牛津上海版(深圳用)六年级下册Module 3 Unit9 Reusing things一课一练

试卷更新日期:2024-03-08 类型:同步测试


  • 1. He went to the village half an hour ago and finally he reached the place.
    A、got to B、get to C、arrived
  • 2. They ___________ bottles __________ a truck yesterday.
    A、putted; into B、put; into C、took; to
  • 3. — What __________ the toy ____________?

    — It looks like a bear.

    A、does; look like B、is; looks like C、do; looks like
  • 4. This is ___________ envelope. It is ___________ old one.
    A、a; a B、an; an C、an; a
  • 5. There _______________ rubbish everywhere before.
    A、was many B、were much C、was a lot of
  • 6. Father, "Stop ________ plastic bags. Keep __________ them."
    A、use; collect B、using; collects C、using; collecting
  • 7. The bottle is filled with oil.
    A、fill with B、filled of C、is full of
  • 8. The old man was from the big city.
    A、come from B、comes from C、came from
  • 9. My grandpa is 60 years old but he is very fit and enjoys exercising.
    A、healthy B、wise C、busy
  • 10. Finally, they made us into a piece of cloth.
    A、At first B、At last C、in the middle


  • 11. 根据课文内容,填上一个合适的词,已给的动词用适当的形式填空。

     I'm a  bottle. A week ago, I was full  water. A woman  (buy) me at the supermarket and  (take) me home. The next morning, the woman  (drink) the water and  (throw) me in to a  bin. A street cleaner  (find) me and picked me. He put me  a truck. There were a lot  other bottles in the truck.



  • 18. 从所给的句子中选出合适的补全对话。(填序号)

    A. What is your idea?

    B. We can talk about how to reuse old things.

    C. I agree with you.

    D. I don't want to see the dirty city.

    E. What should we talk about in the class meeting?

    A: We want to have a class meeting this Monday afternoon.


    A: Reusing things, because we can't throw away bottles and cans everywhere.

    B: That is true.

    A: You are right! We should find out some ways to do it.


    A: We should not throw rubbish everywhere.

    B: We can't throw away other old bottles and cans.

    A: Yes, don't make our city dirty.

    I hope we can do something to protect our home clean.


  • 19. 补全对话

    A. I want to make a windmill.

    B. You can give it to your mother.

    C. I will be happy to help you, little girl.

    D. That's interesting!

    E. There are five pairs on my desk.

    F. I can make a paper frog.

    Miss Guo: Hello, children! In this lesson we'll make something with the used paper.


    Peter: I'm good at craft.

    Miss Guo: Peter, you're clever. What are you going to make, Susan?


    Miss Guo: A windmill is a good idea!

    Jenny: I'd like to make a paper rose.

    Miss Guo: Good idea! Mother's Day is coming.

    Jenny: That's right. But I need a pair of scissors.

    Miss Guo: Don't worry.

    Peter: I need some glue.

    Miss Guo: I have glue and tape too.

    Susan: Miss Guo, maybe I need your help.

    Miss Guo:

  • 20. 补全对话。

    A. How can we reuse this envelope?  

    B. That's a good idea!

    C. Can I throw away this envelope?  

    D. We can refuse it.

    E. Do you have any ideas, Mum?

    Mum:Look at your bedroom,Joe.What a mess!Please tidy it up.

    Joe:Don't worry,Mum.I'll do it right now.

    Mum:No.We should keep it.


    Mum:We can write on the other side of it.We can draw a "No smoking" sign on it.

    Joe:How about these old clothes?

    Mum:Yes,I do.Please give them to me.I can make new dolls with them.



  • 21. 判断下列各组单词音节是否相同。
    (1)、sister         teacher         worker
    (2)、nurse         Chinese         shirt
    (3)、away         afraid          asleep
    (4)、reuse         bottle         work
    (5)、plastic        factory         rubbish




  • 30. 阅读理解

     Most children like to watch TV. It's very interesting. By watching TV they can see a lot, learn a lot and know many things about their country and the world. Of course, they can also learn over the radio. But they can learn better and more easily on TV. Why? Because they can hear and watch at the same time. But they can't see anything over the radio.

     TV helps to open children's eyes. TV helps to open their minds, too. They learn newer and better ways of doing. They may find the world is now smaller than before.

     Many children watch TV on Saturday or Sunday evening. They are always busy with their lessons. But a few children watch TV every night. They usually go to bed very late. They can't have a good rest. It's bad for them.

    (1)、Some children go to bed late because they ____. 
    A、are busy their lessons B、do their homework C、watch TV
    (2)、Children can't see anything ____. 
    A、on the computer B、on the radio C、on TV
    (3)、TV helps to open children's ____, because they can hear and watch at the same time. 
    A、eyes and minds B、minds C、eyes and ears
    (4)、Most children watch TV ____. 
    A、on weekend evening B、on weekend night C、every night
    (5)、Children can study better and more easily with TV because ____. 
    A、they can listen to TV B、they can watch TV C、A and B
  • 31. 阅读理解

     Joe Smith is a singer. He and his wife like traveling a lot. Every year they visit a small town called Gum Tree in January and July and sing for people there.

     One summer, they went there by train again. On the first day, they planned to go hiking in the mountains, but it rained a lot. So they decided to go to the only cinema in town and watch a movie.

     There were only nine people in the cinema hall. When people saw the Smiths, they started clapping. Joe was excited and said to his wife, "Aha, I can't believe people here all know me and they are friendlier than I thought. They must like my songs."

     Then a young man said to them, "Thanks for your coming! The cinema shows the movie only after ten people buy the tickets. There are eleven now, so the movie will be on soon."

    (1)、Joe Smith and his wife visit the small town ____. 
    A、once a year B、twice a year C、once a month
    (2)、— How did the Smiths get to the town? 

    — ____

    A、By plane. B、By train. C、By bus.
    (3)、The Smiths ____ because it rained a lot that day. 
    A、went hiking B、climbed the mountain C、went to the cinema
    (4)、We can know the Smiths ____. 
    A、like going hiking B、are unfriendly to people C、often sings for people in town
    (5)、People in the cinema welcomed the Smiths because ____. 
    A、they could watch the movie then B、they all knew Mr. Smith well C、they liked Mr. Smith's songs
  • 32. 阅读短文,判断正误。

        My name is Linda. I live in the city. My grandparents don't live with us. They live in the countryside. But I always go to see them with my parents at the weekend. We went to see them yesterday. Dad helped Grandfather clean the garden. He cut the grass and planted some flowers too. Mum helped Grandmother clean the rooms. She washed the clothes too. I helped my grandparents pick apples. We picked a lot of apples and went back home with a big basket of apples. Today Mum is going to make apple pies for me and my grandparents. So I will go to my grandparents' home again today!

    (1)、Linda's grandparents live with her.
    (2)、Linda went to see her grandparents yesterday
    (3)、Linda's dad helped Grandpa pick apples in the garden.
    (4)、Linda's mother washed clothes for her grandparents.
    (5)、Linda is going to visit her grandparents again tomorrow.