
试卷更新日期:2023-12-29 类型:月考试卷

一、听力测试,第一节听下面4个问题。每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 (共4小题,每小题1分,满分4分) 

  • 1.  听下面4个问题。每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。
    (1)、A. Tom's brother. B. He's sick. C. Very soon.
    (2)、A. For the guests.     B. Two chairs.     C. At night. 
    (3)、A. In a week.     B. By plane.     C. With my brother. 
    (4)、A. Some delicious food. B. At Mary's home. C. At 7 tonight.

二、听力测试,第二节 听下面8段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共8小题,每小题1分,满分8分) 

  • 2.  When should Rose go to meet Professor Smith? 
    A、At 10: 00 B、At 10: 30 C、At 11: 00.
  • 3.  What would the man like to have? 
    A、Tea. B、Water. C、Coffee.
  • 4.  Where is Stella? 
    A、In her office. B、In the library. C、In the meeting room.
  • 5.  How does the man prefer to go to work? 
    A、By subway. B、By car. C、By bus.
  • 6. How many people won't go to the movies?
    A、One. B、Two. C、Three.
  • 7.  Where are they talking? 
    A、At the airport. B、At the railway station. C、At the cinema.
  • 8.  What may be the relationship between the woman and the man? 
    A、Mother and son. B、Teacher and student. C、Boss and worker.
  • 9.  What does the woman mean? 
    A、She wants to go with the man. B、The man had better not go downtown. C、The man should go downtown this afternoon.

三、听力测试,第三节 听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共13小题,每小题1分,满分13分) 

  • 10. 听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Where does the conversation take place? 
    A、At a seafood shop. B、In a dining hall C、On the phone
    (2)、What do we know about the restaurant? 
    A、It is famous for seafood. B、It seldom accepts large parties. C、Famous people often come to dinner.
    (3)、What kind of food does the man like? 
    A、Vegetables. B、Sea food. C、Meat.
  • 11.  听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Where did Frank go for his vacation? 
    A、Canada. B、The UK.      C、The USA
    (2)、When did Frank come back? 
    A、On August 25th. B、On July 5. C、On August 15.
    (3)、Where did Frank live in New York? 
    A、At a college. B、In a hotel. C、In a host family.
  • 12.  听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、Who has collected the stamps? 
    A、Tony. B、Annie. C、Bill.
    (2)、What might Annie be allowed to do at home? 
    A、 B、 C、
    (3)、What does Bill think of Annie's parents?
    A、They are nice. B、They are friendly. C、They are strict.
    (4)、What's Bill's opinion towards parents?
    A、They should change their ideas about teenagers. B、They should care less about their children. C、They should be more strict with their children.
  • 13.  听录音,回答问题。
    (1)、What is the speaker mainly talking about? 
    A、The importance of money. B、The development of money. C、Different kinds of money.
    (2)、When was paper money invented? 
    A、No one knows. B、Around the 10th century in China. C、Around the 9th century.
    (3)、What cannot be used as money? 
    A、Gold. B、Shells. C、Knives.

四、选择填空 ,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 

  • 14.      —Would you mind if I ask you a question? 

    — ____, as long as it won't take long.

    A、Of course B、Never mind C、Go ahead D、Don't worry
  • 15. —I'd like to play games the whole day. I believe I can come first in the final test.

    — ____. No pains, no gains. 

    A、Not at all B、It serves you right C、In your dreams D、It's a piece of cake
  • 16.      —What are you doing? 

    — ____. I'm just watching TV.

    A、Pretty well B、No C、That's OK D、Not much
  • 17.      —Is Lucy here? 

    —Not yet, but she ____ in an hour. 

    A、arrived B、arrives C、will arrive D、has arrived
  • 18. —Do you know anything about Zhang Guimei? 

    —Yes. She ____ many girls from poor areas in Yunnan in the past 40 years. 

    A、helped B、has helped C、helps D、will help
  • 19.      —I remember there ____ a lot of fish in the East Lake. Now it has been polluted. 

    —What a pity. I think we should play a role in protecting the environment. 

    A、used to have B、used to be C、are used to have D、are used to be
  • 20. —What's the time ____ your watch, Tom?

    —It's half past five. We can leave now.

