仁爱科普版七年级下册Unit 6 Topic 3 How can I get to the library单元课时同步训练 Section A

试卷更新日期:2024-04-23 类型:同步测试


  • 1.  There is a big pear tree  (在……的前面) my house.
  • 2.  Who was  (在……的后面) you when you were waiting in a line?
  • 3. What's(在……的下面)the desk?
  • 4.  The children are playing hide-and-seek. Maomao is hiding himself (在……里)the wardrobe.
  • 5.  The tallest boy in my class sits  (在……的隔壁) me.
  • 6.  They are standing  the door. (在……外面)


  • 7. 根据对话的情景,从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。其中有两项是多余的。

    A: Excuse me. 

    B: Go down this street, turn right and walk on until you get to the end. It's between the post office and the food shop.


    B: It's about seven kilometers from here.

    A: Which bus do I need to take?

    B: First, you need to take Bus No. 651, then you should change to the No. 426 bus at Yongding Bridge. 

    A: Thank you very much.

    B: You are welcome!

    A. How far is it from here?

    B. How long will it take?

    C. It will take you there.

    D. How can I get to the People's Hospital?

    E. You should take a bus.

    F. You can see the hospital.

    G. You can ask the policeman. 


  • 8. 完形填空

    Li Ming comes out of the train station. He wants to see his friend, Lin Tao. Lin Tao is a1 . He works in Zhongshan Hospital in this city. But Li Ming2 the way to the hospital. This is his3 visit to this city.

    Li Ming walks on the street4 . Soon he comes to a school. Some students5 out of the school gate. He comes over and6 , "Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Zhongshan Hospital?"

    "Yes, I live near here.7 uncle works in that hospital, too. It's not8 here. Go along this road to the end, and you'll find the9 on your right. You can't10 it, "a boy says, "It's about 500 meters from here. "

    "Thank you very much!"

    A、 student B、 friend C、 teacher D、 doctor
    A、 knows B、 know C、don't know D、doesn't know
    A、 first B、 one C、 two D、 last
    A、 early B、 late C、 alone D、 only
    A、 walks B、 to walk C、 are walking D、 walk
    A、 tells B、 asks C、 speaks D、 talks
    A、 Mine B、 Me C、 My D、 I
    A、 far B、 away from C、 far away D、 far from
    A、 school B、 hospital C、 station D、 bank
    A、 miss B、 get C、 take D、 give