
试卷更新日期:2023-12-23 类型:期末考试


  • 1. 写出下列所缺字母的大小写形式。
    (1)、Aa    Dd  Ff
    (2)、  Ii   Ll
    (3)、Mm   Pp 
    (4)、 Ss Tt   
    (5)、Xx  Zz


三、Read and write. 看图,写出单词首字母。(5分)

  • 7. 看图,写出单词首字母。
    (1)、 lephant
    (2)、 eep
    (3)、 ilk
    (4)、 mbrella
    (5)、 ig

四、Read and choose. 读一读,选择正确的句子,填写编号。(12分)

五、Read and choose. 读问句选出相应的答句。(12分)

  • 13. 读问句选出相应的答句。                                                                                                                                                                          

    What's your name? 

    A. Very well. 

    How old are you? 

    B. Nice to meet you. 

    This is Miss Green. 

    C. Seven. 

    How are you? 

    D. I'm Mike. 

    What's that? 

    E. I'm nine. 

    How many crayons? 

    F. It's a green book. 

六、Read and judge. 看图,判断。(5分)

  • 14. 看图,判断。

    (1)、I see eight balloons.
    (2)、—How many monkeys?


    (3)、—How many candles(蜡烛)?


    (4)、—How many pencil boxes?


    (5)、I see two books .

七、Tasking reading. 任务型阅读。(10分)

  • 15. 任务型阅读。

    Assistant(服务员): Welcome to my restaurant(饭店).

    Mr. Dog: Hi, I'd like some rice and juice.

    Mr. Tiger: Hello, can I have 2 eggs, please?

    Miss Cat: Can I have some fish and rice, please?

    Mr. Monkey: Can I have some bread?

    Mr. Elephant: I'd like some bread and water.
    Assistant: OK. Wait a minute! 


    Read and calculate.参考示例,计算填写各动物的就餐价格。
    Mr Dog: ¥  8.00           Mr Tiger: 1. ¥   Miss Cat: 2. ¥

    Mr Monkey: 3. ¥   Mr Elephant: 4. ¥

    (2)、Mr Tiger would like an egg. 
    (3)、Miss Cat would like some rice and fish.
    (4)、There are five animals(动物) in the restaurant.