
试卷更新日期:2024-02-01 类型:期末考试


  • 1.  Who likes apples? 
    A、Nick B、Nick's father C、Nick's grandfather
  • 2.  How much are the red shoes?
    A、25 dollars. B、35 dollars. C、45 dollars.
  • 3.  What did Alan lose?
    A、His ruler. B、His eraser. C、His pencil.
  • 4. Where is the girl's sweater?
    A、On the bed. B、On the sofa. C、On the chair.
  • 5. Why can't Steve go to play tennis?
    A、He doesn't like tennis. B、He has no tennis balls. C、He needs to go to the book sale.


  • 6.  听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、What sport doesn't Leo like?
    A、Basketball B、Baseball C、Volleyball
    (2)、When does Leo have P. E. ?
    A、On Monday. B、On Wednesday. C、On Friday.
  • 7.  听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Who has a birthday party on Sunday?
    A、Lisa B、Mike C、Frank
    (2)、What does the boy want to buy?
    A、A CD.  B、A tennis bat. C、A tennis ball.
    (3)、When does the school finish?
    A、At 4:00. B、At 4: 15. C、At 4:45.


  • 8.  听短文,根据所听内容选额正确的答案。
    (1)、What does Jane's school have on September 7th?
    A、A basketball game. B、A soccer game. C、A volleyball game.
    (2)、What does Jane think of the school trip?
    A、Boring. B、Relaxing C、Interesting.
    (3)、When is the art festival?
    A、On October 18th. B、On November 3rd. C、On December llth.
    (4)、Where's the English party?
    A、In the library B、In Amy's room C、In the classroom
    (5)、What does Jane want to buy for Amy?
    A、a pair of ping-pong bats B、a baseball C、a ping-pong ball


  • 9.  阅读理解

    City Library's Book Sale

    December 11th ~ December 15th 


    ·Dec. 11th 16:30 — 19:30 <Members (会员) only>

    ·Dec. 12th 10:00 — 19:30

    ·Dec. 13th 10:00 — 15:30 <Student Day>

    ·Dec. 14th 10:00 — 15:30 

    ·Dec. 15th 14:00 — 16:00 <Bag Day>


    The book sale on December 11th is only for members of City Library. Not a member? Sign up (报名) at Seymour's Bookstore in the library, or call Miss White at 862-9563. On the third day of the sale, you can buy books at very good prices and if you are a student, you can even buy a book for only $1. On the last day, everyone can buy a bag for $9 and take a bag of books home for free.

    E-mail Miss Brown at joanbrown@163. com if you have any questions. Miss Brown will be happy to help you!

    Welcome to the book sale!

    (1)、How long does the book sale last (持续)? 
    A、For five days. B、For seven days. C、For eleven days. D、For fifteen days.
    (2)、How can you sign up to be a member?

    ① By going to Seymour's Bookstore. ② By e-mailing Miss White.

    ③ By calling 862-9563. ④ By e-mailing Joan Brown. 

    A、①② B、③④ C、①③ D、②④
    (3)、What can we know from the material (材料)?
    A、The book sale starts at 10:00 am every day. B、The book sale lasts for 6 hours on December 14th. C、Only students can go to the book sale on December 13th. D、You can't go to the book sale on the morning of December 15th.
  • 10.  阅读理解

    Becky's video diaries (录影日记). . .

    Video 1 Usually we stay in England for our holidays (假期), but this year I'm happy because we aren't camping (露营)! Yes, this year we're on holiday in Spain, and we're staying in a nice hotel. Look! Mum and Dad are lying in the sun. My brother is playing football on the beach (海滩).

    Video 2 Hi! Me again. And here's Dad. He's cooking something on the barbecue (烤架). He never cooks at home. Oh, what is that? I think he's cooking chicken. Oh no, Dad, it's black!

    Video 3 Right. Hello. Today we're walking in the mountains. We're in a nice little cafe (小餐馆) and here's Matt, my new friend. He's eating paella (西班牙杂烩菜饭).

    Video 4 OK. Here I am with my mum and we're shopping in town. Mum is looking at a dress for the dancing in the evening.

