仁爱科普版七年级下册Unit 6 Topic 2 Section A 课堂检测题

试卷更新日期:2024-03-28 类型:同步测试


  • 1.  短语过关
    (7)、把某物租给某人 从某人处租某物


  • 2. 用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。


    (1)、—What kind of home do you live in?

    —It's a town house with three .

    (2)、Mr. Brown wants a quiet room for his son.
    (3)、There are twelve in a year.
    (4)、In Beijing, we often meet many people from different .
    (5)、—Do you like in the country?

    —Yes, I like it very much.



  • 8. If you want to have a picnic, you can ____ a car ____ the company(公司).
    A、rent; to B、borrow; to C、rent; from D、borrow; from
  • 9. When you go to the countryside(郊外,农村), you can see different kinds of ____.
    A、apartments B、townhouses C、farmhouses D、communities
  • 10. —When can I call you, Mrs. Li?

    —You can call me ____ 13911068785 ____ the evening.

    A、in; in B、in; at C、at; in D、at; at
  • 11. Nancy has a big apartment. She wants to ____ it ____ others.
    A、rent; to B、rent; from C、borrow; to D、borrow; from
  • 12. They want to rent a small house ____ ¥ 100 a month.
    A、with B、for C、to D、from


  • 13.  李明住在带有三层房间的排房里。

    Li Ming  in a townhouse  three floors.

  • 14.  我喜欢在图书馆看书,因为那里很安静。

    I like  books in the library because it's very  there.

  • 15.  露西正在找她的小刀。让我们帮她吧!

    Lucy is   her knife. Let's help her.

  • 16.  如果你想租两室的房子,可以打电话139-6824-3823给布朗先生。

    If you want to rent a house with two rooms,  Mr. Brown  139-6824-3823, please.

  • 17.  在失物招领处,我找到了我的钱包。

    At the   , I found my wallet.


  • 18.  从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话,有两项为多余选项


    B: Yes. I want to rent(租) a house.

    A: Oh, there is one for rent.

    B: Really?

    A: Yes, and it's very clean.

    B: Well. 

    A: It's about ¥800.

    B: OK. Do you know the telephone number?


    B: All right. 

    A: You're welcome.

    A. Yes. It's 7415-3687.

    B. Is it an apartment building?

    C. I like it very much.

    D. Can I help you?

    E. I'm looking for a house.

    F. How much is it per(每一) month?

    G. Thank you very much.


  • 19. There are eighteen floors in my building.(对划线部分提问)

    are there in your building?

  • 20. I live in a farmhouse. It has ten rooms.(改为同义句)

    I live in a ten rooms.

  • 21. I live in an apartment with my father.(改为一般疑问句)

    live in an apartment with your father?

  • 22. Mr. Green often rents two rooms to students.(改为同义句)

    Students often two rooms Mr. Green.

  • 23. Judy wants to rent a room for ¥ 980 a month.(对划线部分提问)

    Judy want to rent a room for a month?


  • 24. 根据短文内容回答下列问题。

    I live in a town(镇) near Gushan in Fuzhou. You can't find it on the map of China, because it's too(太) small. The air(空气) is fresh(新鲜) here. There are not too many tall buildings in our town and our school has the best building.

    There are about 2,000 students and over(超过) 100 teachers in our school — Gushan High School. In the front of the teaching building, there is a playground. I often play basketball with my classmates on it. There is a small garden at the back of our school. In spring(春天), we can see many flowers in it. Next to the school, on its left, there is an orange orchard(果园). Birds are singing here and there. There is a river(河) not far away from our school. We usually go swimming in it with our teachers in summer(夏天). Our teachers are very kind to us.

    We love our school very much.

    (1)、Is the town called Gushan big?
    (2)、Where do the students play basketball?
    (3)、When can the students see flowers in the school?
    (4)、Do the students like living in Gushan High School? Why or why not?