新目标英语2017-2018学年八年级上册Unit 3同步评估(音频暂未更新)

试卷更新日期:2018-01-08 类型:单元试卷



  • 6. What does Jenny look like?
    A、She has short straight hair. B、She has long curly hair. C、She has short curly hair.
  • 7. Where will they have lunch?
    A、In the office. B、In the park C、At home.
  • 8. What time does Jack's mother get up?
    A、At 7:010. B、At 6:30. C、At 5:30~
  • 9. How does Joe go to school?
    A、He takes a bus. B、He walls. C、He rides a bike.
  • 10. What does Bob want to be?
    A、A teacher. B、An actor. C、An artist.


  • 11. 听长对话,选择最佳答案
    (1)、How does Tom go home today?
    A、On foot. B、By bike: C、By bus.
    (2)、How many children are there in Tom's family?
    A、Three. B、Four. C、Five.
    (3)、What is Tom's father?
    A、A driver. B、A guide. C、A policeman.
    (4)、What does the family store sell?
    A、Clothes. B、Food C、Books.
    (5)、When does Tom help with the Store?
    A、On Friday B、On Saturday. C、on Sunday.


  • 12. 听短文,写出所缺部分,每空不超过两个单词

        Mike and Mark are brothers. In some ways they are the same, but in some ways they are different. They both have and brown hair. But Mike is taller than Mark. Mark is than Mike. They both like sports. But Mike's favorite sport is  and Mark likes basketball best. Mike is  He is better at all the subjects than Mark. But Mike is  Mark is outgoing. He is better at making friends with others.

    Written test part


  • 13.          is your mirror, the yellow one or the blue one?
    A、Which B、What color C、Where D、How
  • 14. Mrs. Green has two daughters        of them are doctors in the hospital.
    A、Each B、None C、All D、Both
  • 15. I have to practice the piano every evening, because there is a        next weekend at our school.
    A、competition B、vacation C、program D、language
  • 16. Ann is hard-working at school so she gets good          in the tests.
    A、gifts B、rules C、messages D、grades
  • 17. Don't laugh. This is a         question. Do you really want to leave your job?
    A、friendly B、serious C、popular D、funny
  • 18. —We don't have enough books so you have to       .

    —OK. We three will use one book.

    A、find B、share C、move D、follow
  • 19. The TV report about the children's work for old people         hundreds of people's hearts.
    A、broke B、changed C、touched D、worried
  • 20. Sue saw her son sleeping so she closed the door        behind her.
    A、luckily B、clearly C、quietly D、easily
  • 21. My parents are strict with me. They always make me          my homework before I go out.
    A、to start B、start C、to finish D、finish
  • 22. Your computer is old and slow.  It is necessary          a new one.
    A、to buy B、buy C、to make D、make
  • 23. Alice is        than her brother and sister. She never stops talking.
    A、quiet B、quieter C、outgoing D、more outgoing
  • 24. —Mary, I don't want you to leave. Can you stay here        longer?

    —OK. I can stay for another two days.

    A、a little B、very C、a lot D、quite
  • 25. David didn't go to the meeting.         he didn't know the time of the meeting at all.
    A、At least B、In fact C、In the end D、All in all
  • 26. Ms. Liu, can you speak         ? Most of the students still can't hear you.
    A、quickly B、loudly C、more quickly D、more loudly
  • 27. —Alex, what do you think often the Name of  People (《人民的名义》)?

             I stayed up late to watch it yesterday evening.

    A、Have a good day B、It's fantastic C、That will be very nice D、I'm afraid I have no time


  • 28. 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

        Polly Cooper is a mom of two girls named Debbie and Milly. Here is what she says about them.

        "Debbie and Milly are so 1 . Debbie is a shy girl. She enjoys doing things by 2 and doesn't like to talk and play with others. Also, she is more selfish (自私的) than Milly. It is 3 to ask her to share her things with others. But Debbie has her good points, too. Schoolwork is easier  4 Debbie, so her exam results are better. She is also good at 5 and wants to be a dancer in the. future (未来).

        "Milly has bigger problems with her schoolwork. She doesn't like studying and doesn't 6 enough time on it, so her exam results are usually worse. However, Milly is much more outgoing than Debbie. Maybe 7 Milly is two years older than Debbie, she is a little more mature(成熟的).

