
试卷更新日期:2023-12-07 类型:期中考试


  • 1. 判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同。
    (1)、too foot
    (2)、school Munich
    (3)、going sunglasses
  • 2. 判断下列描述是否正确 。
    (1)、Please take a look at it.中有两处连读。
    (2)、tonight的重音图示为 .

二、读句子 ,将图片的序号填入句前括号内 ,并将词汇写在横线上。

  • 3. 读句子 ,将图片的序号填入句前括号内 ,并将词汇写在横线上。

    A.    B.      C.     D.            E.

    (1)、I want to go to a place.We can see many robots there.It's great.It‘s a .
    (2)、My uncle goes to work on it.It's very fast.It looks like a bird.It's a .
    (3)、It's a place.There are lots of things.We go there to buy things.It's a .
    (4)、It's a place.When you are not well, you go there to see a doctor.It's a .
    (5)、We can take it on the river or the sea.It's big.It's a .


  • 4.  Are you going to draw pictures ____ this evening?
    A、in B、on C、/
  • 5. My home is very far _______ the zoo.
    A、from B、in C、to
  • 6. You can take the No. 7 bus at 6 in the morning. It's very _______.
    A、early B、far C、fast
  • 7.  The boy likes this ____ comic book very much. 
    A、favourite B、interesting C、half
  • 8. You should go to _______ the police for help.
    A、ask B、find C、tell
  • 9. Drivers _______ pay attention to traffic lights.
    A、can B、should C、must
  • 10. —We're going to visit the Great Wall.
    A、You're great! B、Have  a  good time! C、Good luck to  you!
  • 11. We can find these _______ in the dictionary.
    A、poems B、stories C、words
  • 12.  If you are on the ferry, you must ____.
    A、wear a helmet B、wear a life jacket C、wear sunglasses
  • 13. —____ are  they going?


    A、Where; To the  cinema B、How; At 2o'clock C、When; By bus

四、根据路线图 ,补全短文。 (每空一词) 

  • 14. 根据路线图 ,补全短文。 (每空一词) 

    Mary and Cindy are at the subway station. First, they should     at the shopping  mall. Then they should  . They must pay attention to the traffic lights at the first . They should  and wait at the red light.After walking for some minutes, they will see  the science museum  the supermarket. When they go back to the subway station, they should    at the shopping mall. It's also a good way to travel around the city  subway.



  • 20. 补全对话。

    A. There is the cinema! 

    B. Let's turn right at the restaurant ahead.

    C.It's beside the bookstore.

    D.I want to go to see it.

    E.Where is the cinema?

    Mike: Hi. Amy. Do you know the film Avatar? Will you go with me?


    Mike: The one on Xinhua Street.

    Amy:How can we get there?

    Mike: We're in front of the park. Follow me, please! 

    Amy: Oh! Is it far from here?

    Mike: No. Now we are behind the hospital. Let's turn left and then turn left again.

    Amy: Look! We are in front of the bookstore. 

    Mike: Come on! The film will start!


  • 21. 阅读理解。

    Different countries have different traffic punishments (交通处罚), and some of them are very interesting. In Germany, if (如果) the driver breaks the traffic rules, he has to walk back home. In Indonesia, if the driver breaks the traffic rules, he will get a fine (罚款) first. Then he must cut his hair. In Colombia, if a driver breaks the traffic rules, he has to see lots of movies about traffic accidents (事故). In the USA, the driver will be a nurse if he breaks the traffic rules. He has to look after the wounded in the hospital. In Brazil, the driver will go to the school to play games with children. Anyway, wherever we go (无论去哪里), we need to follow the traffic rules of this country.

    (1)、The underlined word "break" means "违反" in Chinese.
    (2)、The driver has to cut his hair if he breaks the traffic rules in Indonesia.
    (3)、In Colombia, the driver has to see funny movies if he breaks the traffic rules.
    (4)、If a driver breaks the traffic rules, he has to be a doctor in New York.
    (5)、The writer writes this passage to tell us to follow the traffic rules.
  • 22. 阅读理解。

    Mr and Mrs Green have different ideas about where to go this weekend. Mrs Green wants to go to Florida to see her sister, but Mr Green doesn't want to go there. He wants to go to Maine. "Maine is a little cold," says Mrs Green. "I like swimming, but the water in Maine is usually not warm enough."

    "Florida's too far," says Mr Green. "We don't have enough time to ____(r, v, d, i,e) there. It'll take (花费) us more than two days."

    Suddenly, the phone rings. Mr Green answers the phone. It is Mr Green's mother."Please come in the shortest time. I need help. I'm calling from the ____ (l, t, s, o, h, p, i, a) in Boston."

    They stop their talking, and in no time(立刻) they both go away.



    (2)、Where does Mr Green want to go this weekend?
    A、New York. B、Maine. C、Florida.
    (3)、What does Mrs Green like to do?
    A、Take photos. B、Drive to Maine. C、Go swimming.
    (4)、Who calls Mr and Mrs Green when they are talking?
    A、Mrs Green's mother. B、Mr Green's mother. C、Mr Green's father.
    (5)、Where do they have to go at last (最后)?
    A、Boston. B、To their home. C、Florida.
    (6)、Why aren't Mr and Mrs Green going to Florida?