
试卷更新日期:2024-03-06 类型:高考模拟

一、第一部分 阅读理解,第一节阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。(共15小题: 每小题2分, 满分30分)

  • 1.  阅读理解

    Shakespeare's Globe Theatre serves as an open-air theatre focusing on the work of Shakespeare.


    Not only does the Globe Theatre host many performances throughout the Summer months, but it also hosts guided tours of the playhouse. During the tours, visitors are educated on the construction, the design and the rich stories of the 520-year-old Shakespeare's Globe Theatre. Another highlight includes Shakespeare's Globe Exhibition, which educates visitors on Shakespeare's life, as well as where he lived in London.

    Depending on when you visit, there may also be some short exhibitions inside the playhouse, which range from historical to art exhibitions. 

    Special Tips

    •If you want to avoid large crowds, try to avoid watching performances between May and August as it can get busy. If you plan on going on a tour, the 9:30 a. m. tours are usually the quietest. 

    •If you plan on sitting on any of the wooden benches during a performance, it may be a good idea to rent a seat cushion for $1 as the benches can get quite uncomfortable after you sit for longer periods of time. 

    •Make sure you check the weather forecast before you book your tickets. The use of umbrellas is not allowed, so make sure you have an extra raincoat and warm shoes, just in case. If you're worried about standing in the rain, there are seats available that are protected under a sound roof.

    Ticket Prices and Opening Hours

    Due to the fact that the Globe is an open-air theatre, performances are only held from mid-April to mid-October. 

    Tickets for opera performances cost £10 per person(for standing)or £26-879(for seating), while tickets for comedy shows cost £10 per person(for standing)or £25-£35(for seating). 

    (1)、What can visitors learn at the Globe Theatre?
    A、The history of the Globe Theatre. B、Some ideas for creating artworks. C、Constructions in Shakespeare's time. D、The background of the historical exhibits.
    (2)、Which is the best time for enjoying the performance comfortably?
    A、April 1—April 12. B、June 15—June 30. C、August 15—August 31. D、October 1—October 8.
    (3)、What are visitors advised to do if they plan to watch the performance?
    A、Take an umbrella. B、Bring a raincoat. C、Read some works of Shakespeare. D、Bring their own seat cushions.
  • 2.  阅读理解

    In spring 2015, after 39 years with Columbia Pictures, I retired and found myself with lots of free time to spare. 

    I decided to use that time to volunteer. While tutoring with the adult literacy program at my local library, an advertising flyer for a neighborhood group called Westchester Villages caught my eye. Its main job is about matching aging neighbors with local volunteers who help them in a number of different ways: Making short visits, being a walking partner, or driving to doctors' appointments and the like.

    I am happy to offer myself as a responsible person and a comfort to someone who is nervous about their appointment and concerned about getting there safely on time. I' m usually available to stay with the person I'm driving during their visit and accompany them back to my car for the ride home. These drives also can be ideal times for relaxing conversation. I've had many discussions with them, discovered many common interests, and heard numerous extended stories of past travels and family histories.

    I often begin rides by comforting a nervous neighbor by calmly saying, "I know where we're going, the most direct route, and the best place to park. You're in good hands with me. " These driving experiences also have afforded me opportunities for reflection. I've come to feel united with the neighbors I have come to know, and a more eager awareness of the aging process we all share. In living through so much time with them, I realize I'm going through the same stages.

    A final irony (讽刺) for this movie lover is that I no longer need to go to a darkened theatre and gaze at a big screen in search of high drama. Whether it's a World War II-era family story or anxiety about current events or good news from a doctor, I experience all from a definitely front row seat.

