
试卷更新日期:2023-11-30 类型:一轮复习


  • 1. Man may disappear _____________other creatures who became too specialized to survive their environment.
    A、as B、just as C、as if D、as have
  • 2. In the film The Little Tramp, Chaplin cuts off the laces of the shoes and eats them ______ they were noodles.
    A、if only B、even if C、ever since D、as if
  • 3. She usually took a walk along the riverside _____ her mother did before she went abroad.
    A、just like B、just as C、the way like D、which
  • 4. Something terrible _______ if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant ______ he always did.
    A、must have happened; what B、could have happened; as C、must have happened; as D、could have happened; what
  • 5. From time to time Jason turned round,        he was searching for someone.
    A、as if B、even if C、if only D、what if
  • 6. A distant relative is not ________ a near neighbor.
    A、so far as B、as well as C、as good as D、so long as
  • 7. Amy, please don't be ashamed of your shape. You look great ______ you are.

    A、like B、what C、if D、as
  • 8. It looks        the weather may pick up very soon.
    A、as B、though C、as if D、like
  • 9. They completely ignore these facts        they never existed.
    A、as B、as though C、if D、like
  • 10. They didn't do it        we do now.
    A、as so B、as though C、as if D、the way


  • 11. Tom took away the camera because it was just the same camera he lost last week.
  • 12.  The old saying goes among the northerners in China," Chinese cabbage is better than any other vegetables."
  • 13. The absence of air also explains why the stars do not seem to twinkle in space they do from the earth.(用适当的连接词补全句子)
  • 14. I don't want to set down a series of facts in a diary most people do.
  • 15. The athlete didn't talk about that matter if it hadn't happened to him. (用适当的词填空)


  • 16.  她对待养子好像他是她自己的孩子一样。

    She treated her adopted son       .

  • 17. 她胡须浓密,头发又长又白,有时会像刚遭了电击似的竖起来。

    He had a thick moustache and long white hair, sometimes stood on end  he had just received an electric shock. 

  • 18.  令我恼火的是她犯了错还装作若无其事。(as though引导方式状语从句)

    What annoyed me was that she made a mistake but still acted 

  • 19. 正如船破浪前进一样,我们面对困难应该勇往直前,这种精神值得代代相传。(pass) (汉译英)
  • 20. 想要别人怎样对待你就要怎样对待别人。(treat)