        "I worry about Milly because she isn't sure about her future. She doesn't know what she 8 to do when she leaves school. But I'm 9 worried about Debbie because she isn't as happy as Milly. I don't think parents ever stop worrying about their kids and I'll 10 them both when they leave home."

    A、busy B、young C、different D、beautiful
    A、yourself B、myself C、herself D、himself
    A、difficult B、useful C、natural D、interesting
    A、about B、with C、in D、for
    A、dancing B、singing C、drawing D、writing
    A、take B、wait C、lose D、spend
    A、if B、or C、because D、though
    A、Forgets B、wants C、asks D、pays
    A、little B、less C、much D、more
    A、miss B、show C、study D、save


  • 29. 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。

    A: Hey, Linda. I' m not working today.

    B: Oh.

    A: I' m having brunch (早午餐) with some friends.

    B: Brunch is a great meal.

    A: It's part (部分的) breakfast.

    B: And part lunch!

    A: Yeah, you're right. I meet my friends for brunch every month.

    B: What do you talk about at brunch?

    A: Well, we usually just catch up on (了解) each other's news.

    B: That's nice. It's good to share with friends.

    A: Yes. I enjoy spending time with my friends.

    B: It's important to have good friends.

    A: Yes. And it's always nice to have a good meal with friends!

    A. Oh, that's fun.

    B. Well, it's a great idea.

    C. What are you doing?

    D. We talk about our lives. "

    E. You can eat both meals together.

    F. They help me with my problems.

    G. How often do you visit your friends?


  • 30. 阅读理解

    Do you know this girl?

        I went to the park with my older sister, Cathy, on Friday. My sister left her jacket on a bench (长椅) when we played games. When we went back to the bench, a little girl in a red T-shirt was sitting there. She looked like she was 8 or 9 and had long blonde hair. She had some money in her hand. When she saw us, she got up and walked away.

        I asked my sister, "Did you have any money in your jacket?"

        "Yes, Anna, I did."

        I said, "Have a quick look in your jacket."

        Cathy looked in her jacket, but her money was not there.

        "That girl stole (偷) it!" I said, and we ran after her. We caught (抓住) her soon.

        My sister was very angry and she said, "Give me the money!" The girl gave the money to Cathy and ran away. Then we went home. But before we could tell our parents, my mother said to Cathy, "You left your money at home. It's on the table in the kitchen." So the girl in the red T-shirt was not a thief (小偷)! Maybe she thought we were bad girls.

    We felt      

        Please call us if you know this girl. We would like to say sorry to her and give the money back to her. Our number is 512667. Thank you very much.

                                                                   Anna and Cathy

    (1)、Cathy went to the park      
    A、with her classmate B、in a red T-shirt C、on the weekend D、in a jacket
    (2)、Why did Anna and Cathy run after the girl?
    A、Because they were having a race. B、Because they wanted to ask her a question. C、Because they wanted to take the girl's money. D、Because they thought she stole Cathy's money.
    (3)、The best word for"       " is          .
    A、relaxed B、free C、terrible D、bored
    (4)、The writer writes this passage to______.
    A、find a girl B、ask a girl for help C、say thanks to a girl D、share a story about a girl
    (5)、You may find this passage in a        
    A、storybook B、newspaper C、park map D、museum guide
  • 31. 根据材料内容,从方框中选择合适的句子填入文中空缺处,使材料完整、通顺。

        One of the Great British Bake Off winners Nadiya is telling us something about her life and her book Bake Me a Story.


    A: My kids like reading books, and they also like staying with me in the kitchen when I cook. So I think if I write a book with both stories and recipes (食谱), parents and kids can enjoy cooking together in the kitchen and then read a story when they wait for the food to cook.

    Q: You baked (烘烤) the Queen' s birthday cake!

    A: It' gave me great pleasure to bake for the Queen and to be a part of history. I would like to bake for David Attenborough too!


    A: The blueberry and orange soda bread. It's quick and easy, and it's very delicious.


    A: Of course not! To see the looks on their faces and hear the happy noises they make when they eat the cakes makes all the hard work worth (值得) it.


    A: My most important advice is "Don't be worried about cleaning up "the kitchen. Try things out in the kitchen and have fun!"

