
试卷更新日期:2024-04-15 类型:高考模拟


  • 1. —I keep on meeting with difficulties in the experiment. I can hardly go on.

    —Where there are difficulties, there are ways to get over them. ________.

    A、Suit yourself. B、Good for you C、Pull yourself together! D、What's the deal?
  • 2.  Better than half a billion dollars ____ that fund to purchase more than 5 million acres of habitat over the past eighty years.
    A、have gone into B、had gone into C、have been gone into D、has gone into
  • 3.  —Tom, how are you doing with the job hunting? 

    —To be frank. I'm still hesitating whether to accept the position I ____ at the job fair.

    A、had been offered B、was offered C、offered D、had offered
  • 4.  For a senior high student, ____ good use you have made of your time to study, there is still room for improvement.
    A、whatever B、however C、though D、whether
  • 5.  The tourism industry, as the core of our local economy, is supposed____in the months to come.
    A、to recover B、to have recovered C、to be recovering D、to have been recovering
  • 6.  Hate speech on the Internet causes violence, and undermines diversity and social unity, ____ the common values and principles that bond us together.
    A、to threaten B、having threatened C、threatening D、threatened
  • 7.  —Oh, God! I was almost hit by the car. It was driving so fast!

    —This is a busy crossroad. You ____ be too careful when crossing the street.

    A、may not B、needn't C、mustn't D、cannot
  • 8.  Despite some difficulties, there are special moments ____make it worthwhile for moms to take care of children at home. 
    A、when B、where C、which D、what
  • 9. ____ is often the case, I assume, is the fact that when looking back, the bittersweet senior life is always one's highlight in pursuit of dream.
    A、As B、Which C、That D、What
  • 10.  I had two small cakes in my office, just ____ there was no time to eat dinner after the meeting started.
    A、in case B、even though C、on condition that D、in order that
  • 11.  Students are expected to dress ____, suitable for weather conditions, and in good taste.
    A、accurately B、adequately C、essentially D、attractively
  • 12.  Many enterprising young people present their ideas ____getting investment and advice to start their own business.
    A、in possession of B、by means of C、as a result of D、in anticipation of
  • 13.  In my view, one factor ____ my weight loss was my passion for jogging, especially after dinner, which I enjoyed doing daily.
    A、turning out B、accounting for C、resulting from D、putting on
  • 14.  Through comparison, he found that the location of the 117 known Maya cities ____ to the position of the stars.
    A、corporate B、correspond C、determine D、integrate
  • 15.  —Are you going to take a part-time job this winter vacation?

    —I haven't made up my mind. It's still ____.

    A、up in the air. B、between the lines C、to the point D、over the moon


  • 16. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从16~35各题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    One of my neighbors used to have a beautiful tree in her front yard. Her dad had planted it for her 1 it was nothing more than a little branch and several years later it started to 2 towards the sky at an amazing speed. Soon it blessed her with cooling 3 in the summer and glorious, golden leaves in the fall.

    When the two-day snowstorm struck our town, heavy snow4 the tree's branches that were still full of leaves. The weight split that lovely tree down the5 . It was so sad seeing half of it6 on the ground after the storm. When I talked to my neighbor later, she said that the damage had been too much and that the7 tree would have to be cut down.8 , she had saved a few seedlings from it that she hoped to9 in the future.

    Still, it was a shock to drive by her house the other day and see 10 but a stump (树桩) in her front yard. I missed that tree. I missed its branches, its leaves 11 in the afternoon sun. I missed seeing its limbs (树枝) reach towards the heavens. I thought that the stump would be a sad 12 of its loss for a long time to come.

    My wonderful neighbor had another plan, 13 . When I drove by her home today I saw a tiny bird feeder sitting on that stump and a colorful songbird having its 14 . It was such an affirmation (肯定) of life. It was such a joy to 15 . I could feel my heart 16 .

    Life by its very nature is a 17 bag. It hands us both beauty and tragedy, love and loss, 18 and pain. What we do with it, however, is up to us. We can let it 19 us in two, or we can use even its hardest times to make our 20 stronger and our hearts more loving. We can spend it complaining or we can use it to help others.

