外研版英语九年级上Module 6 Unit 3 Language in use同步练习

试卷更新日期:2016-10-24 类型:同步测试


  • 1. —Did you see the hit New Year's movie If you Are The One(非诚勿扰)last night?

    —Yes. But when I got the movie theater, the film _______ for ten minutes.

    A、had begun B、had been on C、had started D、begun
  • 2. The little boy _____ by the big one this morning.

    A、was made to cry B、was made cry C、made to cry D、made cry
  • 3. These trees in our school ______ ten years ago.

    A、were planted B、are planted C、planted D、was planted
  • 4. Every year lots of trees _______ to make our country more beautiful.

    A、is planted B、was planted C、are planted D、were planted
  • 5. — What a clean and clean and bright classroom, isn't it?

    — Yes, it's always clean and bright because it _________ every day.

    A、cleans B、cleaned C、is cleaned D、was cleaned
  • 6. Thousands of houses _______ by the floods in Guangxi last month.

    A、destroy B、destroyed C、have destroyed D、were destroyed
  • 7. The road ______ last year.

    A、builds B、built C、was built D、is built
  • 8. The students          how to do the experiment in class yesterday.

    A、were taught B、taught C、was taught D、teach
  • 9. — Where          the 2010 World EXPO           

    — In Shanghai.

    A、does, hold B、has, held C、will, hold D、is, held
  • 10. Little Mermaid (美人鱼) ________ to Shanghai and visitors can see it there now.

    A、has moved B、has been moved C、will move D、was moved
  • 11. Liu Xiang _______ by his coach to train regularly.

    A、advised B、advises C、was advised D、be advised
  • 12. -- Lots of trees and flowers _______on both sides of Huanshan Road last year.

    -- Oh, that's beautiful.

    A、are planted B、were planting C、were planted D、have planted
  • 13. -- Mum, can I go to the zoo with Linda?

    -- When your homework _______, you can.

    A、is finished B、was finished C、finishes D、finished
  • 14. Tomorrow there's a programme about our school on TV, then it ____ by millions of people.

    A、will see B、saw C、will be seen D、was seen
  • 15. — The 2010 Asian Sports Meet         this November in Guangzhou.

    — Yes. I wish Chinese players will do well.

    A、will be held B、have been held C、was to be held D、would be held
  • 16. -- There's too much salt in the Chinese diet.

    -- So there is. The WHO says only 1.5 grams of salt _______ for each man every day.

    A、is needed B、needs C、will need D、has needed
  • 17. --What are on show in the museum?

    -- Some photos _____by the children of Yushu, Qinghai.

    A、have been taken B、were taken C、are taken D、taken
  • 18. It        to drive after drinking wine.

    A、is allowed B、is not allowed C、is made D、is welcomed
  • 19. We have ______ up early in order to catch the early bus.

    A、used to get B、been used to get C、used for getting D、been used to getting
  • 20. -- It's difficult for the village children to cross the river for school.

    -- I think a bridge ________ over the river.

    A、should be built B、is being built C、has been built D、was built
  • 21. The World Expo (世博会) __________ in Shanghai now.

    A、being had B、is having C、is holding D、is being held
  • 22. My e-mail ______ to you last night. Have you received it ____?

    A、sent; yet B、is sent; already C、was sent; yet
  • 23. I _______ to take part in the English speech contest last week.

    A、ask B、asked C、am asked D、was asked
  • 24. -- _______ the Internet ___________ in your school?

    -- Yes, but the computer in our office has broken down.

    A、Is, used B、Is, using C、Does, use D、Has, used
  • 25. — Excuse me, what's this for?

    — It's a cleaner and it           to pick up dirt.

    A、uses B、is used C、is using D、used


  • 26. 中西方的饮食文化习惯大有不同。请从食物、餐具和风俗三个方面介绍一下中西方饮食习惯方面的不同之处。请写一篇80词左右的短文。

    参考词汇: different; eating habits and customs; prefer;

    steak(牛排); make a loud noise; rude