人教版八年级下册Unit 1 提升练习

试卷更新日期:2024-01-30 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 完形填空

    The River Thames is the most important river in England. There are more than 200 1 over the river. Tower Bridge has stood over the River Thames in London since the 1890s. It is the 2 bridge of all. 3 makes Tower Bridge so amazing? Why do so many visitors coming from 4 the world go to see it? It is because the walkway (人行通道) of Tower Bridge can open up in the middle. It does this to let big ships go 5 to the Pool of London. It is the only bridge in London that can be opened up to allow (允许) 6 to go through. If you are 7 enough to see the bridge with its two opening arms lifted (抬起) in the air, you will never forget it. You can also 8 the wonderful views (景色) of the river on the bridge. 9 its north side stands the Tower of London. Tower Bridge and the Tower of London both look very old, and you may think they are of the same age. However, you are 10. The Tower of London is almost one thousand years old, but Tower Bridge is only over one hundred years old.

    A、theatres B、parks C、stores D、bridges
    A、most famous B、largest C、longest D、highest
    A、When B、How C、What D、Where
    A、all over B、Western C、among D、between
    A、along B、over C、out D、through
    A、cars B、ships C、planes D、bikes
    A、fast B、rich C、lucky D、old
    A、enjoy B、like C、take D、discover
    A、In B、On C、At D、Of
    A、right B、clever C、wrong D、serious


  • 2. 阅读理解

    "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is an old English saying. It means that eating nutritious food will make you healthy. As a result, you will not need to see the doctor very often.

    It is important to have a healthy diet. Your diet is the food you eat every day. If you are looking for nutritious food, apples are a good place to start. Studies have shown that apples are a very healthy snack.

    Apples are low in calories and have no fat. They provide a lot of vitamin A and vitamin C. Apples can also help reduce high blood pressure. They have a wide variety of health benefits.

    Biting into a juicy apple will do good to your teeth, too. Dentists believe that eating apples reduces tooth decay (蛀牙) . It helps clean your teeth and kill bacteria (细菌).

    Of course, apples are not the only nutritious food. There are many other nutritious "super foods" such as blueberries, oranges, salmon and yogurt. You should try to eat as more as you can of these "super foods".

    (1)、Eating apples helps keep us healthy because _____.
    A、apples are low in calories and fat B、apples are rich in vitamin A and vitamin C C、apples can prevent high blood pressure D、none of the above is right
    (2)、Studies have shown that _____ is/ are a very healthy snack.
    A、bread B、milk C、fish D、apples
    (3)、The underlined word "nutritious" in the first paragraph means "_____" in Chinese.
    A、苹果的 B、必需的 C、有营养的 D、维他命的
    (4)、Nutritious "super foods" include _____ according to the passage.

    ①apples  ②salmon  ③blueberries  ④pork  ⑤oranges  ⑥ice cream

    A、①③④⑤ B、①②③⑤ C、①②③⑥ D、②③④⑤
    (5)、It is TRUE that _____ according to the passage.
    A、biting into a juicy apple will do harm to your teeth B、apples are the most nutritious food to help keep you healthy C、you will never need to see the doctor if you eat an apple every day D、eating apples reduces tooth decay by cleaning your teeth and killing bacteria
    (6)、We can probably find this passage _____.
    A、in a health magazine B、in an English dictionary C、in a travel guidebook D、on a school noticeboard


  • 3. 句子填空

    feel    live    plan    change    exercise

    (1)、Her sisters a happy life with the dog.
    (2)、My aunt her trip to Japan now. ​
    (3)、He is too lazy and he never in the morning.
    (4)、Linda and Lily usually hungry after school.
    (5)、He seldom what he eats because he doesn't like changes.


  • 4. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词

        I am a boy. My name is Wang Jun. I will tell you the(重要性) of our health. In the past, I got into(苦恼) because of health problems. I often had a(感冒). When I had a cold, my mother would tell me to drink more water and take some(药). Sometimes I had a(发烧), then I would take my(体温), lie down and(休息) for a few days. The doctor told me to(锻炼) and eat more healthy food. So I began to play(运动). In the morning, I got up early and ran on the playground. My dream is to be a mountain (登山者). Now I am healthier than before. I think I can live a happy life.


  • 5. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内所给单词的正确形式。

    Do you know growing pains? Growing pains aren't a disease. 

    Usually children can get them the ages of 3 and 5 or 8 and 12. Children often get growing pains in (they)legs They often start before bedtime and sometimes in the middle of the night. But they go away by the morning. Doctors don't know They only think when children run, climb or jump a lot during day, they may have pains at night. 

    Parents try to help children feel (well)Some parents may do this by (buy)some medicine. it is not good for children Here are some (way)that may help: 

    (put)a piece of warm cloth on the place where children feel painful. 

    ◇Stretch(伸展)the legs like what they do in P. E. classes. 

    ◇Ask somebody (help)massage(按摩)the painful legs. 


  • 6. 上周的体育课上,李明打篮球时严重摔伤了腿,引发了学校对“体育课安全”的关注。学校要求体育委员在班会上讲一讲这个问题。请你以“How to keep safe in P. E. class?”为题,在班会课上作主题发言。


    How to keep safe in P. E. class?

    Good afternoon, everyone!

    Do you know that we'll be in danger in P. E. class if

    That's all. Thank you.