备考2024年中考英语一轮复习专题:10 副词的基本用法

试卷更新日期:2024-01-06 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. —Have you ____ read this novel before?

    —Yes. I read it last month.

    A、never B、ever C、often
  • 2. —I wonder what we can do to help Xiangyang build a civilized city.

    —That's easy. Try to speak more ____ to others and spread more kindness and warmth.

    A、wisely B、friendly C、politely D、loudly
  • 3. This kind of skirt looks ____ and sells ____ in the market.
    A、well ;good B、good ;good C、nice ;well
  • 4.  The victory of Liaoning Men's Basketball Team is ____exciting ____ many people can't stop crying. 
    A、too,to B、enough,to C、such,that D、so,that
  • 5. —Mum, can I do ____ much work in ____ a short time?

    —Dear, I believe you can. 

    A、so; so B、such; so C、so; such D、such; such
  • 6.  From my childhood, I ____ remember my parents working hard day and night. 
    A、clearly B、patiently C、suddenly D、politely
  • 7.  It' s raining so____ that we can ____go out.
    A、hard;hardly B、hard;hard C、hardly;hard D、hardly;hardly
  • 8. Mary is really busy with her schoolwork recently, so she         goes to visit her grandparents.
    A、always B、usually C、often D、seldom
  • 9. I practice reading English__________. Now I can speak much__________ English freely.
    A、every day; every day B、everyday; everyday C、everyday; every day D、every day; everyday
  • 10. If you want to keep a dog, make sure that it has enough space to run ____.
    A、free B、quiet C、fit D、slow
  • 11.  —How many times have you ____ abroad? 


    A、gone B、been C、gone to D、been to
  • 12. —Hi, have you found your lost watch?

    —Not yet, I have looked for it everywhere, but I still haven't found it.

    A、at those places B、here and there C、somewhere D、over there
  • 13.  Students should spend free time ____ so that they can put each minute to good. use.
    A、wisely B、simply C、easily D、quickly
  • 14. It is raining ____ , so we can ____ go out now. 
    A、hard, hardly B、hardly, hard C、hardly, hardly
  • 15. —Mom, it's hard for me to write the book review in a short time?

    —Manage your time____, and you will succeed.

    A、recently B、generally C、properly


  • 16.  Parents' love is the best gift because they care about us. (real)
  • 17.  (luck), none of us failed the exam.
  • 18. The boy seemed sorry for what he had done to the homeless dog. (true)
  • 19.  The student union is runof college authorities. (depend)
  • 20. They were surprised to know that their son still stayed after ten years' absence. (live)
  • 21.  It rains so hard that the road was coverd by water soon. (complete)
  • 22. I'm sorry for your mistake. (true)
  • 23. You need to explain your opinions quite  when having a debate. (clear)
  • 24.  He was amused to see how  she took the game.(serious)
  • 25.  Grandpa was breathing after an hour of climbing without resting.( heavy)