
试卷更新日期:2024-05-22 类型:小升初模拟


  • 1.  听录音,选出你所听到的内容。
    A、pupil B、bear C、pear
    A、banana B、boat C、boy
    A、great B、grape C、grand
    A、fruit B、friend C、foot
    A、fun B、run C、under
    A、like B、bike C、have
    A、want B、buy C、like
    A、rice B、apples C、bananas
    A、milk B、juice C、oranges
    A、John and Sarah B、Chen Jie and Sarah C、Mary and Wu Binbin


  • 2. 听问句,选择正确的答语。
    A、He's listening to music. B、We're listening to music. C、They're listening to music.
    A、Yes, he is. B、Yes, she is. C、Yes, I am.
    A、Yes, I can. B、Yes, I am. C、Yes, I do.
    A、This is John. B、No, he doesn't. C、No, they're John's.
    A、He is reading a book. B、He reads a book. C、He will read a book.


  • 3. 听录音,根据你听到的短文内容,看问句,选择正确的应答语。
    (1)、—Where is Sarah?

             —She is ____.

    A、at school B、at home
    (2)、It's time for ____ .
    A、lunch B、dinner
    (3)、—Who will cook?

             —____ will cook.

    A、Sarah B、mum
    (4)、—What's for dinner?

            —____ .

    A、Beef noodles B、Egg noodles
    (5)、—What day is it?

            —It is ____ .

    A、mother's birthday B、father's birthday

四、听录音, 根据所听句子, 选择正确的答句。

  • 4.  听录音, 根据所听句子, 选择正确的答句。
    A、Yes, she is. B、No, I don't. C、OK.
    A、Yes, I am. B、Yes, I do. C、Yes, it is.
    A、OK.  B、Yes, please. C、Thank you, .
    A、It's an apple. B、They're apples. C、I have an apple.
    A、No, I don't. B、No, it isn't. C、No, he isn't.

五、 听录音,根据所听短文,选择正确的答案。(听两遍)

  • 5. 听录音,根据所听短文,选择正确的答案。(听两遍)
    (1)、Whose birthday was it last Friday?
    A、Mike's. B、Lucy's. C、Jane's.
    (2)、What did Mike's parents buy for them?
    A、Lots of food. B、Lots of drinks. C、Both A and B.
    (3)、How many candles were there on the cake?
    A、Eleven. B、Twelve. C、Thirteen.
    (4)、What did Linda do?
    A、She danced. B、She played the guitar. C、She played the piano.
    (5)、What did Lucy do?
    A、She danced. B、She played the guitar. C、She played the piano.


  • 6. My mother is a ____.She ____every day. 
    A、dance; danced B、dancing; dance C、dancer; dances
  • 7. We'll come to your house ________ half _______ hour.     
    A、on, a B、in, a C、on, an D、in, an
  • 8.  I like ____ one on ____ right.
    A、the, the B、a, the C、a, a
  • 9. —What can you see over there?

    —I see        monkey and        elephant. They are playing.

    A、a; an B、a; the C、the; an
  • 10. This hat is         , and        is in       bag.
    A、your, mine…my B、yours, my…mine C、my, your…mine D、yours, mine…my
  • 11. The coat _________ the bed isn't Kate's. It's _________.

    A、on; his B、to; mine      C、in; he D、under; him
  • 12. My uncle usually ____ to work by e-bike, but yesterday he ____ a taxi because his e-bike was broken.
    A、went; took B、goes; takes C、goes; took
  • 13.  Mike ____ only a car before, but now he ____ two. 
    A、had; had B、had; has C、has; had
  • 14.  —What did you ____ last Saturday?

    —I ____ a good film with my brother.

    A、do; saw B、did; saw C、do; see
  • 15. There ________ no gym in my school 10 years ago.
    A、was B、were C、is


  • 16. 选择合适的句子补全对话

    A. And there will be a new music room there.

    B. Can you show it to me?

    C. Did you have computers?

    D. What's this?

    E. Where is your classroom?

    A: Hello, Jim.

    B: Hello, Mary.

    A: It's a photo of my old school.


    A: Sure, here you are.

    B: Thank you.

    A: This is our old classroom. There were only three classrooms in our school. And there were no libraries.

    B: Really?

    A: No, we didn't. But now we have a computer room.

    B: Great. I think our life will be better and better.


  • 17. 选出下列每组单词中画线部分音标不同的一项。
    A、shoe B、fish C、chair D、sure
    A、ask B、dance C、along D、basket
    A、shop B、hope C、home D、metro
    A、ship B、hospital C、like D、which
    A、supermarket B、bus C、understand D、uncle


  • 18. We went camping last weekend. (对划线部分提问)

    you last weekend?

  • 19. Mike is going to take a gift tomorrow. (对划线部分提问)

    is Mike going to tomorrow?

  • 20. They are playing football now. (用tomorrow替换now)

    They football tomorrow.

  • 21. What does your father do?(保持句子意思不变)

    your father? your father's ?

  • 22. We're going to finish work at three o'clock.(对划线部分提问)

       going to finish work?

  • 23.  I would like to be an engineer when I grow up.(对划线部分提问)

    would you like when you grow up?

  • 24. —  do you go to the park? (根据答句补全对话)

    —Twice a week.

  • 25. The children are playing in the playground. (对划线部分提问)

     are the children  in the playground.


  • 26. 阅读理解。

    The sun, the moon, the Earth and stars are all in the universe(宇宙).

    We can see the sun in the daytime on the Earth. We can see the moon and stars at night on the Earth. The sun is much bigger than the Earth. The Earth is much bigger than the moon.

    The moon looks bigger than stars because it is much nearer to the Earth.It's our nearest(最近的)neighbor(邻居)in space.There is no air or water on the moon.Nobody can live there.

    Most stars are bigger than the sun. Why do they look small?Because they are very far away.

    (1)、The earth is much ____ than the sun.
    A、bigger B、smaller C、longer
    (2)、We can see____at night on the earth.
    A、the moon B、stars C、the moon and stars
    (3)、Which is right?
    A、Flowers can live on the moon. B、The tiger can live on the moon. C、Nobody can live on the moon.
    (4)、Which is our Earth‘s nearest neighbor in space?
    A、the moon B、the sun C、stars
    (5)、Why do stars look small?
    A、Because the sun is bigger. B、Because the moon is bigger. C、Because they are very far away.
  • 27. 根据故事,判断正误。

    Too Polite

    One day, there were many people in the bus. Some had seats, but some had to stand. At a bus stop, a woman got on the bus. An old man heard the door and tried to stand up.

    "Oh, no, thank you," the woman forced him back to the seat. "Please don't do that. I can stand." "But, madam, let me..." said the man.

    "I ask you to keep your seat," the woman said. She put her hands on the old man's shoulder.

    But the man still tried to stand up, "Madam, will you please let me...?" "Oh, no," said the woman. She again forced the man back.

    At last the old man shouted, "I want to get off the bus!"

    (1)、All the people had seats in the bus.
    (2)、The woman got on the bus at a bus stop.
    (3)、The old man wanted to give his seat to the woman.
    (4)、The woman sat the old man's seat.
    (5)、 The old man wanted to get off the bus.


  • 28. 你上个假期去了哪里?做了什么?请以此为题写一篇40词左右的英语短文。
