牛津上海版( 深圳用 )英语四年级上册Unit 7基础练( 情景交际)

试卷更新日期:2023-11-30 类型:同步测试


  • 1. 当你想鼓励别人去尝试做某事的时候,可以说:______
    A、Go and try. B、Go out. C、Come here.
  • 2. 当你觉得某件事不是真的时,可以说:_____
    A、That's good. B、That's true. C、That's not true.
  • 3. 当你询问别人“你怎么了?”,可以说_______
    A、What's the matter? B、How are you? C、What's your name?
  • 4. 运动会上,你想给同学加油,可以说______
    A、That's true. B、Come on. C、Come here.
  • 5. —?(根据答语写出问句)

    —She is my mother.

  • 6. —What's the weather like today? (实际)

  • 7. —How do you like those gloves? 

  • 8. —Whose jacket is this? (Amy)

  • 9. —Do you have a playground? (否定回答)

  • 10. —What time is it?