    A. How was it and who else (其他的) would you like to bake for?

    B. What made you decide to write the book Bake Me a Story?

    C. What is your favorite recipe from the book?

    D. Do you have any advice (建议) for those who want to get into baking?

    E. It takes so long to bake a cake, so do you feel unhappy when you see people eat it so quickly?


  • 32. After five hours' walking, his family (到达) the top of the mountain.
  • 33. All the students (笑) because of the teacher's funny story just now.
  • 34. —Jill, do you know when the train leaves?

    —Sorry, I don't. but you can get the(信息)on the Internet

  • 35. I am (确实) sorry that I didn't go to your birthday party yesterday.
  • 36. They're coming next week(不过) I don't know which day.



  • 42. 你父母一直这么做,因为他们关心你。

    Your parents are always doing this because they you.

  • 43. 你的外套和你朋友的不同。

    Your coat  your friend's.

  • 44. 她想的和我想的一样—那顶帽子就是太贵。

    She thinks  I do — that hat is just too expensive

  • 45. 我爸爸的想法和我的相似。

    My father's ideas   mine.

  • 46. 只要天气好,我们就去公园散步。

    We'll go for a walk in the park  the weather is fine.


  • 47. 阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。

    size, with, find, why, spend, much, again, know, want, he

        In the past there lived a man in a small town called Zheng. One day he to buy himself a new pair of shoes. He measured (测量) his feet with a ruler first and wrote down his  on a piece of paper. Then he went shoe shopping.

        When he arrived at the shoe shop, he reached into his pocket (口袋), but he the paper was not there. So he said to the salesman, "I have left the measurement at home and don't the size. I'll go back home to take it."these words, he ran out of the shop.

        He ran back home, found the paper and then ran to the shop . But it took him a few hours and the shop was closed (关闭). Hethe afternoon on the way and did not buy his shoes at last.

        Someone asked  "Did you want to buy the shoes for yourself?"

        "Of course," he answered.

        "Then  don't you try the shoes on by yourself?"

        "I trust (相信) the ruler  than my feet," he said.


  • 48. 一个月前你很高兴结识了一位新朋友,通过和她相处你发现了你们之间的异同。你迫不及待地想和你的笔友Dave分享此事。请根据以下提示写一篇英语短文通过QQ发给Dave。

    提示:1)What's your new friend's name?

    2)In what ways are you similar?

    3)In what ways are you different?


        Hi, Dave! I am happy to say that I made a new friend a month ago.



  • 49. 阅读理解

        Alisa was walking around the swimming pool. Her friend Maria was waiting for her. "Come on, Alisa!" Maria said. "Let's jump off the diving board (跳水版)."

        "No way! I can never go that high," said Alisa.

        "Don't be scared," Maria said. "It's really fun."

        Alisa walked away and sat on a bench.

        "You go. I'll watch you," said Alisa.

        "You don't know what you're missing," said Maria. Then she climbed up the tall ladder (梯子). It made Alisa scared just thinking of being up there.

        Maria jumped off the board and then climbed out of the pool. She walled to Alisa. "Come on, Alisa; just try it. It's wonderful!" she said.

        Alisa looked up at the board. Maybe it was time to try something new. OK, she said. Alisa climbed up the ladder for the diving board. The water looked far, far away. She wanted to turn back to climb down the ladder, but that would be too embarrassing. There was only one thing to do.

        Alisa walked to the edge (边缘) of the board. Then she closed (闭上) her eyes and jumped. She got into the water in no time. "Wow, so wonderful! I like it!" she shouted.

    (1)、What did Maria ask Alisa to do?
    A、To go swimming. B、To climb down the ladder. ' C、To jump off the diving board. D、To walk around the swimming pool.
    (2)、Where was Alisa when Maria climbed up the ladder?
    A、In the pool. B、On the bench. C、Under the ladder. D、On the diving board.
    (3)、What does the underlined word "embarrassing" mean in Chinese?
    A、复杂的 B、残酷的 C、贪婪的 D、难看的
    (4)、At last Alisa thought diving was          
    A、scary B、enjoyable C、dangerous D、important
    (5)、What does the passage mainly tell us?
    A、Friends have the same habits. B、Diving is good for young people. C、Never be afraid to try something new. ' D、Young people should play more sports,