    A、 unless B、 when C、 until D、 because
    A、 circulate B、 chase C、 shoot D、 stand
    A、 wind B、 shade C、 quality D、 system
    A、 fell on B、 took apart C、 got through D、 broke down
    A、 top B、 middle C、 bottom D、 root
    A、 dancing B、 spreading C、 trembling D、 lying
    A、 abnormal B、 bare C、 sick D、 entire
    A、 Originally B、 Doubtfully C、 Thankfully D、 Particularly
    A、 replace B、 renew C、 replant D、 remove
    A、 everything B、 something C、 anything D、 nothing
    A、 falling B、 shaking C、 floating D、 shining
    A、 story B、 expectation C、 reminder D、 view
    A、 though B、 therefore C、 still D、 otherwise
    A、 rest B、 baby C、 date D、 dinner
    A、 see B、 solve C、 approach D、 realize
    A、 beat B、 smile C、 hurt D、 sink
    A、 mixed B、 changeable C、 separated D、 stable
    A、 sorrow B、 wealth C、 pleasure D、 wonder
    A、 split B、 pull C、 benefit D、 attach
    A、 connections B、 families C、 bodies D、 souls


  • 17. 阅读理解

    A lot of people think that college is all about getting good grades, but there are a lot of other things you could be doing to make your college experience more pleasant.

    Always make study friends

    It's way better to study with someone else rather than by yourself! If you have trouble focusing when studying, this will keep you off your phone and any other distractions, and you will feel the responsibility of actually studying since another person's time is at stake. Make sure you are arranging study sessions with the people in your class. You can make group chats through different platforms for you to meet in the library or online.

    Attend your professors' office hours

    Professors always have an enormous influence on your educational path. So, make sure they are getting to know you both as a person and as a student. Therefore, office hours are the perfect time for you to come to ask questions and show an interest in their class. Even if you don't have good grades, it shows that you are trying hard, and they love that.

    Check your email

    Please make sure you have a valid email address. Almost everything you do in college will involve your email. This is how most professors and every other person in the university community will communicate with you and vice versa (反之亦然).

    Review the material that you didn't understand

    Let's be real: There are two or three days a week when we just feel out of it. We often simply feel a lot of tiredness and very little motivation. It becomes very hard for us to learn something new or remember it. That is OK and every college student feels this way sometimes!

    The important thing here is how we make up for the lost time to still have good grades in our classes, and I can give you a very easy strategy to follow. The key is to review the topic or material you were supposed to understand in class later that same day. Please do this!

    (1)、 Study friends play an important role in____.
    A、attracting your attention when you have trouble focusing B、driving you to devote more time and attention to your studies C、helping you arrange study sessions with your classmates D、making group chats for you to meet in person or online
    (2)、Why importance should be attached to professors' office hours?
    A、Because it is a good time for professors to leave a deep impression on you. B、Because you can show how good your grades are during the hours. C、Because it is a good chance for professors to further understand you. D、Because it is when you can share your interests with the professors.
    (3)、 What is the purpose of having a valid email address?
    A、To help students get in touch with their families. B、To keep students informed of school affairs. C、To collect useful information for the email users. D、To make it easier for others on campus to contact you.
    (4)、 What does the author suggest students do to achieve high scores in classes?
    A、Go over the topic or material later that day. B、Take enough rest and be motivated all the time. C、Consult the professors during office hours. D、Try to make up for the lost time as much as possible.
    (5)、Who will probably find this passage most helpful?
    A、Working staff in colleges. B、Senior students in universities. C、Would-be college students. D、High school teachers and students.
  • 18. 阅读理解

        It was one of those terribly hot days in Baltimore. Needless to say, it was too hot to do anything outside. But it was also scorching in our apartment. This was 1962, and I would not live in a place with an air conditioner for another ten years. So my brother and I decided to leave the apartment to find someplace indoors. He suggested we could see a movie. It was a brilliant plan.

        Movie theaters were one of the few places you could sit all day and—most important —sit in air conditioning. In those days, you could buy one ticket and sit through two movies. Then, the theater would show the same two movies again. If you wanted to, you could sit through them twice. Most people did not do that, but the manager at our theater. Mr. Bellow did not mind if you did.

        That particular day, my brother and I sat through both movies twice, trying to escape the heat. We bought three bags of popcorn and three sodas each. Then, we sat and watched The Music Man followed by The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. We'd already seen the second movie once before. It had been at the theater since January, because Mr. Bellow loved anything with John Wayne in it.

