
试卷更新日期:2024-04-15 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. Which is the correct pronunciation of the word "race"?
    A、/reɪs/ B、/rɪs/ C、/res/ D、/raɪs/
  • 2. One of Sally's activities on Saturday is ____her room. She thinks a clean environment makes her comfortable.
    A、making up B、looking after C、tidying up D、coming out
  • 3. I'm deeply moved by the movie sister. ____a sister, An Ran tries her best to take care of her younger brother.
    A、As B、For C、With D、From
  • 4.  —Can we stop to take a break? I am too tired to walk any farther.

    —____, Jackson. You can do it.

    A、I hope so B、Sounds terrible C、That's all D、Come on
  • 5.  —China has sent Tianwen-1 to Mars! Do you know where____name Tianwen comes from?

    —Yes, it is from Qu Yuan's poem.

    A、a B、an C、the D、/
  • 6.  —What a hot day!

    —Yeah, it's hot so I often use a ____to keep me cool in the classroom.

    A、fan B、shelf C、coin D、dollar
  • 7.  Bob was so ____that he drank up the whole bottle of water as soon as he arrived home.
    A、magic B、strange C、relaxed D、thirsty
  • 8.  Betty hurt her leg badly when she was running down the stairs , so she could____stand up.
    A、really B、probably C、especially D、hardly
  • 9.  —Listen! ____is singing in the room.

    —It must be Jane. She is preparing for the singing competition this week.

    A、Somebody B、Everybody C、Nobody D、Anybody
  • 10. Clare and I have the same ________________ and we often spend time playing the violin together.
    A、background B、interest C、culture D、value
  • 11. ________ of giant pandas is getting _________ because their living areas are becoming farmland.

    A、The number, larger and larger B、A number, larger and larger C、The number, smaller and smaller D、A number, smaller and smaller
  • 12.  The old man lives ___,but he never feels ____.


    A、alone ;lonely  B、lonely;  alone  C、alone; alone  D、lonely; lonely
  • 13. I'm sure that David        us around the studio. Let's go.
    A、showed B、has shown C、will show D、shows
  • 14. Bob doesn't know        or not his mum will allow him to play games on the smartphone.
    A、that B、whether C、if D、why
  • 15. Did you ask Bill when he        for London?
    A、leaves B、is leaving C、has left D、was leaving
  • 16. —Mum, may I drink the milk on the table?

    —No, you can't. It       sour.

    A、feels B、smells C、sounds D、looks
  • 17. —The soup       good. Can I have some more?


    A、tastes B、smells C、looks D、feels
  • 18. —Lisa, what's wrong with you? You        pale.

    —I didn't sleep well last night.

    A、taste B、smell C、look D、feel
  • 19. An Indian boy of only 10, Kishan, is making a film! He is the youngest _____________ in the world!
    A、dancer B、director C、driver D、doctor
  • 20. — Hey, mom, have you tried _____________ hamburger? I made it myself.

    — Really, it tastes quite good.

    A、a B、an C、the D、/
  • 21. Which sentence has the different intonation(语调)?
    A、What does he look like? B、It's time to get up. C、Don't run in the hallways. D、Does he have long hair?
  • 22. Which one has the same sound as the underlined in "books"?
    A、bikes B、lions C、tigers D、koalas
  • 23. Which word has the sound of /eɪ/?
    A、restaurant B、mountain C、straight D、water
  • 24. Which one is different from the other three?
    A、little B、crime C、cinema D、artist
  • 25. China's Tianwen-I ____ on Mars successfully. Here's a photo it sent back from the planet.
    A、is landing B、has landed C、lands D、will land
  • 26. I couldn't help ____________ when I heard the funny story.
    A、laugh B、to laugh C、laughing D、laughed
  • 27. — Where is Tom?

    —He _______________ Shanghai. He will be back next week.

    A、has been to B、has gone to C、has been in D、has gone in
  • 28.  —Could you tell me ____? 

    —Oh, sorry. The place is a secret before we get there.

    A、what we will do B、when we will leave C、how we will start D、where we will go
  • 29.  —Hi, Penny. Would you like to go to Wenzhou Science Museum with me tomorrow?

    —Yes, I'd love to. But Peter____me to watch the Dragon Boat Race.

    A、invites B、has invited C、is inviting D、will invite
  • 30. Mr. Robinson became successful ___________.
    A、in his fifty B、in his fifties C、in his sixty D、in the sixties