
试卷更新日期:2017-12-04 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 听句子,选择最佳应答语
    A、Thanks a lot. B、It's just so-so. C、It's difficult.
  • 2. 听句子,选择最佳应答语
    A、Don't say that. B、That's OK. C、I agree with you.
  • 3. 听句子,选择最佳应答语
    A、What else? B、Pretty good. C、Never mind.
  • 4. 听句子,选择最佳应答语
    A、Good idea. B、You're welcome. C、Don't worry.
  • 5. 听句子,选择最佳应答语
    A、Yes, I' m too busy. B、No, I don't. C、Yes, I'd love to.


  • 6. Which bus can the man take to the zoo?
    A、Bus No. 138. B、Bus No. 308. C、Bus No. 318.
  • 7. What is the weather going to be like?
    A、Rainy. B、Sunny. C、Snowy.
  • 8. Why is Bob late for school again?
    A、The traffic Was too busy. B、It was raining. C、He missed the bus.
  • 9. What is the boy bad at?
    A、Grammar. B、Vocabulary. C、Listening.
  • 10. How did Mr. Brown come back from Shanghai?
    A、By plane. B、By train. C、By bus.


  • 11. 听第一段对话,回答小题。
    (1)、What match will the man watch this afternoon?
    A、A football match. B、A basketball match. C、A volleyball match.
    (2)、Why doesn't the woman like the sport?
    A、She feels nervous watching it. B、She thinks it's too boring. C、She finds it too difficult.
  • 12. 听第二段对话,回答小题。
    (1)、What will Tony do this weekend?
    A、See a film. B、Visit the zoo. C、Have a party.
    (2)、Which subject doesn't Betty learn at weekends?
    A、Chinese. B、Maths. C、English.
    (3)、What does Betty think of after-school classes?
    A、Exciting. B、Boring. C、Interesting.


  • 13. 听材料,选择最佳答案
    (1)、How many kinds of animals are there in the zoo?
    A、2,000. B、300. C、200.
    (2)、Where are the tigers from?
    A、India. B、China. C、Africa.
    (3)、Why do children feed the animals?
    A、Because it is very interesting. B、Because the animals are hungry. C、Because they don't like the food.
    (4)、What was wrong with the little monkey last week?
    A、It ran away from the zoo. B、It hurt one child in the zoo. C、It was ill because of too much food.
    (5)、Which is NOT Helen's advice?
    A、Taking some photos. B、Keeping the zoo clean. C、Giving food to the animals.


  • 14. —There's            umbrella behind the door. Is it yours?

    —No.           umbrella is Gao Shan' s,

    A、an; An B、an; The C、the: An D、the; The
  • 15. All students came to school yesterday            Mike. He was ill and stayed at home.
    A、except B、about C、against D、with
  • 16. Which is          boy of the three, Tom, Bob or John?
    A、taller B、the taller C、tallest D、the tallest
  • 17. Susan writes homework          than Andy.
    A、careful B、more careful C、carefully D、more carefully
  • 18. I          my cousin an email yesterday evening.
    A、taught B、bought C、sent D、made
  • 19. Jack          David in the tennis match last Sunday.
    A、lost B、beat C、won D、missed
  • 20. —Excuse me. How much does the bike         ?

    —800 yuan.

    A、take B、pay C、cost D、spend
  • 21. Mum allows me          computer games for an hour on Sunday.
    A、play B、played C、playing D、to play
  • 22. In order to remember these words, you'd better_________.
    A、put it away B、write it down C、put them away D、write them down
  • 23. Don't         the word in the dictionary. It's better to guess its meaning.
    A、look at B、look up C、look after D、look into
  • 24. Why not       a meal for your mum on Mother's Day?
    A、cook B、to cook C、cooking D、cooked
  • 25. —Where is your sister?

    —She       TV at home.

    A、watches B、will watch C、watched D、is watching
  • 26. Mr Wang is a hotel manager and he      to work by car every day.
    A、goes B、was going C、went D、will go
  • 27. —      ?

    —About 600,000.

    A、What's the weather like in your city B、What's the score C、What's the population of your city D、What's the matter
  • 28. —I hurt my leg yesterday.


    A、No idea. B、Bad luck. C、Thanks a lot. D、Pretty good!


  • 29. 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

        My mum lives alone and works at a hotel. One day on her way home from work, she saw a 1 It was very small and had white and black hair. At first, she just walked by 2 it was a really windy afternoon. But the cat followed (跟随) my mum a long way. It looked very hungry and 3 At last it walked into my mum's heart (心) and life.