        We left the theater around 8, just before the evening shows began. But we returned the next day and saw the same two movies again, twice more. And we did it the next day too. Finally, on the fourth day, the heat wave broke.

        Still, to this day I can sing half the songs in The Music Man and recite half of John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart's dialogue from The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance! Those memories are some of the few I have of the heat wave of 1962. They're really memories of the screen, not memories of my life.

    (1)、In which year did the author first live in a place with an air conditioner?
    A、1952 B、1962 C、1972 D、1982
    (2)、What does the underlined word”It” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
    A、The heat B、The theater. C、The Music Man D、The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
    (3)、What do we know about Mr. Bellow?
    A、He loved children very much. B、He was a fan of John Wayne. C、He sold air conditioners. D、He was a movie star. 
    (4)、Why did the author and his/her brother see the same movies several times?
    A、The two movies were really wonderful. B、They wanted to avoid the heat outside. C、The manager of the theater was friendly. D、They liked the popcorn and the soda at the theater.
    (5)、What can we learn from the last paragraph?
    A、The author turned out to be a great singer. B、The author enjoyed the heat wave of 1962. C、The author's life has been changed by the two movies. D、The author considers the experience at the theater unforgettable.
  • 19. 阅读理解

    How do consumers access, buy and use their favorite products and services? The answer to the seemingly simple question is changing. Traditionally, people often see ownership as the most desirable way to have access to products. However, an increasing number of consumers are paying to temporarily access or share products and services rather than buy or own them Customer behavior towards many goods and services changes from ownership to sharing. This transformation of people's consumption, habits has made sharing economy grow and it seems that some individuals and companies have already benefited from this trend.

    Growth in sharing systems bas particularly been fueled by the Internet with the rise of social media systems. Anyone can be part of the sharing economy. It is reported that of the 44 percent of U.S. adults who are familiar with the sharing economy, 86 percent say it makes life more affordable, 83 percent say it makes life more convenient and efficient, and 78 percent say it builds a stronger community. The central idea of group consumption is simple: Obtain value which remains in goods or services that are not entirely used by their owners. 

    A recent survey from Pricewaterhouse Coopers, the largest professional service firm in the world, shows this so-called "sharing economy" is growing faster than ever. Although we are not sure about the current size of this market, by 2025, according to Pricewaterhouse Coopers, the sharing economy could represent $335 billion in profit worldwide. Nowadays, well-known examples of successful corporations built on group consumption systems include Airbnb, a San Francisco-based online accommodations marketplace, and Zipcar, a car sharing brand that is now part of the vehicle rental service company.

    The speed of its growth suggests that the sharing economy might represent a serious threat to established industries, due to fewer purchases in conventional markets. For consumers, it seems to bold the advantage to unite cost reduction, benefit expansion, convenience and environmental consciousness in one type of consumption. Companies therefore should understand the new situation and manage their operating system in order to adapt to current and future business models to provide new sources of profits within this growing area of the sharing economy.

    (1)、How does the sharing economy work?
    A、Exchanging possessions of products online. B、Sharing something with the owners. C、Selling underused items to make money. D、Paying for sharing products or services owned by others.
    (2)、 Which of the following is NOT a reason for the growth of sharing economy?
    A、The change of people's consumption habits. B、People's need to reduce life expenses. C、The decline of traditional business. D、The easier access to the Internet.
    (3)、According to Pricewaterhouse Coopers, we learn that____.
    A、44 percent ofU.S. adults think sharing economy makes life easier B、sharing economy can have a promising future C、sharing economy is expanding too fast to threaten other business D、group consumption systems can be successful if run by large companies
    (4)、 In the last paragraph, the writer mainly wants to say that____.
    A、traditional business should find different sources of profits B、sharing economy has many advantages over conventional industry C、the growth of sharing economy has led to the decrease of purchases D、traditional business should try to adapt to sharing economy
    (5)、 Which can be the best title of the passage?
    A、The Rise of Sharing Economy B、Sharing Makes Life Better C、Advantages of Sharing Economy D、Sharing Economy or Conventional Business
  • 20. 阅读理解

    It has become acceptable for people to say that women work less than men and therefore deserve less! It may have been true in the past when women were expected to stay at home and look after children, but women have changed over the years. They have "come out"! Gone are the days when they toiled the kitchen stove all day long; they are now aware of their needs and are willing to fight for them. They expect to be given the respect they deserve, both at home and at work. They have realized their intellectual potential and have determined to do something about it!