    A、on B、with C、of D、by
  • 21. —No comfortable bed, no hot water, no TV. I can't stand these!

    —Oh, boy!You've just got too used to the ____ life at home. Why not try something new?

    A、soft B、strong C、wild D、crazy
  • 22.      —Look The goldfish is dying. 

    —What a pity This kind of goldfish ____ much care and attention. 

    A、requests B、records C、requires D、repeats
  • 23. —How nice Linda's dress is!

    —It ____. It cost her an arm and a leg. 

    A、could B、must C、should D、will
  • 24.      —There is another traffic accident at the crossing. 

    —Because some drivers don't take any ____ of speed limit.

    A、attention B、notice C、sight D、care
  • 25.      —Ms. Lee has been sick for a month. 

    —She really needs a rest. Her health ____ under great work stress. 

    A、broke down B、fell down C、pulled down D、took down
  • 26.      —Oh! We will be late again! And Mrs. Wang must be angry with us. 

    —We'd better ____ an excuse for this now.

    A、produce B、invent C、develop D、discover
  • 27.  The twins were too busy. Mr. Wang could choose ____ of them to help him with the project. 
    A、either B、both C、none D、neither
  • 28. The famous poem "Looking up, I find the moon bright. Bowing, in homesickness I'm drowned" tells us ____.
    A、who was the writer B、whom it was written to C、how beautiful the moon was D、how much the writer missed his hometown

五、完形填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 

  • 29. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Just two more days till Christmas! Marcus sat by his window, staring at the 1  lights on other buildings. His little brother, Peter, sat beside him.

    "When are we getting our Christmas tree, Marcus?" Peter asked.

    On hearing this, Marcus walked slowly to his room and 2  his piggy bank. Only seven dollars! Far from enough! Mama was too 3  to make a living. He decided to earn more on his own. 

    He delivered the milk on his way to school and after school, he pushed carts to help shoppers. In the evening, he 4 the baby for neighbors. Two days later, six more dollars jingled (发出叮当声) in his pocket. "My lucky day," he thought. Thirteen dollars should buy a small tree

    He 5 all the way to the street with the excited Peter. But even the smallest trees were $ 15 or more. Suddenly, he saw a small tree planted in a can. "Is that one for 6 , sir?"

    "Yes, that's my last 7 tree," the seller said. "It's small now, but it will grow tall."

    "How much does it cost?" asked Marcus.

    "It's Christmas Eve. For you, $ 8." answered the man.

    "It's so small," Peter complained.

    "Being small isn't a bad thing. You're small, but you are 8 . I can find you wherever you are." Marcus told his brother as he 9 the tree. "It will grow bigger, just like you." Peter's eyes opened wide. "There are 5 dollars left. Let's go to the10 ," Marcus said.

    They shopped quickly: a scarf for Mama; a coloring book for Peter; a wallet for Marcus. They hurried home. Marcus set their tree on the table and Peter couldn't wait to place straw birds on the branches.

    When they were 11  decorating the tree, Mama came in. What came to her sight really astonished her. Straw birds were hanging on a small lovely Christmas tree; 12  were on the sofa. 

    "What 13 The Santa Claus came?" asked the Mama

    "Marcus is the Santa!" Peter replied, running to mom. "He worked after school and earned some money. He bought the Christmas tree and presents."

    "But I can't afford a big tree, mom," Marcus 14 his head and said.

    "My dear, it is the biggest and most beautiful tree in my heart!" said mom. 15 the two boys tightly, Mama couldn't contain her joyful tears.

    A、 burning B、 shining C、 changing D、 dancing
    A、 entered B、 looked C、 shook D、 drew
    A、 lazy B、 tired C、 difficult D、 strong
    A、 looked after B、 cared about C、 played with D、 searched for
    A、 moved B、 swung C、 stepped D、 smiled
    A、 sale B、 fun C、 luck D、 celebration
    A、 showing B、 selling C、 growing D、 enjoying
    A、 creative B、 successful C、 special D、 talented
    A、 went for B、 watched for C、 prepared for D、 paid for
    A、zoo B、 store C、 cinema D、 park
    A、 happy B、 busy C、 ready D、 proud
    A、 money B、 books C、 birds D、 presents
    A、 happened B、 came C、 did D、 went
    A、 touched B、 raised C、 lifted D、 hung
    A、 Catching B、 Pulling C、 Hugging D、 Carrying

六、阅读理解,阅读下面三篇材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 

  • 30. 阅读理解

    Waterproof Clothes and Windows

    Scientists are developing a new coating (涂层). It contains (包含) the same chemical people use in house paint, which can help water jump off the surface. Now, people have sprayed (喷) the coating onto a jacket and used muddy water for testing. It really works! Besides, after making the coating stronger, people can even use it on windows. 

