备考2024年中考英语一轮复习专题:05 名词的所有格

试卷更新日期:2024-01-06 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. —Did you enjoy yourself at ____ yesterday?

    —Yes. We sang and danced, and also there was lots of delicious food.

    A、Mr. Green's B、Mr. Green C、Mr. Greens' D、Mr. Greens
  • 2.  The park is only ____ walk from our school. 
    A、ten-minutes B、ten minute's C、ten minutes D、ten minutes'
  • 3.  Grandma is in the garden, chatting with a friend of ____. 
    A、my father B、my father's C、her D、herself
  • 4.  —How far is it from your home to school?

    —It's about____ from my home to school. 

    A、15 minutes walk B、15 minute's walk C、15 minutes' walk D、15﹣minute﹣walk
  • 5.  — How far is it from your school to your home?

    — My school is not far from my home. It's only ____.

    A、8 minute walk B、8 minutes walk C、8 minutes' walk D、8-minute's walk
  • 6.  The Greens went camping on ____ Day, June 1st. 
    A、May B、Child's C、Children's
  • 7. Both ________watches were broken.
    A、Jim and Tom's B、Jim's and Tom's C、Jim's and Tom D、Jim and Tom
  • 8. —_______is your home from school, Ben?

    —Oh, it's not very far, only _____walk.

    A、How many; ten-minute B、How far; ten minutes C、How long; ten minutes' D、How far; ten minutes'
  • 9. The population of Shanghai _______ than _______ Ji'nan.
    A、is larger; that in B、are larger; that of C、is larger; that of
  • 10. There'll be a________ meeting next week, and my parents will__________ come for it.
    A、parent'; all B、parents'; both C、parent's; all D、parent's; both


  • 11.  My  garden is very nice. (grandmother)
  • 12.  It is about ten (minute) walk from the school to the hospital. 
  • 13.  There were five(win) names on the medal. 
  • 14.  These foreign  (music) names are so difficult to remember, but their works are really great. 
  • 15. We should be thankful for those (postman)efforts to help people in the country receive products that they buy online.
  • 16. Remember not to reach over(someone) plate for something.
  • 17. Feel free to ask me anything on (today) Great Wall tour.
  • 18. We will have a. (school-leaver) party at the end of this term.
  • 19. My home is close to the park. It's about five (minute) walk.
  • 20. My home is only ten (minute) walk from my school.