(浙江英语·八年级上册)轻轻松松迎期末——每日综合测 01

试卷更新日期:2023-12-01 类型:复习试卷


  • 1.  阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Every year,Julia's grandfather gives her and her cousins some money. One day,he thought the children needed to learn how to1 their money well. So he gave them a test. After he gave them the money,he said," There are seven2 before the New Year. Who will buy the best gift with the money at the end of the year?I want to find out the answer. "

    The New Year came. Each child showed their gifts. There were nice cards,flowers and other little things. But Julia arrived with two violins!That3 everyone. They knew that Julia always wanted to get a violin,but the family was too poor to buy one. Her grandfather asked her,"4 did you get enough(足够的) money to buy two violins?"

    Julia said,"I saw a poor(穷的) violinist. I gave him all my5 and asked him to teach me how to play the violin. He was6 to teach me. So every day after school,I learned to play the violin from him. After three months,he lent(借)a violin to me and we played the violin in the7 because there were always many people. Most of them liked our music and gave us money. Then I bought two new violins8 the money,one for me,and the other for you9 I know you like it,too. "

    When Julia finished,everyone in the10 said Julia's gift was the best and that Julia was a smart girl. 

    A、 save B、 use C、 pay D、 leave 
    A、 days B、 weeks C、 months D、 hours 
    A、 relaxed B、 surprised C、 scared D、 interested 
    A、 How B、 Why C、 When D、 Where 
    A、 gifts B、 money C、 violins D、 wishes 
    A、 happy B、 tired C、 lucky D、 afraid 
    A、 house B、 park C、 forest D、 hospital 
    A、 for B、 with C、 from D、 of 
    A、 because B、 but C、 if D、 so 
    A、 park B、 club C、 family D、 station


  • 2.  阅读理解

    David Katz was worried about all the plastic(塑料) going into the sea. To help stop the problem, he had a special idea —the "Plastic Bank".

    Mr. Katz thinks that the main reason(理由) for the plastic problem is worthless. People don't know how to put plastic into use in their life. In poor countries, people are working so hard just to get enough food to eat, to find a place to live, and to keep themselves healthy. They don't have time for recycling(回收利用).

    The "Plastic Bank" helps the poor people with food and houses. When people recycle plastic, "Plastic Bank" pays them for recycling it.

    The program began in 2015 in Haiti, a poor country with big problems with plastic. Haiti doesn't have good programs for recycling. People just put plastic here and there. It runs into seas.

    "Plastic Bank" opened about 30 "markets" in Haiti. At "Plastic Bank markets", people can exchange(交换) the plastic for money or other things they need.

    The "Plastic Bank" has programs in Haiti, Philippines and Brazil. In Philippines, it works to make "Plastic Bank markets" at 1,000 gas stations around the country.

    Now, the "Plastic Bank" keeps about 7 million pounds of plastic out of seas.

    (1)、What does the underlined word "worthless" mean?
    A、Not useful. B、Not heavy. C、Not clean. D、Not expensive.
    (2)、The underlined word "it" refers to ____.
    A、food B、bank C、plastic D、house
    (3)、People in Haiti take plastic to the "Plastic Bank" ____.
    A、to make seas clean B、to get what they need C、to make themselves rich D、to help other countries
    (4)、What's the main idea of the passage?
    A、The "Plastic Bank" makes poor people happier. B、The "Plastic Bank" gives lots of children home. C、The "Plastic Bank" is the most popular idea in the world. D、The "Plastic Bank" successfully keeps lots of plastic out of seas.


  • 3. 阅读下面短文,根据内容,选择合适的小标题。

    "When a man is tired of London,he is tired of life." said Dr. Johnson. You can never be bored in London, because there is so much to do.

    The most modern place to watch a film is the London IMAX cinema,just south of the River Thames. It has a huge screen, 20 m high and 26 m wide.

    The Music house is a great place to listen to music. Most of the young people always have a great time there on the weekends.

    To enjoy the river,the best plan is to take a boat trip to Greenwich Maritime Museum. You'll see famous ships, and fantastic sights along the river.

    Harrod's is London's most famous shop, but young people think Camden market is the place to go shopping because it's cheaper and more fun.

    There are plenty of chances to try new food. London's restaurants have food from all over the world. Go to Chinatown for delicious food.

    A. Going shopping B. Trying new food

    C. Taking a boat trip D. Watching a film

    E. Listening to music


  • 4.  A. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。 

     hard-working, enjoy, through, point, die

    (1)、I think the best way to keep thin is exercise. 
    (2)、—Did you like the party last night? 

    —Yes, it was really 

    (3)、Who is at school? Tina or Tara? 
    (4)、My father bought me a lovely dog. But sadly, a year later my dog and left me. 
    (5)、My brother got 24  in the basketball game yesterday. 
  • 5. 根据所给汉语提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空一词

    It is very important to stay healthy. I have a neighbor. I often see her exercise in the morning. She looks young and beautiful, (虽然)she is over seventy years old,

    Last week a reporter from a (杂志)interviewed her and asked how to keep in good (健康).She said it was quite easy. Keep (你自己)active and find a hobby. Besides, it's (必需的,必要的)to learn at least one new thing every day.

    (然而),according to the (结果)of a study, twenty (百分之……)of the students don't exercise at all! They eat junk food (几乎)every day and sleep less than six hours every night.They have to learn more about healthy habits. I (真正,确实)hope all people will stay young and healthy.


  • 6.  语法填空

    Before ( make) friends, you have to decide who you want to be your friends. Most people like to have friends who like to do same kinds of things they do. That doesn't mean you have to be like each other. If you're really into sports, you probably will want friends who enjoy (play) many similar games you do.

    The quickest way to make a friend is to smile. When you smile, people think you are (friend) and easier to talk to. may not be easy to smile at first,but remember most people will stay away from a scared-looking  angry-looking face.

    One easy way to talk to someone is saying something nice about him. (think) about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesn't it make you want to keep (talk) to that person?

    Ask your new friends questions themselves. Who's their favorite singer, where do they live, what do they do after school are all good questions. Make sure you have something to add to the conversations,too.

    Remember,everyone wants to be around people who like to do similar things and people who are friendly  them


  • 7. 假如你叫李华,最近收到美国笔友Jason的一封电子邮件。请根据他的邮件内容和所给的提示词,给他回复一封电子邮件。

    Dear Li Hua,

    How are you these days? Time flies! I heard that you went back to school again. How was your summer vacation? Did you go anywhere with your family or friends? Did you do anything interesting there?

    Please write to me soon. 




    Dear Jason,

    I'm glad to hear from you. 


    Li Hua