
试卷更新日期:2024-04-15 类型:复习试卷


  • 1. Which word has the sound of /tru:/?
    A、tree B、term C、trip D、true
  • 2. Which is the correct pronunciation of the word "taste"?
    A、/test/ B、/teɪst/ C、/teɪsty/ D、/testy/
  • 3. —I watched ______ movie called Turning Red last Sunday. How interesting it is!

    —Really? I will see it this evening.

    A、a B、the C、an D、/
  • 4. There are all ____________ things in the supermarket. But it's ____________ far from here.
    A、kind of; kind of B、kinds of; kind of C、kinds of; kinds of D、kind of; kinds of
  • 5. Tom can't play the guitar, but he can play ____________.
    A、basketball good B、the basketball well C、a basketball well D、basketball well
  • 6. The ____________ girl is my cousin. She is good at singing.
    A、10- years-old B、10 year old C、10 years old D、10- year- old
  • 7. — What is Jack doing?

    — He is ____________ the kites in the sky and he ____________ very happy.

    A、looking at; looks B、looking; looks C、looking: look D、looking at; look
  • 8. The underlined part in the word "village" is pronounced as ____________.
    A、/ei/ B、/ə/ C、/i/ D、/ɜ:/
  • 9. — Hello, can I speak to John?

    — ____________.

    A、No, you can't B、John washes his clothes at home C、John is reading a book D、This is John speaking
  • 10. Listen! One of my classmates ____________ in the music room.
    A、sing B、sings C、is singing D、are singing
  • 11. He has two uncles. ____________ is a doctor and ____________ is a driver.
    A、One; the other B、One; another C、Another; other D、One; other
  • 12. —____________ does it take her to get to school?

    — It takes her ____________.

    A、How far, half a hour B、How long, half an hour C、How far, half an hour D、How long, half a hour
  • 13. I need ____________ to finish my work.
    A、two hours and half B、two and a half hours C、two hour and a half D、two and a half hour
  • 14. Which "ow" has a different sound?
    A、how B、show C、know D、grow
  • 15. Which "o" has a different sound?
    A、month B、some C、Monday D、sorry
  • 16. Which "ea" has a different sound?
    A、clean B、sweater C、teach D、tea
  • 17. Which sentence has the rising tone(升调)?
    A、What time do you usually get up? B、I usually take the bus. C、Is the man swimming in a river? D、We must be on time for class.
  • 18. —The autumn trees are so beautiful that I want to take a photo of them.

    —________. It must be a great photo.

    A、Don't be silly B、Good idea C、Good luck D、Enjoy yourself
  • 19. —May I _______the white dress?

    —Certainly. The dressing room is over there.

    A、try on B、pay for C、put away D、take away
  • 20. The coat is not the right _______ for me. It's too big. I have to return it back by post.
    A、colour B、product C、price D、size
  • 21. Jim wants to join the Dance club _________ he likes dancing.
    A、so B、because C、but D、and
  • 22. To make our city clean, many students go to the park to ________ at weekends.
    A、play football B、collect litter C、draw pictures D、go sightseeing
  • 23. —Excuse me, _______?

    —Yes. There is one near the cinema over there.

    A、is this movie ticket yours B、will you go to the cinema with me C、is there a cinema near here D、can you tell me the way to the bus stop
  • 24. — Is this Lingling's school bag?

    — No, it can't be _________. She is at home now because she has got a cold.

    A、hers B、my C、her D、mine
  • 25. —Why do you read this book again and again?

    —It's such a good book that I can learn _________ new every time I read it.

    A、everything B、nothing C、anything D、something
  • 26. —How many athletes are there in the Beijing Winter Olympics?

    —It's said that ________ of athletes join in it.

    A、two hundred B、hundreds C、two thousand D、thousands
  • 27. — Let's go to the zoo on Sunday morning.


    A、That sounds good B、Not at all C、Yes, we do D、Yes, you're right
  • 28. I don't like the job because it is _________.
    A、interesting B、relaxing C、dangerous D、easy
  • 29. Listen! Our teacher__________ a song in the next room.
    A、sing B、sings C、sang D、is singing
  • 30. Our teachers are strict______ us, but they are sometimes friendly ______ us, too.
    A、in ; to B、with ; to C、with ; with D、in ; with