新目标英语2017-2018学年八年级上册Unit 9同步评估(音频暂未更新)

试卷更新日期:2018-01-23 类型:单元试卷



  • 6. Why is Tom still in the library?
    A、Because the book is interesting. B、Because he forgets the time. C、Because the weather is bad.
  • 7. Where is Laura working now?
    A、At a bank. B、At a TV station. C、At a hospital.
  • 8. What does the boy have to do first?
    A、Clean his room. B、Finish his homework. C、Read a cartoon book.
  • 9. When will they meet?
    A、This afternoon. B、Tomorrow morning. C、Tomorrow afternoon.
  • 10. What will Jenny do this Friday evening?
    A、Play soccer. B、Go to the cinema. C、Practice the guitar.


  • 11. 听长对话,选择最佳答案
    (1)、What does Alison invite Michael to do this evening?
    A、To go shopping. B、To go to a concert. C、To eat out.
    (2)、Why does Michael refuse this evening's invitation?
    A、Because he will go to a party. B、Because he will prepare for a party. C、Because he will look after his sister.
    (3)、What will Michael have to do tomorrow?
    A、Do his homework. B、Do housework. C、Go fishing.
    (4)、What show will Michael and Alison see the day after tomorrow?
    A、A talk show. B、A game show. C、A talent show.
    (5)、How will Michael and Alison go to see the show?
    A、By car. B、On foot. C、By bike.


  • 12. 听短文,选择最佳答案
    (1)、What kind of party does Karen have this Thursday evening?
    A、A tea party. B、A birthday party. C、A housewarming party.
    (2)、What is Sonia going to do this evening?
    A、Visit her uncle. B、Work in the office C、Have a meeting.
    (3)、When will Sonia go to the dentist?
    A、On Tuesday. B、On Wednesday. C、On Thursday.
    (4)、Where will Sonia take a work trip?
    A、To Kunming. B、To Dalian. C、To Wuhan.
    (5)、What does Sonia invite Karen to do this Friday evening?
    A、To go shopping. B、To do exercise. C、To go to the movies.


  • 13. I think you will not do a good job in the exam         preparation.
    A、with B、without C、outside D、inside
  • 14. The little boy didn't stop crying        he saw his mother.
    A、if B、but C、so D、until
  • 15. —Is that Mr. Smith speaking?

    —Sorry, Mr. Smith isn't        now. Can he call you back later?

    A、serious B、available C、careful D、creative
  • 16. The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛) is a great        this year.
    A、calendar B、service C、event D、promise
  • 17. I got an e-mail from my American friend yesterday. Now I am       him.
    A、shouting B、shouting to C、replying D、replying to
  • 18. I am glad        that our team won the basketball game last Friday.
    A、to hear B、hearing C、to hope D、hoping
  • 19. Tim asked his father for some money, but his father       .He is sad now.
    A、agreed B、refused C、laughed D、cried
  • 20. I'm        that they invited me to their party because I don't know them well.
    A、interested B、interesting C、surprised D、surprising
  • 21. My teacher is studying medicine in London. I can't say        I miss him.
    A、how often. B、how many C、how long D、how much
  • 22. —What are you doing?

    —I am        my trip to London.

    A、preparing for B、caring about C、finding out D、making up
  • 23. —        you go to see the movie Wolf Warriors II (战狼II) tomorrow, Jane?

    —Sorry ,I       go to see my grandparents.

    A、Might; must B、Can; must C、Might; can D、Can; can
  • 24. I'm so happy with my new English teacher that I'm looking forward to       her class every day.
    A、having B、have C、giving D、give
  • 25. —Lisa, I think your article is too long.

    —OK. I       some words.

    A、deleted B、didn't delete C、will delete D、won' t delete
  • 26. Sarah would like to       my pet bird when I'm on vacation.
    A、look at B、look after C、look like D、look for
  • 27. —Linda, why not take a walk after dinner?


    A、Let's make it B、Catch you then C、That's it D、I think so


  • 28. 如果先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、c、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

        Carlos liked to play baseball. Every day after school, he played with his little sister, Selena. One day, the coach (教练) of the school 1 team saw Carlos play and asked him if he'd like to join the school team.

        "I' m 2 in this school. I don't know the kids here," said Carlos.

        "Playing sports can help you make new 3." said the coach.

        "I will join the team!" said Carlos.

        Soon the team would have a game. Carlos wore his baseball glove (手套) to bed the night before his first game. When he 4 he found the glove was still on his hand.