    (1)、What did the author decide to do during his free time?
    A、Work as a librarian. B、Give rides for elderly people. C、Making short visits to sick people. D、Play matches with aging neighbors.
    (2)、Which of the following can best describe the author?
    A、Creative and competent. B、Talented and warm-hearted. C、Devoted and considerate. D、Ambitious and hard-working.
    (3)、What might the author's driving experiences remind him of?
    A、His own aging process. B、A driver's responsibility. C、The value of conversations. D、Passengers' words of comfort.
    (4)、What can we infer from the last paragraph?
    A、The author has been anxious about his health. B、The author has no interest in dramas anymore. C、The author prefers watching movies from a front row. D、The author has found a new way of experiencing life.
  • 3.  阅读理解

    Baby seabirds that have not yet hatched communicate with their siblings (兄弟姐妹) in neighboring eggs by vibrating (震动) their shells (蛋壳), scientists have discovered. 

    A study of yellow-legged gulls revealed one of the known examples of embryo-to-embryo communication. When exposed to the alarm calls of an adult bird responding to a dangerous predator, developing chicks apparently were able to convey the presence of danger to their nest mates by vibrating inside their eggs. 

    The team collected 9 yellow-legged gull eggs from Sálvora Island and sorted them into nests of three. When the eggs were six days off hatching, two of the three eggs in each nest were temporarily removed from the nest and exposed to either a recording of a predator alarm call or white noise each day until the chicks hatched. The noise was delivered four times a day at random for three minutes at a time. The third egg from each group remained in the nest. 

    It was found that the embryos in the shells responded to the external alarm calls by vibrating and sounding less, and that this message appeared to be passed on to the third nestmate. It was seen to copy the vibrations. It experienced genetic changes and had an increase in the production of stress hormones (荷尔蒙) as well. 

    "This kind of communication—embryo to embryo—can generate developmental changes that can have potential benefits to the birds after hatching, " said Noguera, the lead author of the study.

    A rise in stress hormones makes birds more aware of their surroundings after hatching. When hatched chicks were exposed to alarm sounds, it was found that those who had listened to the noises previously in the eggs were quicker to run away and hide. 

    Noguera said the phenomenon was likely to occur in other bird species. His team now plans to investigate whether the chicks are able to pick up other clues about their external environment before hatching, such as how many other eggs are in the nest. 

    (1)、What do the unhatched birds mean to do by vibrating shells?
    A、Fight with a predator. B、Play with their nest mates. C、Seek care from adult birds. D、Warn others of danger.
    (2)、What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
    A、The theoretical base of the experiment. B、The subjects of the experiment. C、The process of the experiment. D、The findings of the experiment.
    (3)、What does the underlined word "It" in Paragraph 4 probably refer to?
    A、The presence of danger. B、The external environment. C、The third egg in the nest. D、The embryo-to-embryo communication.
    (4)、What's the benefit of developing chicks' sharing information?
    A、It makes them mature earlier. B、It helps them adapt to life after hatching. C、It allows them to develop physically. D、It strengthens bonds with their siblings.
  • 4.  阅读理解

    Recently I've been drawn to books which motivate me to look at myself, and hopefully make me a better "me". The Courage to Be Disliked, by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koya, has a title I just can't go past.

    The book has taken Japan by storm, using the theories of philosopher Alfred Adler to create conversations between a fictional philosopher and a young man. The conversations cover many broad, interesting and sensitive topics. The philosopher character sticks by the theories of Adler, and explains how we are competent to determine our own lives, and be free of the influence of past experiences and others' expectations. It's a way of thinking that allows us to develop the courage to change and to ignore the limitations placed on us.

    These often complex topics are played out in a conversational style between the two men. While it's easy to follow the conversations, the topics will knock around in your own head as you work out whether you sit on the side of the philosopher, the young man, or somewhere in between. The book is well-received by readers primarily owing to the fact that it presents two well-balanced viewpoints in the arguments. You'll find yourself doing household chores, or at your keyboard, unpacking all the information in your mind and coming to your own conclusions.

    You will wholeheartedly agree on some points and want to throw the book at the wall at others. Its content is polarizing (两极分化) and I certainly don't agree with everything the philosopher or the young man says, but I think that's the point. The Courage to Be Disliked is there to start a conversation with yourself and do some slightly uncomfortable soul-searching.

