人教新目标版九年级Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected Section A同步练习

试卷更新日期:2016-10-27 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。

    (1)、The (背包) is too big for me. Please show me another one.

    (2)、The bell is (响).Let's begin our class.

    (3)、I have (完成) my homework. Let's play football now.

    (4)、Mike (睡过头) this morning and went to school late.

    (5)、Jane often helps her mother (洗) clothes on weekends.



  • 7. I must get up early tomorrow morning. Please wake me ________.

    A、out B、off C、down D、up
  • 8. My aunt drove by and gave me a ________ on the way home.

    A、walk B、lift C、way D、idea
  • 9. — Why were you late for school this morning?

    — Because my alarm clock didn't go off and I ________.

    A、overslept B、completed C、changed D、missed
  • 10. — What's wrong with you?

    — By the time I got to school, I realized I had ________ my English book at home.

    A、left B、forgotten C、took D、brought
  • 11. She said when she got to the cinema, the film ________ for 5 minutes.

    A、has begun B、had begun C、has been on D、had been on

四、根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词。

  • 12. 根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词。

    (1)、当地震发生的时候, 一些人仓促地跑出了大楼。

    Some people the building when the earthquake  happened.


    Let me to the station.

    (3)、当他走进教室时, 他才意识到他没带书包。

    When he came into the classroom, he that he his backpack.

    (4)、我到车站时, 火车已经开走了。

    I got to the station, the train .

    (5)、我起床晚了, 因为我的闹钟没有响。

    I got up late because my alarm clock .


  • 13. 根据对话内容, 从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(其中有两项多余)

    A: Hi, John.

    B: It was terrible. One of my friends invited me to a costume party.

    A:  Why do you say it was terrible?

    B: By the time I got to the party, I realized I had been fooled, because I was the only one that was wearing a costume.

    A: Oh, I see. That was really terrible.


    C: I was tired on April Fool's Day.


    C: My friends told me that we were going to have a math test the next day. I studied the whole night and was exhausted(精疲力竭的).


    C: Then the next day I found they had fooled me. We didn't have a test.

    B: Oh, poor Ann. You should go and have a good rest.

    A. What was wrong?

    B. That's very kind of you.

    C. That sounds good.

    D. What happened next?

    E. Where did you go, Ann?

    F. What about you, Ann?

    G. How was your April Fool's Day?