    Women on two wheels have become a familiar sight on the roads of most Asian countries during the past few years. It is common to find a woman taking her children on her bicycle to school and then reach her office in time. She has become a major part in family decisions in every aspect and how those decisions are carried out. It would have been unimaginable a few years ago!

    It is rather difficult to combine a career and a decent home life, "super woman" though she is. She needs to feel supported and fulfilled. She may arrive at work feeling as if she has already done a full day's work. If colleagues doubt her commitment to her job, she will feel sad. At the same time, women of today expect their partners to contribute towards childcare and household chores.

    Today's women are learning to avoid situations that make them feel more stressed and it is a hard struggle. Despite all this, the new woman, "the superpower" has arrived. She still believes in the power and value of a family unit and she holds it in high esteem(尊重).

    (1)、 What is the passage mainly about?
    A、A woman's opinion on her job and family. B、The burden women in society have to bear. C、The change of women's status in and out of the family. D、The responsibility of a couple in a family.
    (2)、 Which of the following devices is used in Paragraph I?
    A、Comparison. B、Example. C、List. D、Definition.
    (3)、 Using the example in Paragraph 2, the author wants to show that ____.
    A、women were not seen on streets in the past B、women's jobs have changed C、today's women don't need to toil in the kitchen D、women take more responsibilities for the family
    (4)、According to the passage, as a "super woman", she ____.
    A、can do the housework all by herself B、can deal with her work easily every day C、is independent in every aspect of her life D、still finds it difficult to balance her career and family
    (5)、Why is the phrase "come out" used in quotation marks in Paragraph 1?
    A、Women are still controlled by their husbands. B、It means more than that she comes out of the house. C、Women are not actually coming out. D、Women have broken up with their families.


  • 21. 阅读短文,按照题目要求用英语回答问题。

    Just like everyone, I have experienced ups and downs in my life. I am an aerospace engineer from India. I was told by my relatives, close friends and others that it was hard for a non-IT student to pursue a master's degree in IT and graduate from a US university.

    I had never taken courses related to computers or programming. I was never interested in being a programmer, but things changed. I became socaptivated by the convenience IT has brought to our life that I made up my mind to chase a master's degree in IT.

    At first, I came across too many difficulties and setbacks. Coming from a middle-class family, the huge cost per credit was a big issue. My English accent was terrible. Most importantly, the course seemed impossible at first. Although I felt so discouraged and frustrated, I never thought of giving up.

    Then I decided to choose my university because it promised its students to help them learn practically. During my first month, it was difficult to understand the Americans' accent and finish my assignments. But I never gave in. I walked two miles to the university every day so that I could use my travel money to buy a meal. I started looking for jobs and I got an offer to work as a student assistant, which meant lifting benches and chairs every day.

    I took all these challenges as my chances, and I believed that hard work was my strength. Right now I am graduating with a GPA of 3.96/4 and a job offer from a multinational company that has asked me to start right after graduation.

    When you have a dream to realize, there is nothing that can stop you. All you need is the diligence and persistence. Hard work always pays off. Having a determined will is also necessary.

    (1)、Why did the author's family and friends say that it was hard for him to pursue a master's degree in IT? (no more than 8 words)
    (2)、What does the underlined part "captivated by" in paragraph 2 mean? (2 words)
    (3)、What is the main idea of paragraph 3? (no more than 10 words)
    (4)、 What made the author graduate with a higher GPA and a good job offer? (no more than 15 words)
    (5)、What do you learn from the author's story? (no more than 25 words)


  • 22.  假设你是晨光中学高三学生李津。你有一位英国好友Jim,他告诉你他最近经常使用Chatgpt(一款人工智能的语言类软件)来完成他的学习任务,比如写演讲稿和实验报告。他问你是否愿意使用这类人工智能来完成学习任务,你写给他一封E-mail,主要内容包括:

    1. 你是否愿意让人工智能替你完成学习任务及其原因。

    2. 你在生活中是怎样利用高科技产品的。

    3. 祝愿Jim学业进步。


    1. 词数100左右:

    2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。


    人工智能:AI (Artificial Intelligence) 高科技产品:high-tech products

    Dear Jim,


    Li Jin