外研(新标准)版2017-2018学年七年级英语上册Module 1 My classmates综合能力评估试题(音频暂未更新)

试卷更新日期:2018-03-07 类型:单元试卷


  • 1. 选择最佳应答语(  )
    A、How do you do? B、How are you? C、Nice to meet you too.
  • 2. 选择最佳应答语(  )
    A、No, I can't. B、No, I'm not. C、No, I don't.
  • 3. 选择最佳应答语(  )
    A、He's 12. B、She's 13. C、She's fine
  • 4. 选择最佳应答语(  )
    A、Betty. B、Tom Gates. C、Smith.
  • 5. 选择最佳应答语(  )
    A、America. B、English. C、Chinese.


  • 6. What's the boy's name?    
    A、Tony Smith. B、Tim Smith. C、Tom King.
  • 7. Where is David from?    
    A、America. B、England. C、China.
  • 8. How old is Sam?    
    A、12. B、13. C、14.
  • 9. Where is Jim?    
    A、In Hangzhou. B、In Guangzhou. C、In Shanghai.
  • 10. What class is Emma in?    
    A、In Class 1. B、In Class 4. C、In Class 7.


  • 11. 听第一段对话,回答小题。
    (1)、Who's Miss Xu?  
    A、Tony's teacher B、Tony's classmate. C、Tony's friend!
    (2)、How old isTony?    
    A、11. B、12. C、13.
  • 12. 听第二段对话,回答小题。
    (1)、What's Wang Lingling's English name?    
    A、Betty. B、Mary. C、Lisa.
    (2)、Where is Wang Lingling from?    
    A、Wuhan. B、Beijing. C、Taiyuan.
    (3)、What class is Wang Lingling in?    
    A、Class 3. B、Class 2. C、Class 1.


  • 13. 根据材料,选择最佳答案。
    (1)、How old is Nancy?
    A、12 B、13 C、14
    (2)、What's Nancy's favourite colour?
    A、Red B、Green C、Yellow
    (3)、Who's Wendy?    
    A、Nancy's sister B、Nancy's classmate. C、Nancy's friend.
    (4)、Where is Wendy from?    
    A、China. B、England. C、America.
    (5)、What class is Wendy in?    
    A、Class 3. B、Class4. C、Class 5.


  • 14. I'm Chinese.I'm     Taiyuan.    
    A、like B、from C、about D、after
  • 15. Is it the capital     America?    
    A、at B、on  · C、in D、of   
  • 16. —Who is the boy?

          is my new friend.

    A、She B、You C、He D、They
  • 17. We're in Class 2 and this is      classroom.      
    A、our B、his C、her D、your
  • 18. The girl is in Grade 7 and the boy is in      9.    
    A、School B、Class C、Day D、Grade
  • 19. This is Zhao Bincheng. Zhao is his     name.
    A、first B、last C、Chinese D、English
  • 20. The name is    . I can't see it.    
    A、new B、cold C、nice D、small
  • 21. —    is Martin?

    —In the classroom.

    A、Where B、Who C、How many D、How old
  • 22. —Is the girl Mary?

         . She is Liz.

    A、Yes,he is B、No,he isn't C、Yes,she is D、No, she isn't
  • 23. —The weather is good.


    A、Goodbye B、Yes,It's fine. C、Good morning D、Fine,thanks


  • 24. 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

        Hi,boys and girls.I 1your teacher Miss Zhou.My2is 324 635.My pen is3.It's my favourite colour.My favourite4is swimming and my favourite season(季节)is 5.Tony is a new student.Let 6introduce (介绍)him,7is he?Oh,he's thirteen.His English is very good.He can8you.There are9students in our class now一16 girls and 15 boys.OK,10your books.

    A、is B、am C、are D、be
    A、book B、number C、name D、year
    A、big B、nice C、New D、green
    A、sport B、day C、flower D、pencil
    A、morning B、school C、autumn D、city
    A、you B、she C、me D、he
    A、How B、How many C、What D、How  old
    A、help B、thank C、see D、draw
    A、21 B、27 C、31 D、34
    A、write B、play C、open D、spell


  • 25. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

     Name:Cai Yong




     Favourite day:Saturday

     Favourite sport:Jianzi

     Name:Rose Black



     From:New York 

     Favourite day:Sunday

     Favoufite sport:Football

     Name:Jim Green




     Favourite day:Friday

     Favourite sport:Basketball

    (1)、How old is CaiYong?    
    A、11. B、12. C、13. D、14
    (2)、Cai Yong is in Class      .    
    A、4 B、3 C、2 D、1
    (3)、Rose is from    .    
    A、London B、NewYork C、Beijing D、Shanghai
    (4)、What is Rose's favourite day?    
    A、Friday. B、Saturday. C、Sunday. D、Monday.
    (5)、Jim likes    .   
    A、football B、Jianzi C、basketball D、taijiquan
  • 26. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

        My name is Lu Sheng.I'm in Dalian.My favourite colour is white.This is my cat and it's white.What's on my chair? It's a yellow bag.Today is cold,but I still(仍然)swim in the morning.

        My name is Carla.I'm in New York.This is my dog and it's brown.It's my favourite colour.What's on the desk? It's a black pen. It's from my good friend Lisa.It's warm this afternoon.Let's play football in my school.

    (1)、Lu Sheng's cat is           
    A、black B、white C、brown D、yellow
    (2)、What's on Lu Sheng's chair?    
    A、A cat. B、A dog. C、A pen. D、A bag.
    (3)、Lu Sheng swims in the     morning.    
    A、cold B、hot C、cool D、warm
    (4)、Lisa is Carla's    .    
    A、teacher B、student C、friend D、classmate
    (5)、Caria wants to      this afternoon.    
    A、play football B、go swimming C、play basketball D、play table tennis


  • 27. 根据对话内容,在每个空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话完整、合乎情境。


    B:Hello.Ma Jia.

    A: ?

    B:My name is Gao Shan.

    A: ?

    B:I'm from Qingdao.

    A: ?

    B:I'm 13 years old.

    A: .

    B:Nice to meet you too.


  • 28. 阅读下面短文,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        This is Mary.She is an(England)girl.She is(介词)Mr Luo's class.Li Jie(be),her classmate.They(be)Mr Luo's students.Li Jie can play table tennis(连词)Mary can't.Li Jie can teach(教)Mary.




  • 39.     英语课上老师要求学生自我介绍。请你从姓名、国籍、年龄和班级等方面介绍自己。要求:至少5句话。


  • 40. 阅读理解。

        My name is Lucy and this is my grandfather.His name is Tim and he is my  best friend.My grandfather is 64 years old and he is retired now,so he has much time to be and play with me.I love him very much and I know he loves me too.

        He lives with me.my father,my mother and my brother Kevin.We live in a big house.My grandfather is a very tall and strong man!Can you see me on his shoulders (肩膀)in this picture?He is really strong!My grandfather always knows what l want to do or to eat or what I feel inside!When I am sad,he makes me laugh with his funny faces.Every night before I go to bed,my grandfather tells me stories,and he even sings for me!


    (1)、"he is retired" means(意思是) "he stops       ".    
    A、working B、playing C、dancing D、talking
    (2)、How many people are there in Lucy's family?    
    A、3. B、4. C、5 D、6
    (3)、Tim is Kevin's      .    
    A、brother B、uncle C、father D、grandfather
    (4)、What does Lucy think of her grandfather?    
    A、He is slow. B、He is strong. C、He is busy. D、He is clever.
    (5)、when Lucy is sad,her grandfather      .    
    A、puts her on his shoulders B、makes her laugh C、tells her stories D、sings for her