        A week later, I went to visit my mum. She told me excitedly 4 her little cat. I saw it for the first time. The cat wasn't afraid of 5 at all. When I called its name, it looked at me with its big eyes and said "meow" to me, and then walked over slowly. It was so cute that I 6 it right away.

        This cat makes my mum smile. She is always happy-with the cat around. The cat will stay in the room 7 it feels cold or just doesn't want to be outside. My mum loves it and always tries to make it feel 8 The cat loves my mum too. It 9 think of my mum as its mum. It is really attached to (依恋) her. It makes her heart full of (充满) love and happiness. It makes me happy too, because I love to 10 the smile in my mum's eyes.

    A、dog B、bird C、cat D、cow
    A、quickly B、early C、loudly D、happily
    A、cold B、boring C、busy D、interesting
    A、at B、with C、on D、about
    A、it B、me C、her D、us
    A、minded B、loved C、chose D、found
    A、before B、so C、if D、but
    A、comfortable B、healthy C、funny D、sorry
    A、must B、need C、should D、has to
    A、make B、put C、bring D、see


  • 30. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

    Gemma Burford

        Gemma was born in' 1978 in a quiet (安静的) village in England. Her mother worked in a library and her father worked in a hospital. When she was a student at Oxford University, she travelled to Tanzania and met her husband, Lesikar for the first time. They got married in 2003 and had their daughter, Lucia, two years later. Now Lucia studies in a small primary school, and Gemma and Lesikar also teach her at home.

    "Judy Boehmer

        Adam is Judy's first child. She now has four sons, seven daughters and a pet (宠物) dog, Bosco. Judy and her husband, Larry, live in Atlanta, Georgia, but they also have a motorhome (野营车). The Boehmers are a circus (马戏团) family and all the children are performers (演员) at the circus. The- children don't go to school, but study at home. The family travels more than 40.000 kilometres a year for their work The first show of the Boehmers was at a park in Lowa in 1989, and they now perform all over America.

    (1)、Who worked in a hospital?
    A、Gemma's husband. B、Gemma's daughter. C、Lucia's grandfather. D、Lucia's grandmother.
    (2)、Gemma first met Lesikar     
    A、in 2003 B、in 2005 C、in a library D、on a trip to Tanzania
    (3)、How many children are there in Judy's family?
    A、4. B、7. C、8. D、11.
    (4)、What can we learn about Judy's Children?
    A、They are all circus performers. B、They go to the same school. C、They often play in a park. D、They all like travelling.
    (5)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A、Bosco is Judy's pet dog. B、Adam is working in a school. C、Lucia likes to watch circus shows. D、Lesikar wants to buy a motorhome.
  • 31. 阅读理解

        I' m Susan. I love going on holiday and I do it every year.

        My best holiday was staying in Maldives, at the Anantara Dhigu Maldives Resort. I had a great time doing water sports and eating in restaurants near the hotel. And my boyfriend asked me to marry him there! We were walking along the beach one evening and he suddenly asked me ... After the walk, we had a special dinner on the beach, but I was so excited that I didn't eat much. And then we sat on the beach to enjoy the beautiful night.

        Last September, I went to Cornwall, England with my parents. I've been to Cornwall's beaches in the rain before, but we were lucky with the weather this time. The sun shone (照耀) every day. I decided to start surfing (冲浪) and learned it in just two days. It was fun.

        One of the worst things about travelling is losing the luggage (行李). Once, I lost my luggage in Baden-Baden, Germany. I went there to sing in a show. Baden-Baden is famous for its natural hot springs (温泉), but there aren't many clothes shops there. So I had to wear a friend's clothes.

        Holidays are good for a rest (休息) from work, and for learning new things. But-ten days on holiday is usually long enough for me, then I want to get back to work.

    (1)、Susan's boyfriend asked her to marry him      
    A、on a beach B、in a restaurant C、one morning D、one afternoon
    (2)、Who did Susan go to Cornwall with last September?
    A、Her friends. B、Her parents. C、Her boyfriend. D、Nobody but herself.
    (3)、How was the weather in Cornwall when Susan was there last September?
    A、Snowy. B、Windy. C、Sunny. D、Rainy.
    (4)、When Susan was in Baden-Baden, she      
    A、saw a show B、learned to surf C、lost her luggage D、bought many clothes
    (5)、Susan thinks that      
    A、people should go on holiday to different' places B、holidays are good for making new friends C、people should go on holiday often D、holidays shouldn't be too long
  • 32. 阅读理解

        One day, I saw a boy shop alone at the shop I worked. He chose some school things he wanted and went to the checkout (付款台).

        The young shop assistant (店员) told him he needed to pay $37.60. The boy became very sad and said he only had $20. He took out one thing at a time, and at last he got down to his $20. He cried and asked if he could call his mum to pick him up. He called his mum. However, his mum was too busy to pick him up in a minute.

