
试卷更新日期:2018-02-26 类型:中考模拟


  • 1. —Did you watch the show “ Readers” on CCTV 1 last night?

    —Yes. It's very educational. It tells of the ______ of reading classic.

    A、importance B、habits C、fairness D、independence
  • 2. —Dad, could you please teach ______ English?

    —Sure! But it's more important to learn it by ________.

    A、my, yourself B、me, you C、my; you D、me, yourself
  • 3. —Which sport do you often do, soccer or basketball?

    —_________, and I also like playing volleyball after school with my classmates.

    A、All B、Both C、Neither D、None
  • 4. —Thanks _____our government, we can play sports on the new playground next week.

    —That's for sure! And we'll have a sports meeting _____ one month.

    A、for, in B、to, in C、for, after D、to, after
  • 5. —We have only _____ kinds of T-shirts. Which one would you like?

    —The ______ one. I prefer the color.

    A、three, third B、third, three C、three, three D、third, third
  • 6. —Could you tell me when to develop children's independence?

    —The _______, the _______. I think.

    A、early, good B、earlier, better C、earliest, best D、earlier, best
  • 7. —You really ________ your father!

    — Yes, but I think I am more outgoing than him!

    A、look after B、feel like C、take after D、care for
  • 8. —MADE IN CHINA is more and more popular all over the world.

    —Yeah! Many countries can hardly avoid _____ products made in China for people.

    A、to provide B、offering C、to offer D、providing
  • 9. —I called you at 8:00 p.m yesterday, but you didn't pick up.
    —Oh, I _________ mom with housework.
    A、am helping B、helped C、was helping D、will help
  • 10. —Why did your mother send you to school this morning? Is your father busy?

    —Yes. My dad _______ Hangzhou on business.

    A、has been to B、had gone to C、goes to D、has gone to
  • 11. —It's too hot today. Would you like to swim in the river?

    —No. Teachers always warn us ________ in the river because it's very dangerous.

    A、no swimming B、don't swim C、not swim D、not to swim
  • 12. —Do you think these old houses should __________?

    —No! We'd better try to decorate them well!

    A、take down B、be taking down C、be taken down D、have taken down
  • 13. —I really want to watch “Furious 8”(速度与激情8) Could you tell________?

    —Sure. It'll be on show in China next Saturday.

    A、where will it be on show B、when it will be on show C、what time will it be on show D、when will it be on show
  • 14. —Have you watch the TV play “ In the name of people”(人民的名义)?

    —Yes. It's the most popular play ____ shows our Party's trying to struggle against corruption.(反对腐败).

    A、where B、whether C、that D、who
  • 15. —Do you think we are supposed to invite our teachers to the farewell party next Saturday?

    —Yes, ______ I'll call them at once.

    A、what for? B、what? C、why not ? D、why?


  • 16. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入短文空白处的最佳选项。

        “It is the worst day of my life today.” Peter said to himself when he walked home alone. His mind would not stop 1 what happened only just an hour ago on the school soccer field. How could he have missed scoring that goal? His stupid mistake made him 2 His team had lost the game 3 him. He was really worried that his coach might 4the team.

        As soon as he walked through the door, his father asked, “What's wrong, son?” Peter's feelings were written all over his 5 “I lost the game,” Peter replied. “Look, Peter. I don't know what happened. But 6 it was, don't be too hard on yourself. ”

        “I lost the game, Dad. I 7my team. They'll probably never 8 me play again. ” “Soccer is about team effort. You're not the only 9your team lost. If you have a good team, you should support each other. Besides, winning or losing is only half the game. The other half is learning10 to communicate with your teammates and learning from your 11

        The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart. “Hey, guys.” he said to his teammates. “I'm really sorry about yesterday. We were so close to 12that game. But I think 13we continue to pull together, we're going to win the next one.”

        To his surprise and relief, his teammates all nodded 14agreement. “Yeah,” they said, “don't worry about it. It's never just one person's fault. We should think about how we can do 15next time. ”

        Peter smiled. It made him feel lucky to know that he was on a winning team.

    A、to think about B、thinking over C、to think of D、thinking about
    A、angrily B、mad C、relaxed D、terribly
    A、instead of B、because of C、in case of D、a bit of
    A、kick off him B、kicked him off C、kicked off him D、kick him off
    A、nose B、ears C、heart D、face
    A、whatever B、however C、wherever D、whenever
    A、failed B、got C、won D、missed
    A、want B、expect C、suppose D、let
    A、person B、player C、information D、reason
    A、when B、how C、why D、where
    A、lessons B、grades C、mistakes D、courage
    A、win B、won C、winning D、wins
    A、before B、though C、if D、unless
    A、for B、in C、with D、at
    A、well B、better C、fine D、finer


