外研(新标准)版七下 Module 4 Unit 1 Everyone will study at home. 同步练习

试卷更新日期:2024-04-22 类型:同步测试


  • 1. The heavy snow made the mountain climbers _____ halfway.
    A、stopping B、stopped C、to stop D、stop
  • 2.  I answered all the questions ____ the last one.
    A、except B、to C、for D、without
  • 3.  —Do you know ____ man standing there?

    —I only know he' s from ____ European country. 

    A、a, an B、the, an C、the, a D、a, the
  • 4.  My father ____ a newspaper when I got home yesterday evening. 
    A、was reading B、read C、reads D、has read
  • 5.  In a way it was one of ____. 
    A、the our biggest mistakes B、our bigger mistake C、our biggest mistakes D、the bigger mistake


  • 6.  I could hear  in the next room. (voice)
  • 7.  People are showing growing worry about the  of the food they buy. (safe)
  • 8.  The government will do something to deal with the situation  in the year. (late)
  • 9. 句子填空

    one    radio    difference    firework    much

    (1)、I have time than before to play basketball these days.
    (2)、At the Spring Festival, people enjoy watching at night.
    (3)、There are many in the box.
    (4)、His two sons are very from each other.
    (5)、— How often does Millie have a dancing lesson?

    —About a week.

  • 10.  句子填空

    dress give not stand seem be

    (1)、I  glad to get the presents from my parents.
    (2)、 she always  her daughter every morning?
    (3)、If he  me a treat tonight, I won't play tricks on him.
    (4)、Tom,  up in class.
    (5)、Lily  very happy now. She may pass the exam.


  • 11.  The students are doing their homework now. (改为否定句)

    The students   their homework now.

  • 12. We are singing and dancing at the party. (对划线部分提问)

      you  at the party?

  • 13.  She is playing a computer game. (改为复数句)

      playing computer .

  • 14.  We're going hiking next Sunday. (用 last Sunday 改写)

    We   last Sunday.

  • 15. His grandfather died one year ago. (同义句转换)

    His grandfather for one year.


  • 16.  他的父母有很多年没有回家乡了。

    His parents    to their hometown for many years.

  • 17.  说实在的,我真不想离开母校。

      , I don't really want to leave my school.

  • 18.  ——南希能跟我们一起去看电影吗?


     Nancy  to the movies with us?

    —Sure, I think she'd  .

  • 19.  那就是为什么掌握第二种语言很重要。

    That's  it's important     .

  • 20.  杰克昨天去海滩了。

    Jack     yesterday.