备考2024年中考英语一轮复习专题:11 副词的比较级与最高级

试卷更新日期:2024-01-06 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. —My listening is very poor. What should I do?

    —________ you practice, ________your listening will be.

    A、The more: the more B、The better: the better C、The better: the more D、The more: the better
  • 2. — Helen cuts the meat____ than her mother. 

    —Yes,she is also good at cooking. 

    A、finely B、less finely C、more finely
  • 3.  Look! It is raining_____ than just now. 
    A、heavy B、heavier C、most heavily D、more heavily
  • 4.  Tom came to school ____ than usual today. 
    A、early B、earlier C、earliest D、the earliest
  • 5. — Do you think doing chores helps to develop independence? 

    — Of course. And I believe ____ kids learn to be independent, ____ it is for their future.

    A、earlier; better B、the more; the more C、the earlier; the better
  • 6.  Zhao Chen ran ____ of all the students at the sports meeting. 
    A、fast B、faster C、fastest D、less fast
  • 7.  —Who do you think will win the race among the three girls?

    —It must be Lily. I think she runs____ . 

    A、faster B、fastest C、most slowly
  • 8. The Great Wall is one of ____man-made buildings in the world and we're all proud of it.
    A、more terrible B、the most terrible C、more amazing D、the most amazing
  • 9. —Who got the first place in the handwriting competition in your school? 

    —Nancy. She wrote ____ of all the students in our school. 

    A、worst B、best C、better
  • 10.  Which colour do you like ____, purple, orange or pink?
    A、well B、good C、better D、best
  • 11.  —Sandy always does her homework ____ than her brother. 

    —I agree with you.

    A、carefully B、more carefully C、careful D、more careful
  • 12.  I think Linda does her homework ____ of us. 
    A、careful B、more carefully C、the most carefully D、the most careful
  • 13.  —Which do you like____, swimming or skating? 


    A、well B、better C、best D、the best
  • 14. — Mr.Brown, would you please speak ____?

    — Oh, sorry! I thought you could follow me.

    A、slowly B、more slowly C、most slowly
  • 15. —Dad ate very ____ last night at dinner. 

    —That's true. And he ate even ____ this morning at breakfast.

    —I wonder______ he's feeling bad.
    A、less; little; if B、little; least; when C、less; least; why D、little; less; if
  • 16. I can't keep up with him, he runs____ than me.
    A、much faster B、even worse C、less carefully D、more carefully
  • 17.  ChatGPT can make a plan ____ than we do.
    A、much quickly B、more quick C、even quick D、far more quickly
  • 18.  —Tom, I hear that Bob runs ____ in your class. Is that true?

    —No. In fact, he doesn't run as____ as John. 

    A、fastest; faster B、fastest; fast C、faster; fastest D、faster; fast
  • 19.  ____you study, ____your parents are. 
    A、The hardly, the happily B、The harder, the happier C、Harder, happier D、The more hardly, the more happily
  • 20.  He drove far ____ after he had the accident, and more slowly than usual.
    A、carefully B、much carefully C、more carefully