    Walt Disney has formed a team to explore how the company could use AI though there are ongoing worries about AI in Hollywood. The company plans to use AI across different areas, from film production to theme parks, to get more customer support and interactions (互动). But many people in the film industry are afraid AI will take their jobs away. 

    Oil-free Lego Bricks

    Danish toymaker Lego found out that a new material which they tried actually produced more emissions (排放), so they stopped trying to make its bricks without using oil-based plastics. Lego's CEO said they tested many materials but couldn't find a material that is environmentally friendly and still looks and sounds like the old plastic bricks, but they are still working on this and want to make their toys using eco-friendly materials by


    (1)、In which section of the newspaper can we read the news? 
    (2)、From the first piece of news, we know that ____.
    A、the new coating is on sale B、the new coating is coming C、people are using the coating on windows D、the new coating can prevent water jumping off the surface
    (3)、The best heading for the second piece of news would be ____.
    A、People Using AI B、People Needing AI C、AI Taking Jobs Away D、AI Coming into Walt Disney
    (4)、The reason for Walt Disney to use AI is ____.
    A、to form a team B、to reduce workers C、to be popular with the customers D、to deal with the worries about AI in Hollywood
    (5)、What are the Lego bricks made of now? 
    A、oil-based plastics B、eco-friendly plastics C、plastics using a new material D、plastics producing more emissions
  • 31. 阅读理解

    It was dark and freezing cold outside. The wind kept blowing. At that time, the bell rang loudly, and everybody walked orderly to the school gate, including David. His mother would come and pick him up from school but today she was absent. David wondered what had happened, but he was not worried at all. It usually took only ten minutes for his mother to get to school by riding an electric bike. However, half an hour passed, and there was no sign that his mother would come.  ★  

    On his way home, David could hardly see any passers-by. The trees shook with the wind and the leaves fell from them without making any noise. David was lost in thinking what was wrong with his mother. Some terrible thoughts jumped out of his mind. Little David burst into tears and quickened his step. 

    Finally, David stood in front of his beautiful house. He opened the door hurriedly. He turned on the lights unhesitatingly. Everything was in order. David pushed all the doors and was eager to look for his mother. Still, he couldn't find her anywhere. It was hard for him to control his nervousness. He ran to the telephone and began to make a phone call to his mother.

    Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and came a familiar voice. It was his mother. He hurried to the door and opened it excitedly. His mother wore a big smile, saying, "I just want you to be independent. And I followed you along the way. You made it. I am proud of you. "David held his mother tightly, promising that he would never worry her and he would become brave.

    (1)、Which of the following can be put in  ★ 
    A、David made a call to his mother B、Tears rolled down from his eyes C、David decided to walk home D、David turned around and walked towards the school
    (2)、From paragraph 2, why did David burst into tears? 
    A、He was worried about his mother. B、He was worried about his safety. C、There were no passers-by on his way home. D、He was afraid his mother couldn't pick him up.
    (3)、The underlined word "unhesitatingly" in paragraph 3 means ____.
    A、unwillingly B、at once C、suddenly D、on time
    (4)、It is inferred that ____.
    A、David's mother was very busy B、David often walked home C、David was angry with his mother D、David's mother watched him closely
    (5)、What would be the best title for the passage? 
    A、Mother's Love B、Test from Mother C、A Terrible Experience D、The Cost of Independence
  • 32. 阅读理解

    With the summer vacation coming, study tours of primary and middle school students have become popular. Children come in groups to different places of interest, museums and universities to learn while enjoying them. 

    The study tour is the most traditional way of learning and education in different countries in the world. Since old times, the Chinese think highly of the role of study tour in developing personality and knowledge. Confucius led disciples (门徒) to travel around the world, broadening their horizons (视野) and shaping their characters. Therefore, there is a tradition to have study tour in China. 

