牛津译林版五年级下册Unit 3 Asking the way单元检测

试卷更新日期:2024-02-22 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 当别人给你指路时,你最后应该说:  ______________________________
    A、Thank you. B、Yes. C、Not at all.
  • 2. 当别人向你表达谢意时,你应该回答: _________________________________
    A、That's right. B、Not at all. C、OK
  • 3. —Excuse me, ________is the library?

    —Go________ this street, it's on your right.

    A、what; along B、which; away C、where; along
  • 4. I want _______ to the supermarket. How can I ________ there?
    A、going; get to B、go; get C、to go; get
  • 5. You can take bus No.1 and get ________ at the fourth stop.
    A、on B、off C、down
  • 6. Turn left____the traffic lights, and the animal shop is____your left.
    A、at ; on B、at ; in C、on ; on
  • 7. Tom can't get____the bus, because the bus is____.
    A、on ; full B、off ; full C、in ; full
  • 8. You can get off ________ the Park Station.
    A、at B、on C、in
  • 9. Bobby _______the bus at the bus stop.
    A、wait for B、waits for C、waits on
  • 10. 当你想知道怎么到城市电影院时,可以问:  ______________________________
    A、Excuse me,how do I get to City Cinema? B、Sorry,where's the city cinema? C、Excuse me,how can I get to City Library?


  • 11. 将下列中英文相匹配


    A. 满的


    B. 电影


    C. 医院


    D. 结束


    E. 车站



  • 17. 翻译
  • 18. —打扰了,请问我怎么到书店?
     me, how do I get to the ?
      this street,   at the traffic lights. Then   Sun Street, you can see it  your .


  • 19. 根据I栏中的问句,从II栏中找出恰当的答案

    A. You can take No.3 bus. 

    B. I'm going to the museum. 

    C. I'm going to buy a postcard. 

    D. Next Saturday. 

     E. No, it's not far.

    (1)、—When are you going?


    (2)、—What are you going to buy?


    (3)、—Where are you going?


    (4)、—Is the zoo far from here?


    (5)、—How can I get to Renmin Hospital?



  • 20. 补全对话

    A. What are you going to buy?
    B. Where are you going this evening?
    C. Can I go with you?
    D. Is it far?
    E. When are you going there?
    F. How can you get there?
    G. I'm going to take the subway there.


    B: I am going to the fruit shop this evening.


    B: I am going to buy some grapes.


    B: Yes, it's far. The fruit shop is next to the pet shop.


    B: I can take the No. 112 bus to get there. Then get off at the pet shop.

    A: I want to buy a big watermelon. 

    B: Sure. Let's go together.

    A: Thank you.


  • 21. 排序题

     A. Oh, I see. Thank you.

    B. Where can I get on the bus?

    C. Go along this street. Then you can see the bus stop on your right.

    D. Excuse me, how can I get to Yandu Park?

    E. It's far. You can take a bus there.




  • 27. 阅读理解

    A man:Excuse me, how can I get to Beijing Station?

    Franks:Go along this street. Turn right at the first crossing and Beijing Station is on your right.

    A man:Wait a moment. Go along this street, and Beijing Station is on my right.

    Franks:That's right.

    A man: I want to go to the History Museum,too. Where is it?

    Franks:It's on Renming Road. You can take bus No.1.

    A man:Thank you very much.

    Franks:Not at all.

    (1)、Franks doesn't know the way to Beijing Station.
    (2)、The man wants to know the way to Beijing Station.
    (3)、Franks tells the man the way to Beijing Station.
    (4)、Franks turns left at the first crossing and then gets to Beijing Station.
    (5)、The History Museum is on Renming Road.
  • 28. 阅读理解,判断正误。

    Wu Binbin is asking a man on the street.

    Wu Binbin: Excuse me. Where is the supermarket, please?

    Man: It's next to the bookstore.

    Wu Binbin: Is it far from here?

    Man: No, it's not far.

    Wu Binbin: How can I get there?

    Man: First, go straight and turn right at the cinema. Then turn left at the post office. Go straight for five minutes. You can find the supermarket on your left.

    Wu Binbin: Thank you.

    Man: You're welcome.

    (1)、The man wants to go to the supermarket.
    (2)、The hospital is next to the supermarket.
    (3)、Wu Binbin should turn right at the cinema.
    (4)、Wu Binbin should turn left at the post office.
    (5)、The supermarket is far from here.
  • 29. 阅读下列对话,选择正确答案。

    John: Where are you going this evening?

    Amy: I am going to the fruit shop this evening.

    John: What are you going to buy?

    Amy:  I am going to buy some grapes.

    John: Is it far?

    Amy: Yes, it's far from here. The fruit shop is next to the pet shop.

    John: How can you get there?

    Amy: I can get there by the No. 112 bus. Then get off at the pet shop.

    John: I want to buy a big watermelon and some pears. C.an I go with you?

    Amy: Sure. Let's go together.

    John: Thank you.

    (1)、The fruit shop is __________ the pet shop.
    A、behind B、next to C、in front of
    (2)、Amy will _________ to get to the fruit shop.
    A、take a bus B、walk C、ride a bike
    (3)、The fruit shop is __________ here.
    A、far from B、not far from C、near
    (4)、When is Amy go to the fruit shop?
    A、this morning B、this afternoon C、tonight
    (5)、John will go with Amy to buy__________.
    A、some fruit B、some meat C、some clothes