人教版(PEP)小学英语三年级下册Unit 4 Where is my car单元达标检测卷

试卷更新日期:2018-02-08 类型:单元试卷

一、Read and choose.选出不同类的一项。

二、Read and number.按照小鸟的口令,给图片排序。

三、Look, read and choose.看图,选择正确的句子。

  • 7. 看图,选择正确的句子。
    A. The boat is on the pencil box.
    B. The doll(布娃娃) is on the chair.
    C. The bag is in the desk.
    D. The car is in the box.
    E. The car is on the pencil box.

四、Read and write.根据图意,选择正确的方位介词填空。

  • 8. 选择正确的方位介词填空。
    on      under     in       behind
    (1)、The book is the chair.
    (2)、The ruler is the book.
    (3)、The book is the desk.
    (4)、The books are the bag.
    (5)、The boy is the chair.

五、Look and tick.看图,选择正确答语。

  • 9.
    A、On the book.  B、In the desk.        C、Under the book.    
  • 10.
    A、Where is my car?    B、Where is my book?   C、Where is my boat?