    With the development of economy (经济) and society, children today have become dependent on phones, tablets and computers for both learning and fun. This is not only harmful to their eyes but also reduces their chances to connect with nature and social life. Therefore, it is necessary for children to get more experiences and memories by learning while traveling. It is undoubtedly good for children. 

    Study tours can improve children's understanding of the knowledge in books. China has a saying, "It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books. "By experiencing firsthand knowledge during their travels, they can turn the textbooks into real experiences, thus getting a deeper understanding of the knowledge.

    Study tours offer children a valuable chance to become more independent. In the school environment, children often put their heart into studies, leaving little room for activities such as practical labor or sports, which are necessary for a well-rounded person. By independent living and problem-solving with other children of the same ages, students can learn to deal with real-life situations. 

    However, the current market appears to be chaotic (混乱的). Some businesses might charge high fees (费用) without offering meaningful education. What's more, some teachers might not have the required qualifications (资格), which raises worries about the safety of students.

    It depends on each family to decide whether to join in study tours or not. To make the right decision, time and money should be considered, along with children' needs and interests. Of course, the decision does not necessarily dictate (决定) a child's future. The key to a child's development lies in day-to-day education and the environment provided by the family.

    (1)、Confucius is mentioned to ____.
    A、introduce the topic B、suggest he is great C、explain what the study tour is D、show the importance of study tour
    (2)、Study tours can make students ____.
    A、put their heart to studies B、become dependent on phones C、reduce the chances to connect with real life D、independent and get a deep understanding of knowledge
    (3)、The sixth paragraph mainly tells us ____.
    A、the costs of study tours B、the problems from study tours C、the market for study tours D、the businesses for study tours
    (4)、Which isn't talked about in the last paragraph?
    A、Study tours are necessary for us. B、The key to a child's development C、How to make a right decision about study tours. D、Different families will make different decisions.
    (5)、The writer's writing purpose is to ____.
    A、say "yes" to study tours B、make study tours more popular C、draw attention to study tours D、look for ways to develop children

七、词与短语填空 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) 

  • 33. 仔细阅读下面五个句子,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构、句义和逻辑上正确。 (提示:方框中有二个单词或短语是多余的。) 

    healthy / looked up / awful / hobbies / avoid / imagine / talked back

    (1)、They think the stones can prevent illness and keep people .
    (2)、You can never  how difficult the road to success is. 
    (3)、I  the new words in a dictionary to understand the story. 
    (4)、He realized that Americans can hardly  buying products made in China. 
    (5)、Teenagers often think they should be allowed to practice their  as much as they want. 


  • 34. 阅读下面短文,根据所给首字母、上下文或括号内单词等提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。每个空只能填一个词。

    Every family has its own way to celebrate Halloween. Pumpkin carving (南瓜雕刻) at Halloween is my family t . We visit a local farm every October. In the pumpkin field, I c with my three brothers and sister to find out the biggest pumpkin. 

    This year, it was hard to tell which one was the winner because we forgot to w them before taking out their insides. I decided to force my head inside the pumpkin to solve the problem. 

    With the pumpkin (lie) on the table, hole uppermost (面向上地), I pressed my head against the opening. At first I got stuck above my eyes and as I went on with my task, my nose prevented my head entering. Finally I m to put my whole head into it. But my e didn't last long because the pumpkin was heavy. I tried to get my head out. When I pulled hard, my nose got the way.

    I was stuck for five or six minutes though it felt much longer. I felt uncomfortable as if I would fall to the ground. I was s . "Don't panic! Papa, Papa, we need your help, "Jason cried. My father came over in time. He (try) many ways but they didn't work, though. "Why not break the pumpkin (direct)?" suddenly came mother's voice. At last, my head got out. But what did I see? My mother was filming all the way!

九、书面表达 (共1大题,满分15分) 

  • 35. 为了显示青少年对父母的感恩之心,某青少年英文网站"感恩父母"专栏开展征文活动。请你给该专栏投稿。请你根据以下内容提示完成短文。


    Do you have a good relationship with your parents? 

    Is there something done by your parents moving you

    What do you want to say or do to your parents? 

    Something more about you and your parents. 


    Be thankful to your parents!

    As everyone knows, parents always love their children.