    (1)、Which category does the book belong to?
    A、Self-improvement. B、Philosophy theory. C、Collection of experiences. D、Biography of Alfred Adler.
    (2)、Which statement might the fictional philosopher agree with?
    A、People are free of their past influence. B、People can take charge of their life course. C、People should live up to others' expectations. D、People ought to take their limitations seriously.
    (3)、How does the book develop?
    A、By listing sufficient data. B、By making comparisons. C、By following the time line. D、By presenting dialogues.
    (4)、Why is the book popular with readers?
    A、It shows ideas in plain language. B、It displays the scientific statistics. C、It offers balanced sides to the topics. D、It avoids the use of philosophic terms.

二、第一部分 阅读理解,第二节(共5小题: 每小题2分, 满分10分)

  • 5.  根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    How hardships make you stronger

    Past hardships can help you carry on in the face of current stress. People who experienced a medium level of hardship reported better mental health and higher life satisfaction over time compared to both those who reported a high history of hardship and those with no history of hardship.  

    They can bring growth after sufferings. We may find it difficult to believe the suffering experiences will eventually lead to some type of growth.  . Post-traumatic (创伤后的) growth is the experience of positive change after going through a significantly stressful event. Researchers have discovered two common themes that people tend to report after experiencing a stressful event: spiritual growth and improved personal strength. 

    They build self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is the belief or the confidence in your ability to overcome difficulties and succeed.  . First, pick an area of confidence or a skill you want to develop. The best way to improve that skill is to learn by doing. If you want to improve your public speaking skills and ability, then you need to practice speaking in public.  Back to the public speaking example, you could watch video clips of great speakers on YouTube and take notes on how they tell stories or use humor. Lastly, you can improve by being coached by a credible and respected source. Meanwhile, you could turn to the people for help who can give you feedback as you work toward your goals. 

    They help you transform stress into a challenge. How you think about stress matters enormously in terms of how you process it.  , while others are able to see it as a challenge. With a challenge response, you get additional energy. In fact, people who are able to think about stress more like a challenge and less like a threat report less depression and anxiety, higher levels of energy, work performance and life satisfaction. 

    A. Some people view stress as a threat

    B. It's developed in three specific ways

    C. The next best way to improve is to learn by observing others

    D. The fact is that we can get the ability to become stronger after a difficult situation

    E. That is because past struggles can help you become stronger in the following ways

    F Your world feels out of control right now and your stress levels are at an all-time high you face

    G. The past struggles against hardships, even small ones, can help you step out of the trouble

三、第三部分: 英语知识运用,第一节 完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分30分)

  • 6.  阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入的空白处的最佳选项。

    As a mother of grown children I have come to realize that many things occurred during those child-raising years that I knew nothing about. 

    At one gathering, my third child, Shelly, began talking about her 1 She said she had highlights in her hair when she was younger. We believed her because we all 2 that some parts of her hair turned 3 then. For this discovery, she brought her hair color to our 4 . Shelly laughed with us at the memory and then 5 why she hadn't seen any highlights in many years.

    A barely hidden 6  broke out from across the room, and we all turned to look at the 7  . My youngest two girls were giggling. 

    "Okay, what is so 8 ?" I asked them, my look demanding a(n) 9 . With laughter, they finally shared the 10 of a story that had us all laughing heartily.

    One day, the two sisters, along with their two close friends, 11 from seven to ten in age then, decided to set up a 12 . The girls gathered various things from the surrounding forest to combine, attempting to make a new 13 . They gathered pine needles, wild flowers, and whatever they found and 14 them in a pot of water on the stove. Then they decided to put the perfume into a shampoo (洗发香波) bottle, Shelly's shampoo bottle. 15 , they found that the strawberry-colored contents looked obviously different after adding their perfume. Then they decided to put red food coloring. They told us how they 16 Shelly's shower each morning in order to shake up the bottle and mix the color throughout once again 17 she noticed something unusual. They were terrified of the discovery of Shelly's red highlights.

