、To be a pilot.

四、根据发音规则,选择正确的选项。 (5%)

  • 23. 选择正确的选项。

    A.beef    B.together    C.word    D.cat    E.candy

    (1)、Look at the.It is fat.
    (2)、The little baby is eating the.
    (3)、Father and mother are.
    (4)、The nurse has a purplebook.
    (5)、Lea likes eating.


  • 24. 选出同类的单词

    ⑴car   plane 

    ⑵go straight   turn left 

    ⑶museum   cinema 

    ⑷USA   China 

    ⑸reads   watches 

    ⑹next week   this evening 

    A.tonight  B.factory    C.turn right D.subway  E.Germany    F.lives

六、读句子,根据图片情境选择正确的选项。 (6%)

  • 25. He often goes to work by      .    
    A、bus B、train C、taxi
  • 26. My uncle is a       
    A、coach B、driver C、secretary
  • 27. Let's go to the   
    A、science museum B、cinema C、canteen
  • 28. Do you like      ?
    A、doing kung fu B、dancing C、playing football
  • 29. Sarah is angry.Cat is      .
    A、happy B、afraid C、angry 
  • 30. She is going to buy a     
    A、postcard B、dictionary C、notebook

七、根据语言情境选择正确的选项。 (8%)

  • 31. —How do you go to the USA from China?

           . It's quick.

    A、By taxi B、By ship C、By plane
  • 32. My uncle works in a factory.He is a      .    
    A、worker B、doctor C、pilot
  • 33. —I feel so    today.What should I do?

    —Take a deep breath and count to ten.

    A、angry B、cold C、happy
  • 34. —Don't go at a red light.


    A、That's good B、I will stop and wait C、I must drive slowly
  • 35. —Excuse me,where is the     ?I want to buy a notebook.

    —Sorry, I don't know.

    A、bookstore B、hospital C、library
  • 36. —    are you going to the zoo? 

    —This afternoon.

    A、Where B、Who C、When
  • 37. —Does your father work in a school?

          . He is a head teacher.

    A、No, he doesn't B、Yes, he does C、Yes, he is
  • 38. —What's his hobby?


    A、likes reading stories B、reads stories C、like reading stories

八、读对话,选择正确的问句或答句。 (5%)

  • 39. 补全对话。

    Nancy:Hi,David.Welcome to my home.


    Nancy:Thank you.

    David:Is this your family photo?

    Nancy:Yes.This is my mother.

    David:Wow,she looks young.

    Nancy:She is a secretary.

    David:Is your father a scientist?

    Nancy:Yes,he works at a university.

    David:By car?

    Nancy:No,he goes to work by bike.

    David:Great.He has a very healthy life.Look at your sister.

    Nancy:Yes,her favourite toy was lost.David,come to my bedroom.Let's play computer


    A.What does she do?

    B.Your home is big and beautiful.

    C.She looks worried.

    D.How does he go to work?

    E.He likes riding a bike.


  • 40. Chen Jie做了绘本,给外国的小朋友介绍中国年。读绘本,完成相应的任务。


     ② ③ ④ 

    (2)、任务二、The title(标题)is        .
    A、Big Dinner B、Chinese New Year C、Huang's Family


  • 41. 北京的导游向Tom一家介绍故宫博物馆以及相关信息,选择正确的选项。10%

        Welcome to Beijing.You can take the No.82 bus to the Tian'anmen Square or you can go by subway.The Tian'anmen Square is on the West Chang'an Street.It's near Zhongshan Park.Go straight, you can see the Palace Museum on the right.After going around the Palace Museum, you can turn left.And you will see Beihai Park.

    ◆Opening time of Palace Museum:April 1st—Oct.31st Friday      8:30 a.m.—5:00 p.m.

    Nov.1st—Mar. 31st 9:00 a.m.—5:30 p.m.

    ◆Tickets(门票)of Palace Museum:April 1st—Oct.31st      Adult:¥60

    Nov.1st—Mar.31st      Adult:¥40

    youth ages 6-18 years old:Half Price

    children 6 years old or younger:¥0

    children under 1.2 meters:¥0

    ◆You can also watch animal show in the Palace Museum.You can also enjoy Gourmet Festival.There are many delicious food and drinks.The fruits are big and juicy.The sea food is fresh and various.The meat is roast.You can eat and drink.

    (1)、They can go to Tian'an men Square       .    
    A、by the No.80 bus B、by subway C、by the No.28 bus
    (2)、The right sentence (句子) is     .    
    A、Palace Museum is on the left of Beihai Park. B、Zhongshan Park is far from the West Chang'an Street. C、Zhonqshan Park is near the Tian'an Men Square.
    (3)、They can visit the Palace Museum at     on Nov.24th.
    A、6:00 p.m. B、8:35 a.m. C、10.a.m.
    (4)、Tom is 12 years old.He and his parents are going to the Palace Museum on February 7.Their tickets will be      .    
    A、150yuan B、100 yuan C、80yuan
    (5)、The Gourmet Festival means        .    
    A、美食节 B、展览节 C、音乐节
  • 42. 一起来看一看这份关于心情的简报,并选择正确的选项。10%

        Different people have different feelings towards different things.Their mood is easily affected by some things around them.

        Peter is a cook.He has a big restaurant.He often cooks yummy Chinese food for people.In fact(事实上)he doesn't like cooking.If his mother asks him to cook after work,he will not be happy.Nothing but going hiking makes him happy.

        Mary is a businesswoman.She has a dictionary company. She often goes to other countries.She often feels ill, but she doesn't go to see a doctor.Then she joins a music club.She feels better soon.

        Ann is an artist.She often draws different kinds of pictures.If she can't find her pictures,she will be sad.So she treasures every picture.

        Betty is a housewife.She often does housework at home at day.She is very busy.In the evening,she often goes to the cinema.That's a happy time for her.

        Different people use different ways to deal with their feelings. If you're sad,what do you usually do? Listening to music,reading books,doing exercise…They may help you feel better.So if you're sad,please do some things to make yourself happy!

    (1)、Peter likes       .    
    A、cooking B、going hiking C、singing
    (2)、Mary has a      .    
    A、music club B、dictionary company C、restaurant
    (3)、Ann lost her pictures,she feels very      .    
    A、sad B、angry C、afraid
    (4)、Betty often    in the evening.    
    A、does housework B、goes to the cinema C、reads books
    (5)、If you're sad,you may     .    
    A、see a doctor B、do exercise C、count to ten


  • 43. 寒假马上开始了。有三个同学做了不同的假期计划。请同学们仔细观察,并完成相应的信息哦!(提示:根据表格提供的信息,把①—⑥题补充完整,然后在⑦—⑧横线上发挥想象至少写出两句相关句子。)


    What's hobby



    What to do



    Stay at home


    Read stories


    Doing sports



    Swim and jump


    Shang Hai


    This is Bob.He is going to①in Winter Holiday.He likes reading.So he is going to ②

    This is Ann.She ③ to the gym.She is going there ④ . She likes ⑤ . She is going to swim and jump.

    This is Brandy. ⑥ . She is going there by train.

    She ⑦