仁爱科普版八年级下学期Unit 5 Topic 2 Section B 练习题

试卷更新日期:2024-05-07 类型:同步测试


  • 1. Liu Qian is my favorite. I often talk  my friends  his magic performs.
  • 2. —Michael, did you meet your Chinese friend Shangxia  the age of twelve?

    —Yes.  the way, he is a Japanese, not a Chinese.

  • 3. Susan is  Guangdong. She isn't used  the food here.
  • 4. —Jim, let me help you  your Chinese.

    —Oh, it's very nice  you. Thank you.

  • 5. Jane is so sad because she failed  the maths exam again.


  • 6. The little boy can't find her mom, but he seems ____.
    A、to be worried B、not to be worried      C、worried D、not worrying
  • 7. The exciting news makes them ____.
    A、to jump up B、cheer up C、jumping up D、to cheer up
  • 8. —____ have a picnic with us?

    —Sounds great.

    A、Why don't B、Why not you      C、Why no D、Why don't you
  • 9. —The weather is getting worse.

    —Yes. It seems ____ later.

    A、is raining B、to rain C、be fine D、be rainy
  • 10. —Would you like to go shopping with me?

    —____. Let's go.

    A、Yes, please B、No, thanks C、Yes, I'd love to D、Sorry



  • 16. 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。

    Anna: Hi, Dennis! Anything wrong?

    Dennis: I was angry with my parents.


    Dennis: My parents are very strict with me. They don't let me play ball games after school.


    Dennis: I told them again and again, but they wouldn't listen to me.

    Anna: There! There!  But don't be angry with them.

    Dennis: What should I do?

    Anna: Talk with them or write to them.

    Dermis: I hope so.  Thank you very much.

    Anna: You're welcome.

    A. Why didn't you tell them about it?

    B. What seems to be the problem?

    C. I will have a try.

    D. Maybe they will understand you.

    E. It'll be OK.


  • 17. —I'm sorry for what I said. They may hurt your ____.

    —Not at all.

    A、body B、feelings C、head D、ideas
  • 18. —Here is a ticket to Avatar. ____,you had better not be late.

    —Thank you. I won't.

    A、By the way B、Of course C、What's more D、In the end
  • 19. —You look tired. What's wrong?

    —____ I didn't sleep well. It was too noisy.

    A、So B、But C、If D、Because
  • 20.  —____, where is Tom? 

    —He's reading in the school library. 

    A、By the way B、In the way C、On the way D、In this way


  • 21.  用合适的句子补全对话。

    A:Hi, Jane. You look upset. ?

    B:I'm worried about my little brother. He is so unhappy these days.

    A:Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. ?

    B:He is feeling really bad because he failed the exam.

    A: Did he talk to you about it?

    B:No, he didn't. I think he doesn't want to right now.

    A: Everyone gets these feelingat our age.

    B:I can lend him some interesting CDs to cheer him up.

    A:Oh,  Thankyou very much.

    B:You're welcome.


  • 22.  用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。

    lonely, make, suggestion, pass, laugh, well, feeling, to, tell, at

    Beth is a shy girl. She has an unhappy  because she didn't  the English exam. She feels sad. She wants totalk  others, but she has no friends and she doesn'tknow how to  friends with her classmates. Helen is a nicegirl. She often  Beth jokes and makes her .With Helen around her, Beth doesn't feel  any more. She wants Helen to be her friend,but she doesn't know how to do it. Could you give Beth some ?Please call her  24681013. If you do that, she will feel  and thank you.


  • 23.  阅读理解

    Lin Wenqian is a girl student. When she was on a busy bus last month, she felt someone touching her. She was so afraid.

    Zhou Bin, 12, is a boy. He likes to chat on the Internet. But once a stranger said lots of dirty things to him.Zhou was so surprised!

    What can students do when this kind of thing happens? Here is some advice from some teachers and students:

    Don't be afraid. Ask him or her to stop at once. If he or she doesn't listen, try to turn to others around you and call for help.

    Keep calm. Be serious and keep a cool face. Say you don't like it and show you are angry.

    If there is no one around, use clever ways. If you only shout or fight to make them angry, it could make things worse! They may take your life. Find excuses (借口) to run away. Say things like you are waiting for your parents or you want to go to the washroom.

    (1)、What happened to Lin Wenqian last month?
    A、She stopped talking. B、Shegot off the bus quickly. C、She felt someone touching her. D、Shecalled for help.
    (2)、Zhou Bin likes to ____.
    A、touch other people B、chaton the Internet C、say dirty things to others D、fight with others
    (3)、You should ____ when a stranger touches you on a bus.
    A、shout at him B、keepcalm and try to get away C、fight to make him angry D、ask the driver to stop the bus
    (4)、The writer tells us ____ when we are alone in trouble (麻烦).
    A、to wait for our friends B、notto run away C、to use clever ways D、toget angry
    (5)、Which is the best title for this passage?
    A、Learn to Protect Yourself B、Stop Chatting on the Internet C、Please Don't be Afraid D、Good Suggestions for Kids