  • 17. 阅读理解

        In our daily life, we always come to the question “What is the real beauty?” . Different people have different ideas. Last night, I read a true story from the newspaper. It's about a poor, ordinary looking old woman. She lived alone, making a living by picking things from rubbish heaps (垃圾堆). However, she took in more than ten homeless children and tried to bring them up .Every day she worked from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. In order to earn as much money as possible to raise the children and to keep them in school, she even went to a local hospital to sell her blood(血) once a month. She got so weak because of the loss of blood that she sometimes felt sick on her way home. When asked why she chose to take care of so many children, she smiled and answered,“Oh, I love children and I like to live together with them because they always bring me great happiness.” Though the old woman was poor, she was full of love and rich in spirit.So the local government and people in her city truly respected her. Maybe you can't help thinking,“What makes that poor woman so different?” It is nothing else but her inner (内部的) beauty, her true devotion of love without any thought of money. So the real beauty is the beauty in one's heart, that is, the inner beauty!

    (1)、What's the article mainly about?
    A、How can we be a real beautiful person? B、Why is it important to be a real beautiful person? C、What is the meaning of the real beauty? D、How did the old woman become a beautiful person?
    (2)、How did the old woman bring the homeless children up?
    A、By raising (募捐) the money. B、By picking rubbish and selling blood. C、By working in a local hospital. D、By working in the school.
    (3)、What does the word “devotion” mean in Chinese?
    A、索取 B、奉献 C、价值 D、因素
    (4)、Which of the following is TRUE?
    A、Most of us realize the meaning of the real beauty. B、The old woman worked hard to be the most beautiful person. C、The old woman was the person with the real beauty. D、People respected the old woman because of her looks.
  • 18. 阅读理解

        “I sometimes get up at three or four in the morning and I surf the net.”

        “I often check my e-mail forty times a day.”

        “I often spend more than three hours during one time on the net.”

        “I spend more time in chat rooms (聊天室) than with my “real-1ife‟ friends.”

        Do you know any people like these? They are part of a new addiction (瘾) called Internet addiction. Internet addicts spend at least thirty to forty hours online every week. The use of the Internet can be an addiction like drug (毒品) use. People lose control (控制) of the time they spend on the Internet.

        For example, one college student was missing for several days. His friends were worried, and they called the police. The police found the student in the computer lab: he was surfing the net for several days straight.

        Studies show that about 6 to 10% of Internet users become addicted. And people worry about the teens because the Internet is changing the playing field for some of them. They spend more time in cyberspace than in the real world of friends and family.

        Is “surfing the net” a hobby or an addiction for you? You may have a problem if you have these symptoms (症状):

        You do not go to important family activities or you do not do school work because you like to spend hours on the Internet.

        You can't wait for your next online time.

        You plan to spend a short time online, but then you spend several hours.

        You go out with your friends less and less.

    (1)、What does the beginning of the passage tell us?
    A、How to become an Internet addict. B、What an Internet addict usually does. C、Where to find an Internet addict. D、Why to write this passage.
    (2)、How does the writer describe the addicts‟ use of Internet?
    A、It is something like keeping drugs. B、It is a way of producing drugs. C、It is like taking drugs. D、It is terrible to imagine.
    (3)、Why do people worry about the teens?
    A、The teens are wasting too much money. B、They used to work on the Internet. C、The playing field of the teens will disappear. D、More and more of the teens will become addicted to the Internet.
    (4)、What is the writer trying to tell us at the end of the passage?
    A、Don't be addicted to the Internet. B、Go to family activities more often. C、Do things as you have planned. D、Stay with your parents as often as possible.
  • 19. 阅读理解

        It was a rainy night in New Orleans, US. At a bus station, I watched a young girl cry as her baggage(行李) was taken down. It seemed she'd lost her ticket. She begged the bus driver not to leave her behind.

        “Losing your ticket is like losing money,” the bus driver said, and left her in the rain.

        But then an old man stood up and blocked the driver's way. “How can you leave that girl out there? You know she had a ticket. You can't just leave her here. You can't leave her in a city where she doesn't have a friend. You will meet your schedule(日程安排), but she might meet her end.”

        The driver showed no sign that he'd heard or even cared about the young girl's problem, or how her travels went.

        So the old gentleman said: “I'll pay for her ticket. I'll give her a little money to help her on her way.”

        He went and bought a ticket for the girl. “How can I repay the kindness you've shown tonight?” she asked. “We're strangers who won't meet again. A mere ‘thank you' doesn't seem right.”

        The old man said: “What goes around comes around. I've learned this with time. What you give, you always get back. Always be helpful to others and give what you can spare(分让).”