    (1)、What can we know about Becky's father?
    A、He is good at cooking. B、He usually cooks dinner at home. C、He is cooking noodles in the 2nd video. D、He can't cook chicken well.
    (2)、Who is eating paella in the 3rd video?
    A、Becky. B、Becky's brother. C、Becky's friend. D、Becky's mother.
    (3)、What can we infer (推测) from the 4th video?
    A、Becky's friend likes drinking cola. B、Becky's mother may be in a shop. C、Becky is having a party in town. D、Becky is a good dancer.
    (4)、What can we learn from the passage?
    A、Becky and her parents like camping. B、Becky likes eating chicken very much. C、Becky's sister is playing football on the beach. D、This year Becky is on holiday in Spain.
  • 11.  阅读理解

    This is a class in Tammela school, a school in Finland (芬兰). The students are having a math class with their robot teacher. 

    The "teacher" is blue, and he looks like a real man. His name is Albert. When students need help with their math, he's always there to help them.

    "Albert can make math classes interesting. Many students like Albert, and they think he is a great teacher, " says Mr. Black, a science teacher in the school.

    "We use technology (科技) to help our students learn well.  ▲  The first one is Albert, a math teacher. He is really great. The second one is a language (语言) teacher. We call her Alice. She can speak 23 languages and dance to music. The third one is a PE teacher named Nao. He's from Japan. He's good at playing soccer, and he can dance, too. And the last one is Lucy from France. She's an art teacher. She can draw well, " says the headmaster (校长) of the school.

    "The robot teachers are great, but it doesn't mean (意味着) that real teachers will lose their jobs, " the headmaster says again. "The robots can teach well, but they can't keep the class in order (维持课堂秩序). Our school still needs real teachers. "

    (1)、What subject does Albert teach?
    A、Science. B、Math. C、English. D、Chinese.
    (2)、What can be put into the blank (被放在空白处) " ▲ "?
    A、But some students don't like robot teachers B、But robot teachers can't teach some subjects C、Now our school still needs more robot teachers D、Now there are four robot teachers in our school
    (3)、What can we infer (推断) from the headmaster's words?
    A、There will be no real teachers in the near future (将来). B、Real teachers don't teach students as well as robot teachers. C、Robot teachers can teach everything and do everything at school. D、Robot teachers are good but they're different from real teachers.
    (4)、What can be the best title(标题)for the passage?
    A、Robot teachers at school. B、The two sides (面) of technology. C、Robot teachers are better than real teachers. D、Who is the students' favorite teacher?
  • 12.  阅读理解

    Everyone feels lonely (感到孤独的) sometimes. But first, you should (应该) try to find out what makes you feel lonely. 

    Coming to a new place can make you feel lonely. When you come to a new place, you may be afraid to talk with others and then you may feel lonely. Sometimes your parents or teachers don't let you do things your friends can do. They think these things may not be good for you. You may feel lonely at this time. When special people leave you, you may feel lonely. They can be your family or friends. You may not want to talk with others after they leave.

    Feeling lonely for a long time can make you feel very depressed. If you feel sad all the time, it will not be good for your health. So you should try to know how to solve (解决) it when you feel lonely. Here are some ways to help you. 

    First, learn to change (改变) yourself. When you come to a new place, just go to talk with others actively (积极地). When your family or friends leave you, you can make some new friends. ____Second, learn to talk with your parents and teachers. Tell them how you feel, and listen to what they say. After you talk with them, you may find a good way to deal with the problem. 

    I do hope everyone will not feel lonely!

    (1)、How many things may make us feel lonely according to the writer?
    A、Two. B、Three. C、Four. D、Five.
    (2)、What does the underlined word "depressed" mean?
    A、Sad. B、Happy. C、Relaxed. D、Busy.
    (3)、Which of the following is NOT the writer's idea?
    A、Make new friends when old friends leave you. B、Talk with others actively when you go to a new place. C、Feeling lonely for a long time is not good for your health. D、Work hard when you can't do things your friends can do.
    (4)、Which is the main idea of the passage?
    A、When you feel happy, try to find ways to make others feel happy, too. B、When you feel lonely, try to change yourself and make more friends. C、Try to find out what makes you feel lonely and know how to solve it. D、Try to find out a good way to deal with the problems when you feel lonely.


  • 13.  下面文章中有五处(第36-40题)需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余项。

    A. Tai chi 

    B. Ping-pong 

    C. Soccer

    D. Running

    E. Hiking (徒步旅行)

    F. Swimming

     Different people like different sports. 

    It is a nice sport for children. They can go to the swimming pool to swim on hot days with their parents. It's fun to play in the water.


    It is a great sport for old people. It can help people to be healthy. Lots of old people like to do it in the morning and afternoon. 