        After Carlos got to school, a girl named Becky gave him a card. It was Becky's birthday that day. She invited Carlos to 5 birthday party.

        "We have a game today" said Carlos, "but maybe I can come to your party instead (代替)." Carlos didn't want to 6 the chance (机会) to make a new friend. He went to ask the coach if he could miss the game. 7 you don't come," the coach said, "our team won't have enough players."

        "I should not miss the game," Carlos said. "The 8 needs me." So he told Becky that he couldn't go to her party. But he felt 9 for her.

        That day, Carlos played very well in the game. His team won. Just before they started to 10,  Becky brought a cake for the team!  Everybody was very happy.

    A、basketball B、soccer C、baseball D、tennis
    A、popular B、new C、lucky D、rich
    A、friends B、151ans C、invitations D、foods
    A、dressed up B、grew up C、stayed up D、woke up
    A、his B、her C、its D、their
    A、try B、enjoy C、take D、lose
    A、If B、Although C、When D、Before
    A、party B、club C、school D、team
    A、tired B、glad C、sorry D、shy
    A、play B、celebrate C、practice D、wait


  • 29. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。

    A: Hi, Pam, what are you doing?

    B: Oh, hey, Emma. I got an e-mail from Jim!

    A: Who is Jim?

    B: He is my friend. He lives in my apartment building. He is really cute.

    A: Is he asking you out for a walk?

    B: I don't know.   ( after reading the e-mail)

    B: Wow, Jim is asking me to go to the opera this Saturday. I' m so excited.

    A: Wait!

    B: Why not?

    A: You invited me to your party this Saturday. Did you forget?

    B: Oh, right.  I' m trying to find a time when we're both available.

    A: Available for what?

    B: Just to hang out.

    A: OK. I would like to join you on Sunday too if possible.

    A. I'll read the e-mail first.

    B. What is the party for?

    C. I'll send an e-mail later.

    D. I'm checking my e-mail.

    E. I'll ask him if he is free on Sunday.

    F. You can't go out with Jim on Saturday.

    G. Maybe we'll go out to dinner and a movie.


  • 30. 阅读理解

        Dear Ms. Watanabe,

        Thank you for being my "host" in Japan. I' m really looking forward to staying with you! Now let me tell you something about myself.

        My name is Claire Murphy and I' m twenty-two years old. I come from Adelaide, Australia. I'm studying nursing (护理) in a university in Sydney now It's hard work but I have lots of fun.

        On the weekend, I like to go to concerts or go swimming with my friends. I also enjoy playing the piano. I' m learning it from my sister' s friend, and I have lessons every Tuesday and Friday.

        I have two sisters Tina and Wendy and a brother Bob. Tina is the oldest one, and she is working in a hospital. Wendy is younger than me, but she is taller. She is still at high school. We all grew up in Adelaide. Wendy and Tina still live there with my parents, but Bob and I are studying in Sydney now. We get on well but all sisters fight sometimes!

        I am very excited about visiting Japan next month and meeting you because I love to travel and experience new things. I think it's going to be great!

        Thank you again. Best wishes to you!

                                                                  Best regards,



    (1)、Claire thinks studying nursing is        
    A、hard but fun B、easy and fun C、easy but boring D、hard and boring
    (2)、How often does Claire have piano lessons?
    A、Once a week. B、Twice a week. C、Three times a week. D、Four times a week.
    (3)、What can we know from Paragraph 4?
    A、Wendy is working in a hospital. B、Tina is younger than Wendy. C、Wendy is taller than Claire. D、Bob grew up in Sydney.
    (4)、Claire and Ms. Watanabe        
    A、will meet in Japan next month B、are in the same university C、both enjoy traveling D、are good friends
    (5)、Claire writes this letter mainly to      

    ① say sorry to Ms. Watanabe

    ② tell Ms. Watanabe about herself

    ③ask Ms. Watanabe for advice

    ④say thank you to Ms. Watanabe

    A、①③ B、②④ C、②③ D、①④
  • 31. 任务型阅读

        It's a must-eat fruit in Southeast Asia: People there call it 'King of Fruits". Many love it so much that they eat it at every meal. It is the durian (榴莲).

        The durian can only grow in hot places. Its name "durian" comes from the Malay word "duff".

        The durian is the most famous fruit in Southeast Asia. It looks big and dangerous and has a very strong smell (浓烈的气味). They come in different sizes. A durian can grow up to 30cm long, and usually it can be as heavy as 1 to 3kg.

