
试卷更新日期:2023-11-30 类型:复习试卷


  • 1.  —What's your father's favorite sport?

    —Swimming is ____ favorite sport. 

    A、he B、his C、she D、her
  • 2.  May I use your bike? ____ is broken. 
    A、Me B、Mine C、My D、Myself
  • 3.  I don't like junk food, because ____ unhealthy. 
    A、it's B、it C、they're D、they
  • 4.  He needs some help. Can you help  __________ ? 
    A、he B、him C、his D、he's
  • 5. This isn'tbag. It's __________ .
    A、her; mine B、hers; my C、her; me D、her; my
  • 6. __________ oranges are in the bag. 
    A、A B、An C、Some D、One
  • 7.  —Kitty, is that your sister's T-shirt?

    —No. It's ____. Look at the red one. It's hers. 

    A、hers B、her C、mine
  • 8. —What about this bike? Is it _________?

    —No, _________ is over there.

    A、your, my B、yours, mine C、his, her D、hers, she
  • 9. — Mum, this is my friend, _______ name is Emma. She is from England.

    — Nice to meet you, Emma.

    A、her B、my C、his D、your
  • 10. —What day is it today?

    —It's______________. Tomorrow we don't go to school.

    A、Monday B、Tuesday C、Friday D、Sunday