    It is an interesting sport. You only need a friend, a ping-pong ball and two ping-pong bats to play this sport. It looks easy, but it's not easy to play.

    It is a great sport. People play it with their feet. Here are many players in each team (队). Boys like this sport because it makes them happy. 


    Taking long walks is great and it helps us have a relaxing time. When doing this sport, people can see many nice things and meet good friends along the way. 


  • 14.  通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。

    Lucy likes shopping, but she often leaves(遗忘) some of her things at stores. 

    One day, Lucy's mother 1 Lucy to go to buy some food. She gives 20 yuan to Lucy. "Here is 20 yuan, Lucy. Please help me 2 some eggs and tomatoes, " the mother says.

    "OK, Mom!" Lucy says. Then she gets the 20 yuan and 3  to the store. 

    The store is big. It 4  all kinds of things. Lucy buys some 5  eggs and tomatoes for 17 yuan. She gives 20 yuan to the 6  and then goes home. 

    Lucy's mother is happy to see Lucy bring the 7  home. "Great, Lucy!" she says. Lucy is 8 . "Thank you, Mom. They're 17 yuan, " she says. Then she 9  that she leaves one thing. "Sorry, Mom. I don't leave the food this time, 10  I leave 3 yuan at the store, " Lucy says. 

    A、 asks B、 calls C、 takes D、 writes
    A、 eat B、 buy C、 meet D、 draw
    A、 joins B、 runs C、 listens D、 loves
    A、 sees B、 sells C、 finds D、 brings
    A、 old B、 small C、 tall D、 nice
    A、 parent B、 teacher C、 salesgirl D、 student
    A、 food B、 books C、 fruit D、 vegetables
    A、 sad B、 happy C、 sorry D、 funny
    A、 finds B、 wants C、 Needs D、 speaks
    A、 or B、 so C、 and D、 but


  • 15.  从方框中选择合适的句子,补全对话。其中有一项多余。

    A. Why do you like basketball?

    B. When do you have PE?

    C. Yes, I do. 

    D. Who's your basketball teacher?

    E. No, I don't think so.

    F. My favorite sport is soccer. 

    A: Hello, Bob! What's your favorite sport?

    B: How about you?

    A: Me? I don't like soccer. My favorite sport is basketball.


    A: Because it's very interesting.


    A: Mr. Wang is my basketball teacher. 

    B: Oh, I know him. Do you like him?

    A: He's great fun.


    A: I have PE on Monday and Friday. 

    B: Oh, I see. It's time for class. See you.

    A: See you. 


  • 16.  阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Do you know how people get their names? Let me tell you something family names in North America. People there  (have) two names. Usually, their  (father) last names are their last names. It is also the family name. At the beginning(起初),people in North America only have one name. After some time, there  (be) many people with the same name. It's difficult  (know) who is who. So they need a (two) name. People in North America have  good idea. Children of John have a name like Peter Johnson, Mary Johnson and so on. Jackson, Anderson  Davidson are the same. Some people get their last names from their living places. A family take the name Green because they live in a village with many green  (tree). People also get  (they) names from their work. A person bakes(烘烤)bread and his last name is Baker. 


  • 17. —What's Mary's favorite color?

    —Her favorite color is g(绿色).

  • 18. — Are Jim and Linda your brother and sister, Mike?

    — No, they are my uncle's children, my c(表兄弟姊妹).

  • 19.  I think computers are very u(有用的). They help us a lot in everyday life.
  • 20.  A class trip is on September 22nd. Every student n(需要)to take lunch on that day. 
  • 21.  Jane has a good h(习惯)of reading English after getting up.
  • 22.  The dress in purple is cheap. So I r want to take it. 
  • 23.  — H your day today, Mike?

    — Oh, it's great. I have fun in the park.

  • 24. We all know that March 8th is W Day.
  • 25. — What about going to Hangzhou next week?

    — Good idea. We can go there by (乘坐) p.

  • 26. December is the tmonth of a year.


  • 27.  假设你是李华,你的澳大利亚笔友Jim给你发来电子邮件,请你阅读后回复。要求:词数60左右。邮件的开头和落款已给出,不计入总词数,邮件中不得出现真实的姓名、班级和学校。

    Dear Li Hua, 

    How are you? I know you study at a new school now. Can you tell me something about your school life? What are your classes? How are your teachers and classmates? Does your school have any activities (活动)? What do you like doing after school? Please write to me soon. 



    Dear Jim, 


    Li Hua