    (1)、Why was the girl's baggage taken down from the bus?
    A、Because she needed to go to the hospital. B、Because the bus driver wanted to drop her. C、Because she wanted to leave for another city. D、Because it was hard to carry heavy baggage on a rainy day.
    (2)、What did the old man ask the driver to do?
    A、Let the girl go. B、Don't leave the girl out C、Pay for the ticket. D、Give the girl some money.
    (3)、Which one is TRUE according to the story?
    A、The girl lost her ticket and bought one again. B、The old gentleman lent money to the girl for a ticket. C、The girl wanted to return the money to the old gentleman. D、The bus driver wanted the girl to leave since she lost her ticket.
    (4)、Which is close to the meaning of “What goes around comes around”?
    A、Do well and have well. B、Better late than never. C、Take the world as it is. D、Barking dogs never bite.


  • 20. 请你一口气吹灭所有蜡烛,你的愿望就会实现。(blow)

    Please all the candles in one go, then your wish will come true

  • 21. 当他长大时候,他将会懂得独立的重要性。(grow)

    He will realize the importance of independence when he .

  • 22. 昨天她很礼貌地拒绝了我的邀请。(turn)

    Yesterday she my invitation politely.

  • 23. 对于孩子们来说,与父母亲争吵是不理智的。(argue)

    It's crazy for children parents.

  • 24. 当我回家的时候,爸爸在网上浏览新闻。(look)

    When I came back home, Dad the news on the Internet.

  • 25. 我盼望进入高中以后能够收到你的来信。(hear)

    I look forward to when I enter Senior High School.

  • 26. 在北京很多公共场所不允许吸烟。(allow)

    Smoking in many public places of Beijing.

  • 27. 我相信他足够冷静能够处理这个问题。(deal)

    I am sure that he is calm enough this problem.


  • 28. 补全对话

    A:Dad, could I go out tonight?


    A:I'm going to watch the new movie “Furious 8”.

    B:Oh, you study all day!

    A:Although I am tired, I need to relax myself!

    B:Hmm…Do you think watching a movie is a good way for you to relax?

    A:Of course! But not for you! You are always watching TV plays!

    B:I can't agree! Now there are so many popular TV plays, such as “Reader” and “In the name of people”.


    B:So interesting and educational! You are supposed to watch them if you are free.

    A:OK! I will!

    B:OK! But you should come back home as soon as possible!

    A. It's so boring!

    B. What's up?

    C. Who will you go with?

    D. Why not stay at home and have a good rest?

    E. Could I go to the movie now, Dad?

    F. It's so exciting.

    G. What do you think of them?


  • 29. 任务型阅读

        When something great happens to a friend, a family member or a classmate, congratulations are in order! However, some people don't know how to congratulate others. Here are some ways to show your congratulations.

    Say “congratulations” with a smile. Remember to express your congratulations with a winning smile. The expression on your face is pretty important. If you say “congratulations” with a serious look on your face, the person will probably think you aren't actually all that happy for him or her.

        Send an en email or a card. Besides saying “congratulations in person, you might want to send a congratulatory note. You can send a simple email or write a message on a card. You can buy some beautiful cards in the store.

        Send a gift. If the occasion is special enough, you can send a gift. You don't need to buy something expensive. Try to buy a suitable gift. All in all, choose a gift that lets the person know you want to celebrate with him or her.

        Spread the word. You can help spread the person's joy by telling other people the good news, so they can congratulate the person as well. If the person prefers to keep the good news private, don't spread the word.

    Title:  How to

    Say “congratulations” with a smile.

    ★ Express your congratulations with a winning smile.

     congratulations with a serous look on your face.

    Send an en email or a card.

    You can send a simple email or  on a card.

    Send a gift.

    You can buy a suitable gift instead of something expensive.

    Spread the word.

    ★You can tell other people the good news.

    ★You can spread the good news around if the person keep it private.


  • 30. 中考之后,同学们将要进入高中学习。家长们正在考虑假期孩子们是否参加课外培训学习。某英语网站《EYE SEE》,针对“Should Children take after-school classes?”进行了一次网上调查活动,下面是网上调查情况,请你用英语写一篇短文介绍调查情况,并表达你的观点。

    The survey of “Should children take after- school classes?”


    观 点

    理   由



    ⒈ 希望孩子们加强弱课学习,为高中学习做好准备。

    ⒉ 希望孩子们努力学习,学会竞争,考入好大学。

    ⒊ 家长忙于工作,没有时间陪伴孩子,没有能力辅导。



    ⒈ 孩子压力大,身心疲惫,需要放松。

    ⒉ 陪孩子们旅游,多花时间陪伴孩子和交流,有益于学习。

    ⒊ 身体健康、快乐比学业成绩更重要。


    ⒈……            ⒉……

    词汇提示:weak (弱的), get ready for (为…..准备)  be busy doing(忙于……)

    be under much pressure(有压力)  spend… doing…(花费……做…….)

    in my opinion(在我看来)




        These days, our parents always come to this question “Should children take after-school classes?” Different parents have different ideas about the problem.