人教版(PEP)小学英语三年级下册Unit 1 Part C

试卷更新日期:2018-01-26 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 选出画线字母读音不同的一项(  )
    A、boy B、toy C、today
  • 2. 选出画线字母读音不同的一项(  )
    A、girl B、green C、orange
  • 3. 选出画线字母读音不同的一项(  )
    A、red B、new C、pencil
  • 4. 选出画线字母读音不同的一项(  )
    A、face B、cat C、Canada
  • 5. 选出画线字母读音不同的一项(  )
    A、China B、school C、child



  • 11. —Where are you from?


    A、I'm from China. B、I'm Amy. C、Thank you.
  • 12. —Nice to meet you.


    A、My name is Jack. B、Nice to meet you, too. C、Hello, Zhang Peng.
  • 13. Zhang Peng is a       and Amy is a     .
    A、girl;boy B、girl;girl C、boy; girl
  • 14. Amy and Sarah are     .
    A、boys B、friends C、girl
  • 15. Hi, I'm Sarah. I am from     UK.
    A、the B、a C、/


  • 16. 再次与别人见面时,应说:_______
    A、Nice to see you again. B、Nice to meet you.
  • 17. 向别人介绍自己的朋友,你应该说:                      
    A、This is my friend,WuBinbin. B、I'm WuBinbin.
  • 18. 你想对新同学说“欢迎回到学校!”,应该说:   
    A、Let's go to school. B、Welcome back to school!
  • 19. 你想告诉你的同学Amy,你的新朋友来自加拿大,你应该说:   
    A、She's from Canada. B、I'm from Canada.
  • 20. 当你向新同学做了自我介绍后,想询问对方情况时,你应该说:   
    A、How old are you? B、What about you?


  • 21. 我会用am, is, are填空。
    (1)、His name  Zhang Peng.
    (2)、Amy  from Canada.
    (3)、Where  you from?
    (4)、I  a girl.
    (5)、We  friends.
  • 22. 看图片,选单词,并在四线三格中正确书写。

    A.friends    B.girl    C.boy   D.China    E.Canada







  • 23. 阅读短文,判断正误。

        Hello, I'm Amy. I'm eight. I'm from Canada. I'm a pupil. This is my friend Chen Jie. She is nine years old. She's from China. She's a pupil, too. We are good friends.

    (1)、Amy is nine years old.
    (2)、Amy is from Canada.
    (3)、Chen Jie is nine years old.
    (4)、Chen Jie is from Canada.
    (5)、Amy and Chen Jie are good friends.