        The greatest thing about the durian is inside. When you open it up, a very strong smell comes out.  In Singapore, people can't bring a durian into a hotel room or onto a city train. And they can't bring a durian onto some planes, either.

        Although the durian has a strong smell, the fruit tastes quite good.Some animals living in the forest like it!


    A. It means "thorn (刺)".

    B. It tastes soft and sweet (又软又甜).

    C. "What's it?" you may wonder.

    D. Some people love this smell, but others don't like it!

    E. There are many different kinds of durians.




  • 42. 你怎么能拒绝这么好的工作呢?

    How could you  such a fantastic job?

  • 43. 暑假期间他要在他朋友的农场帮忙。

    He will on his friend's farm during the summer vacation.

  • 44. 你打算和你父母去天津旅行吗?

    Are you going to   to Tianjin with your parents?

  • 45. 我想知道上个月你是否收到你叔叔的来信。

    I wonder if you  your uncle last month.

  • 46. 这些旅行者前天参观了那所大学。

    These travelers visited the university    


  • 47. 阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词语并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每个限用一次。

    ivory, leg, look like, disagree with, hand, snake, six, tall, touch, long

         Once there were six blind (失明的) men. They often heard of elephants, but never knew what they .One morning, when they knew that a man was riding an elephant down the road, they asked the man to stop so that they could "see" it. They thought that by it they could learn what kind of animal it was.

        The first man put his both on the elephant's body. "It is like a wall (墙)," he said.

       The second man only touched the elephant's .It is not like a wall at all" he said "It's more like a spear(矛)

        The third man touched the elephant's  nose. You are not righht" he said. This elephant is like a(n)

        The fourth man touched one of the elephant's "Oh, how blind you are!" he said. "It is round and tall like a tree."

        The fifth man was very  and touched the elephant's ear. "This animal is like a big fan (扇子)," he said.

        The man touched the elephant's tail (尾巴). He said, "The elephant is like a rope."

        They all each other. The elephant" moved on and the six blind men still talked about it……


  • 48. 假如你是Jane,下面是Alice发给你的邀请函。请根据以下提示给Alice回复一封电子邮件。

    Dear Jane,

        Can you come to my birthday party this Sunday? It will start at 6 p.m. I would be very happy if you could come. Please tell me if you are coming by this Friday.






    Dear Alice,





  • 49. 阅读理解

        Years ago,Tareq and his family left their home in Bangladesh to New York City, USA. Tareq was only 12 years old then.

        In Bangladesh, Tareq's dad was a farmer. He worked hard for little pay. Every day, Tareq walked 6 kilometers to school. After school, he had to work on the farm.

        But Tareq had fun. He loved singing and playing cricket (板球) with his friends. One day Tareq's dad told him they would move to New York City. Tareq's dad found a new job there, and he thought life would be better there.

        In his new school, Tareq tried his best to understand (理解) his teachers, but it was quite hard. Also, he had few friends.

        Things changed (改变) when he started high school. His high school had students from 30 countries and a cricket team. Tareq was excited to join the cricket team. He was happy to be with kids who loved the game as much as he did. He practiced before and after school. "Playing with the cricket team was the first time I felt accepted in America," he said. "When you play, it .doesn't matter what grade you' re in or what language you speak."

        During his second year in high school, Tareq was named the cricket team's most valuable player (最有价值球员).

        Tareq will go to university next year. He said, "Most universities don't have a cricket team. But that's OK, because cricket was there for me when I needed it most."


    (1)、When Tareq was in Bangladesh, he         
    A、lived a poor life B、went to school by bike C、didn't have any friends D、didn't know how to play cricket
    (2)、Tareq went to New York City because        
    A、his dad bought a farm there B、his dad found a new job there C、he wanted to learn cricket there D、he wanted to get a better education there
    (3)、After Tareq started high school, he          
    A、traveled to 30 countries and learned a lot B、got special help from his teachers C、joined the school cricket team D、became popular in his class
    (4)、Which is the right order of the following events?

    ① Tareq was named his cricket team's most valuable player.

    ② Tareq felt accepted in America for the first time.

    ③Tareq tried his best to understand his teachers.

    ④Tarea worked on the farm after school.

    A、④①③② B、②④①③ C、②③①④ D、④③②①
    (5)、The passage is mainly about         
    A、a boy's dream school life B、how a sport helps change a boy's life C、how a boy works hard to make his dream come true D、the differences between life in Bangladesh and life in the USA