        He tried to stop crying and walked outside to wait on the chair in front of the shop. This was too much for the young assistant. She looked outside all the time to see if the boy was all right. Then she said, "I hope I can pay for the rest (剩余部分) of his things." One of the other girls said she had some money. Then two others said they could help too.

        These four young girls pooled their money and found they had more than enough to pay for the boy's things. Then they chose more school things, and gave them all to the boy. The boy smiled happily~ His mum arrived much later, but he didn't just run to the car; he ran back into the shop and called out, "Thank you!"

        I was so proud (骄傲的) of my team that day. They did something wonderful for that boy and also found the pleasure (快乐) of giving.

    (1)、How much money did the boy spend in the shop?
    A、$17.60. B、$20. C、$37~60. D、$57~60.
    (2)、After the boy called his mum, he
    A、smiled happily B、chose more things C、asked the young shop assistant for help D、went outside the shop and waited on a chair
    (3)、The underlined word "pooled" in Paragraph 4 means "           ".
    A、won – B、used C、asked for D、put together
    (4)、How did the boy go home?
    A、By bus B、By bike. C、By car. D、By underground.
    (5)、By telling this story, the writer wants to tell us that        
    A、money is important B、giving brings us happiness C、helping others is helping ourselves D、it's hard to give people the help they need


  • 33. 根据对话内容,在每个空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话完整、合乎情境。

    A: Hi, Chen Lin. I didn't see you for a long time. ?

    B: I went to Chengdu on holiday.

    A: ?

    B: By plane.

    A: ?

    B: I stayed there for a week.

    A: ?

    B: It was sunny and warm.

    A: Did you have a good time there?

    B: . I hope to go there on holiday again.

    A: Great! I hope to go with you next time.


  • 34. 阅读下面短文,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Bao Gong was a famous and clever official (官员) in China about 1,000 years ago. One day, he (see) a boy crying on the street. He asked the boy what  (happen).

        "I sold meat this morning and got 100 coins (硬币). Then I had  (冠词) short sleep. But when I woke up (醒来), I couldn't find my money said the boy.

        Bao Gong looked the boy up and down and  (think) from some time. Then he pointed at a horse and said it was the thief (小偷).he shouted at the horse (连词)asked it to give the boy's money back.

        People around said, What is he (do)? Shouldn't Bao Gong clever? Bao Gong heard that and shouted, HOW could you  (say) bad words about an official? You are all fined (被罚款) one coin." Then he took out a large bowl full of water and  (ask) everyone to put a coin into it.

        When one man put his  (介词) the bowl, Bao Gong said, "This is the real thief! When he put the coin into the bowl, there was a film of oil (一层油) on the water. All the boy's coins have oil from the meat on  (they)."

        At last the boy got his money back. Everyone said that Bao Gong was a really clever man.



  • 40. 阅读下面短文,根据其内容完成后面各项任务。

        My name is Jerry Zhang, and I am a father of two young daughters -- one is about four years old and the other is only about one.我来自中国,现在住在美国

        One day, my older daughter, Madison, told me she didn't want to be Chinese. Those days she was quite interested in the book characters (角色) Madeline and Eloise. She asked me all the time why she was Chinese and they weren't, and how she could have yellow or red hair like them.

        This made me look for books with Asian (亚洲的) characters for Madison to read. However, I only found a few, and they were heavily cultural (文化的) and Madison didn't connect herself with any of the characters in them. And she wash' t interested in them at all Then she told me again that she didn't want to be Chinese, and it made me sad.

        In most of the books for children in the US, the characters look like Americans. There are over 17 million Asians and Asians and Americans in this count, but few of them have Asian faces. I think it's important for Asian children to see themselves in books as interesting and clever kids.

        So I created (创作) a book for Madison. Pepper Zhang in the book is an Asian girl. Her imagination (想象) takes her on a trip to creativity and art I want my children to know that being Chinese or being Asian is a great thing too.



    Because of this,I looked for books with Asian characters to let Madison read.

    (3)、回答问题:What made Jerry sad?

    (4)、回答问题:What does the underlined word “themselves” in the fourth paragraph refer to(指的是)?



  • 41. 假如你是曹磊,你的英国笔友Tom最近对中文很感兴趣,他发电子邮件向你询问如何才能学好中文。请你根据以下提示,给他回一封邮件。

    提示:1)读中文报纸;2)听中文歌曲;3)用中文写日记(keep a diary)。


    Dear Tom,

        I'm very happy to know you're interested in Chinese.      

        I hope the advice will help.


    Cao Lei