牛津译林版五年级下册Unit 3 Asking the way单元基础卷

试卷更新日期:2024-03-26 类型:同步测试


  • 1. You can get on the metro ____ Park Station. 
    A、at B、on C、in
  • 2. Yang Ling ____a policeman for help. 
    A、ask B、asking C、asks
  • 3. ____, how do I get to the park? 
    A、I'm sorry B、Excuse me C、Thank you
  • 4. —What's wrong with ____?

    —He has a headache.

    A、he B、her C、him
  • 5. I want _______ to the supermarket. How can I ________ there?
    A、going; get to B、go; get C、to go; get
  • 6. We have two lessons____ the afternoon?
    A、on B、in C、at
  • 7. —____ do you have dinner?

    —At 6 o'clock.

    A、How many B、How old C、What time
  • 8. The park is near my home. So I often go there ____. 
    A、by plane B、by train C、on foot
  • 9. Turn left ____ the traffic lights, you can see the park ____ your right. 
    A、in; on B、at; to C、at; on
  • 10. Can you _____ your bike _____ me?
    A、show; to B、show; for C、  showing; to



  • 17.  单词拼写
    (1)、far (反义词) 
    (2)、city (复数) 
    (3)、foot (复数) 
    (4)、left (反义词) 
    (5)、try (三单) 


  • 18.  阅读理解

    The sun, the moon and the stars are all in the sky. The sun is much bigger than the earth. The earth is much bigger than the moon. The moon looks bigger because it's much nearer to the earth. It's our nearest (最近的) neighbour in space. The moon is very different from the earth. There is no air or water on the moon. It's hot during the day and very cold at night. Nobody can live there.

    (1)、The moon is much ____ than the earth.  
    A、longer B、taller C、smaller
    (2)、Which one is the biggest?  
    A、The earth. B、The moon. C、The sun.
    (3)、What can live on the moon? 
    A、Trees. B、Animals. C、Nobody.
    (4)、What does "air" mean in Chinese? 
    A、空气 B、 C、煤炭
    (5)、Which one about the weather on the moon is right? 
    A、It's hot at night. B、It's very cold during the day. C、It's very cold at night.


  • 19.  补全对话/短文

    A.Let's get there by bike

    B.Why don't we go and play football now?

    C.Where is your bike?

    D.But how do we go there?

    E.I like playing football very much.

    F.What's in your bag?

    A: Hello, Jack. 

    B: Hi, David. 

    A: There's a football. 

    B: Me too. 

    A: Good idea! Let's play in the school. 

    B: OK.

    A:  I've got a new bike. 

    B: All right. 

    A: It's over there. Let's go.


  • 20. 匹配题

    A. Because I have a new dress.

    B. I live in Flower Town.

    C. He's a taxi driver.

    D. No, I can't.

    E. You can get there by bus.

    (1)、—What does your father do? 

    (2)、—How can I get to the zoo? 

    (3)、—Why are you so happy? 

    (4)、—Can you ask the man for help? 

    (5)、—Where do you live? 


  • 21.  任务型阅读

    One day, a rabbit is going to her grandfather's home. She sees many carrots on the road. She quickly(快速地) runs back home and takes a big bag. She puts all the carrots into the bag. Then she tries to move it. It's so difficult! Because the bag is too heavy, she can't move it. Just then(就在那时), a dog comes and wants to help her. But they still can't move the big bag. At last(最后), the dog asks(请求) his friends to come to help. They are chicken and cows. The rabbits is very happy. They begin to move. Now it is so easy!

    (1)、The rabbit sees a lot of carrots on the .
    (2)、There are many carrots in the bag. The bag is very .
    (3)、The rabbit can't the bag.
    (4)、The  asks his friend to help the rabbit.
    (5)、The rabbit is very .