    Shelly's face whitened with 18 and then reddened with embarrassment before 19 into humor. "Well, " she said, after a moment, "I guess that 20 it. "

    A、 hobby B、 friends C、 picnic D、 hair
    A、 noticed B、 forgot C、 ignored D、 cheered
    A、 black B、 red C、 purple D、 strawberry-colored
    A、 caution B、 collection C、 attention D、 satisfaction
    A、 regretted B、 doubted C、 expected D、 wondered
    A、 laugh B、 scream C、 cry D、 sigh
    A、 door B、 visitors C、 source D、 outside
    A、 rude B、 funny C、 terrible D、 mysterious
    A、 conversation B、 answer C、 story D、 apology
    A、 details B、 heroes C、 background D、 ending
    A、 transforming B、 increasing C、 ranging D、 playing
    A、 beauty business B、 good habit C、 close friendship D、 study group
    A、 decoration B、 doll C、 shampoo D、 perfume
    A、 grew B、 boiled C、 dipped D、 washed
    A、 However B、 Otherwise C、 Therefore D、 Meanwhile
    A、 approached B、 entered C、 got access to D、 slipped into
    A、 in case B、 as if C、 so that D、 now that
    A、 sadness B、 curiosity C、 anger D、 surprise
    A、 falling B、 bursting C、 looking D、 softening
    A、 decides B、 explains C、 predicts D、 prepares

四、第三部分: 英语知识运用,第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)

  • 7.  阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    August anxiety: why we get anxious at the end of summer

    As summer gives way to autumn, many of us long for warmth and sunlight. It is common for some of us  (feel) upset when the days get shorter. People call this phenomenon autumn sadness.  autumn sadness is a common seasonal feeling we have as sunlight comes in shorter supply, for some people, it takes on a more serious form  (know) as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. 

    SAD, a form of depression,  (general) starts in late autumn or early winter and goes away in spring and summer. People who have SAD typically oversleep, overeat, and lose interest in activities they once  (enjoy). In general, almost all people suffering from SAD feel sad, helpless, and even desperate. 

    Addressing SAD often requires medical help. Light therapy is a common and effective treatment. Patients (advise) to expose themselves to sunlight or man-made light that imitates natural sunlight. Light therapy can help regulate patients' hormones and get their (life) back on track.

    Moreover, living a healthier life, such as maintaining a regular sleep schedule, taking part in regular physical activities, and having balanced diet, can help manage SAD. It is worth (notice)that, according to the National Institute of Mental Health of the US, in most cases, SAD begins in young adulthood. So, while embracing knowledge in books and classes, don't forget to embrace the sunlight outdoors and obtain energy nature!

五、第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分35分

  • 8.  第一节 短文改错(共10小题, 每小题1分, 满分10分)

    假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。作文中

    共有 10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(^)并在其下面写出该加的词。

    删除: 把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

    修改: 在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。

    注意: 1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    How time fly! We're going to graduate soon. Standing here, I feel honored to have opportunity to express my heartfelt appreciation to Ms. Wang. Look back on the past three years, I can't thank her too much. When I enter senior high, I was deeply impressed by her excellent spoken English or patience. Therefore, I was determined to work hardly at English. However, the pressure of study made me to feel so depressed that I couldn't focus on my study. She noticed it and offered me some constructive advices. It was her constant encouragement which helped me regain confidence. Feeling deeply grateful to her for that she has done for me, I wish her all the best.

  • 9.  第二节 书面表达,假定你是攀枝花市某中学高三学生李华。你的英国笔友John最近在中国环球电视网(CGTN)英语频道看到一个有关中国成语的节目片段,, 他对此非常感兴趣,发来邮件请你介绍汉语中的成语知识。请你用英语给他回信,要点如下:1. 介绍一则汉语成语及其内容;2. 该成语的寓意;3. 掌握成语对于学好汉语的意义;4. 请他介绍一些英语成语。

    注意: 1. 词数100词左右; 2. 可适当增加细节, 使行文连贯。

    Dear John, 

    It's great to hear from you. I feel proud to know that you start to be interested in Chinese idioms.

    Looking forward to hearing from you. 

    Best regards, 

    Li Hua